/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Aravinth Manivannan * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ use std::convert::From; use argon2_creds::errors::CredsError; use actix_web::{ error::ResponseError, http::{header, StatusCode}, HttpResponse, HttpResponseBuilder, }; use derive_more::{Display, Error}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; #[derive(Debug, Display, PartialEq, Eq, Error)] #[cfg(not(tarpaulin_include))] pub enum ServiceError { #[display(fmt = "internal server error")] InternalServerError, /// when the a username is already taken #[display(fmt = "Username not available")] UsernameTaken, #[display( fmt = "This server is is closed for registration. Contact admin if this is unexpected" )] ClosedForRegistration, /// email is already taken #[display(fmt = "Email not available")] EmailTaken, #[display(fmt = "The value you entered for email is not an email")] //405j NotAnEmail, #[display(fmt = "The value you entered for campaign id is not a valid campaign ID")] //405j NotAnId, #[display(fmt = "Wrong password")] WrongPassword, #[display(fmt = "Account not found")] AccountNotFound, /// when the value passed contains profainity #[display(fmt = "Can't allow profanity in usernames")] ProfainityError, /// when the value passed contains blacklisted words /// see [blacklist](https://github.com/shuttlecraft/The-Big-Username-Blacklist) #[display(fmt = "Username contains blacklisted words")] BlacklistError, /// when the value passed contains characters not present /// in [UsernameCaseMapped](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8265#page-7) /// profile #[display(fmt = "username_case_mapped violation")] UsernameCaseMappedError, #[display(fmt = "Passsword too short")] PasswordTooShort, #[display(fmt = "Username too long")] PasswordTooLong, #[display(fmt = "Passwords don't match")] PasswordsDontMatch, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] #[cfg(not(tarpaulin_include))] pub struct ErrorToResponse { pub error: String, } #[cfg(not(tarpaulin_include))] impl ResponseError for ServiceError { #[cfg(not(tarpaulin_include))] fn error_response(&self) -> HttpResponse { HttpResponseBuilder::new(self.status_code()) .append_header((header::CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json; charset=UTF-8")) .body( serde_json::to_string(&ErrorToResponse { error: self.to_string(), }) .unwrap(), ) } #[cfg(not(tarpaulin_include))] fn status_code(&self) -> StatusCode { match self { ServiceError::ClosedForRegistration => StatusCode::FORBIDDEN, ServiceError::InternalServerError => StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ServiceError::UsernameTaken => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, ServiceError::EmailTaken => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, ServiceError::NotAnEmail => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, ServiceError::NotAnId => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, ServiceError::WrongPassword => StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED, ServiceError::AccountNotFound => StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, ServiceError::ProfainityError => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, ServiceError::BlacklistError => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, ServiceError::UsernameCaseMappedError => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, ServiceError::PasswordTooShort => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, ServiceError::PasswordTooLong => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, ServiceError::PasswordsDontMatch => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, } } } #[cfg(not(tarpaulin_include))] impl From for ServiceError { #[cfg(not(tarpaulin_include))] fn from(_: sqlx::Error) -> Self { ServiceError::InternalServerError } } impl From for ServiceError { #[cfg(not(tarpaulin_include))] fn from(e: CredsError) -> ServiceError { match e { CredsError::UsernameCaseMappedError => ServiceError::UsernameCaseMappedError, CredsError::ProfainityError => ServiceError::ProfainityError, CredsError::BlacklistError => ServiceError::BlacklistError, CredsError::NotAnEmail => ServiceError::NotAnEmail, CredsError::Argon2Error(_) => ServiceError::InternalServerError, CredsError::PasswordTooLong => ServiceError::PasswordTooLong, CredsError::PasswordTooShort => ServiceError::PasswordTooShort, } } } #[cfg(not(tarpaulin_include))] pub type ServiceResult = std::result::Result;