database_type: "postgres" # REQUIRED. options: "mariadb", "postgres" cache_type: "redis" # REQUIRED. options: "embedded", "redis" # database user database_owner: "mcaptcha" database_name: "mcaptcha" # AUTO-GENERATED. database password database_password: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.password', 'credentials/database_password', chars=['ascii_leters', 'digits'], length=32) }}" # Database connection pool mcaptcha_database_pool: 4 # debug logging mcaptcha_debug: false # doens't do anything at the moment mcaptcha_commercial: false # create demo user and allow demo login mcaptcha_allow_demo: false # allow registration of new accounts. Required for the first user account. # Please edit to set to "false" and re-rerun playbook if registration is # undesirable. mcaptcha_allow_registration: true # AUTO-GENERATED. Randomly generated unique value for signing cookies. mcaptcha_server_cookie_secret: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.password', 'credentials/mcaptcha_server_cookie_secret', chars=['ascii_leters', 'digits'], length=32) }}" # REQUIRED. mcaptcha server port. Won't be exposed to internet, change if something else # is listening on binding IP and port combination. mcaptcha_server_port: 7000 # REQUIRED. bind to IP. If using reverse proxy (playbook installs and configures nginx), set to mcaptcha_server_bind: "" # REQUIRED. hostname of the mcaptcha installation. Incorrect hostname will cause login failures. mcaptcha_server_hostname: "mcaptcha.local" # AUTO-GENERATED. IGNORE if unfamiliar. mcaptcha_captcha_salt: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.password', 'credentials/mcaptcha_captha_salt', chars=['ascii_leters', 'digits'], length=32) }}" # IGNORE if unfamiliar. # garbage collection period to manage mCaptcha system # mcaptcha_captcha_gc: 30 # IGNORE if unfamiliar. Number of threads used to validate Proof-of-Work (PoW) # mcaptcha_captcha_runners: 4 # IGNORE if unfamiliar. Maximum pending jobs in queue for PoW validation # mcaptcha_captcha_queue_length: 2000 # Store PoW compute time statistics mcaptcha_captcha_enable_stats: true # IGNORE if unfamiliar. Difficulty factor for average traffic. Used in "easy mode" CAPTCHA configuration generation. #mcaptcha_captcha_default_difficulty_strategy_avg_traffic_difficulty: 50000 # almost instant solution # IGNORE if unfamiliar. Difficulty factor for peak traffic levels. Used in "easy mode" CAPTCHA configuration generation. #mcaptcha_captcha_default_difficulty_strategy_peak_sustainable_traffic_difficulty: 3000000 # roughly 1.5s # IGNORE if unfamiliar. Difficulty factor for maximum traffic levels. Used in "easy mode" CAPTCHA configuration generation. #mcaptcha_captcha_default_difficulty_strategy_broke_my_site_traffic_difficulty: 5000000 # greater than 3.5s # IGNORE if unfamiliar. Default cooldown period in seconds for "easy mode". mcaptcha_captcha_default_difficulty_strategy_avg_duration: 30 # Redis instance URL mcaptcha_redis_url: "redis://" # Redis connection pool mcaptcha_redis_pool: 4 # smtp configuration mcaptcha_smtp_from: "admin@localhost" mcaptcha_smtp_reply: "admin@localhost" mcaptcha_smtp_url: "" mcaptcha_smtp_port: 10025 mcaptcha_smtp_username: "admin" mcaptcha_smtp_password: "password" #[survey] #nodes = ["http://localhost:7001"] #rate_limit = 10 # upload every hour #instance_root_url = "http://localhost:7000"