2023-05-24 21:22:14 +05:30

228 lines
7.5 KiB

use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::time::Duration;
use openraft::error::ForwardToLeader;
use openraft::error::NetworkError;
use openraft::error::RPCError;
use openraft::error::RemoteError;
use openraft::BasicNode;
use openraft::RaftMetrics;
use openraft::TryAsRef;
use reqwest::Client;
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use serde::Deserialize;
use serde::Serialize;
use tokio::time::timeout;
use crate::typ;
use crate::ExampleNodeId;
use crate::ExampleRequest;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Empty {}
pub struct ExampleClient {
/// The leader node to send request to.
/// All traffic should be sent to the leader in a cluster.
pub leader: Arc<Mutex<(ExampleNodeId, String)>>,
pub inner: Client,
impl ExampleClient {
/// Create a client with a leader node id and a node manager to get node address by node id.
pub fn new(leader_id: ExampleNodeId, leader_addr: String) -> Self {
Self {
leader: Arc::new(Mutex::new((leader_id, leader_addr))),
inner: reqwest::Client::new(),
// --- Application API
/// Submit a write request to the raft cluster.
/// The request will be processed by raft protocol: it will be replicated to a quorum and then
/// will be applied to state machine.
/// The result of applying the request will be returned.
pub async fn write(
req: &ExampleRequest,
) -> Result<typ::ClientWriteResponse, typ::RPCError<typ::ClientWriteError>> {
self.send_rpc_to_leader("write", Some(req)).await
/// Read value by key, in an inconsistent mode.
/// This method may return stale value because it does not force to read on a legal leader.
pub async fn read(&self, req: &String) -> Result<String, typ::RPCError> {
self.do_send_rpc_to_leader("read", Some(req)).await
/// Consistent Read value by key, in an inconsistent mode.
/// This method MUST return consistent value or CheckIsLeaderError.
pub async fn consistent_read(
req: &String,
) -> Result<String, typ::RPCError<typ::CheckIsLeaderError>> {
self.do_send_rpc_to_leader("consistent_read", Some(req))
// --- Cluster management API
/// Initialize a cluster of only the node that receives this request.
/// This is the first step to initialize a cluster.
/// With a initialized cluster, new node can be added with [`write`].
/// Then setup replication with [`add_learner`].
/// Then make the new node a member with [`change_membership`].
pub async fn init(&self) -> Result<(), typ::RPCError<typ::InitializeError>> {
self.do_send_rpc_to_leader("init", Some(&Empty {})).await
/// Add a node as learner.
/// The node to add has to exist, i.e., being added with `write(ExampleRequest::AddNode{})`
pub async fn add_learner(
req: (ExampleNodeId, String),
) -> Result<typ::ClientWriteResponse, typ::RPCError<typ::ClientWriteError>> {
self.send_rpc_to_leader("add-learner", Some(&req)).await
/// Change membership to the specified set of nodes.
/// All nodes in `req` have to be already added as learner with [`add_learner`],
/// or an error [`LearnerNotFound`] will be returned.
pub async fn change_membership(
req: &BTreeSet<ExampleNodeId>,
) -> Result<typ::ClientWriteResponse, typ::RPCError<typ::ClientWriteError>> {
self.send_rpc_to_leader("change-membership", Some(req))
/// Get the metrics about the cluster.
/// Metrics contains various information about the cluster, such as current leader,
/// membership config, replication status etc.
/// See [`RaftMetrics`].
pub async fn metrics(&self) -> Result<RaftMetrics<ExampleNodeId, BasicNode>, typ::RPCError> {
self.do_send_rpc_to_leader("metrics", None::<&()>).await
// --- Internal methods
/// Send RPC to specified node.
/// It sends out a POST request if `req` is Some. Otherwise a GET request.
/// The remote endpoint must respond a reply in form of `Result<T, E>`.
/// An `Err` happened on remote will be wrapped in an [`RPCError::RemoteError`].
async fn do_send_rpc_to_leader<Req, Resp, Err>(
uri: &str,
req: Option<&Req>,
) -> Result<Resp, typ::RPCError<Err>>
Req: Serialize + 'static,
Resp: Serialize + DeserializeOwned,
Err: std::error::Error + Serialize + DeserializeOwned,
let (leader_id, url) = {
let t = self.leader.lock().unwrap();
let target_addr = &t.1;
(t.0, format!("http://{}/{}", target_addr, uri))
let fu = if let Some(r) = req {
">>> client send request to {}: {}",
} else {
tracing::debug!(">>> client send request to {}", url,);
let res = timeout(Duration::from_millis(3_000), fu).await;
let resp = match res {
Ok(x) => x.map_err(|e| RPCError::Network(NetworkError::new(&e)))?,
Err(timeout_err) => {
tracing::error!("timeout {} to url: {}", timeout_err, url);
return Err(RPCError::Network(NetworkError::new(&timeout_err)));
let res: Result<Resp, typ::RaftError<Err>> = resp
.map_err(|e| RPCError::Network(NetworkError::new(&e)))?;
"<<< client recv reply from {}: {}",
res.map_err(|e| RPCError::RemoteError(RemoteError::new(leader_id, e)))
/// Try the best to send a request to the leader.
/// If the target node is not a leader, a `ForwardToLeader` error will be
/// returned and this client will retry at most 3 times to contact the updated leader.
async fn send_rpc_to_leader<Req, Resp, Err>(
uri: &str,
req: Option<&Req>,
) -> Result<Resp, typ::RPCError<Err>>
Req: Serialize + 'static,
Resp: Serialize + DeserializeOwned,
Err: std::error::Error
+ Serialize
+ DeserializeOwned
+ TryAsRef<typ::ForwardToLeader>
+ Clone,
// Retry at most 3 times to find a valid leader.
let mut n_retry = 3;
loop {
let res: Result<Resp, typ::RPCError<Err>> = self.do_send_rpc_to_leader(uri, req).await;
let rpc_err = match res {
Ok(x) => return Ok(x),
Err(rpc_err) => rpc_err,
if let Some(ForwardToLeader {
leader_id: Some(leader_id),
leader_node: Some(leader_node),
}) = rpc_err.forward_to_leader()
// Update target to the new leader.
let mut t = self.leader.lock().unwrap();
*t = (*leader_id, leader_node.addr.clone());
n_retry -= 1;
if n_retry > 0 {
return Err(rpc_err);