
122 lines
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2023-05-24 21:22:14 +05:30
use std::sync::Arc;
use actix_web::middleware;
use actix_web::middleware::Logger;
use actix_web::web::Data;
use actix_web::App;
use actix_web::HttpServer;
use openraft::BasicNode;
use openraft::Config;
use openraft::Raft;
use crate::app::ExampleApp;
use crate::network::api;
use crate::network::management;
use crate::network::raft;
use crate::network::raft_network_impl::ExampleNetwork;
use crate::store::ExampleRequest;
use crate::store::ExampleResponse;
use crate::store::ExampleStore;
pub mod app;
pub mod client;
pub mod network;
pub mod store;
pub type ExampleNodeId = u64;
/// Declare the type configuration for example K/V store.
pub ExampleTypeConfig: D = ExampleRequest, R = ExampleResponse, NodeId = ExampleNodeId, Node = BasicNode
pub type ExampleRaft = Raft<ExampleTypeConfig, ExampleNetwork, Arc<ExampleStore>>;
pub mod typ {
use openraft::BasicNode;
use crate::ExampleNodeId;
use crate::ExampleTypeConfig;
pub type RaftError<E = openraft::error::Infallible> =
openraft::error::RaftError<ExampleNodeId, E>;
pub type RPCError<E = openraft::error::Infallible> =
openraft::error::RPCError<ExampleNodeId, BasicNode, RaftError<E>>;
pub type ClientWriteError = openraft::error::ClientWriteError<ExampleNodeId, BasicNode>;
pub type CheckIsLeaderError = openraft::error::CheckIsLeaderError<ExampleNodeId, BasicNode>;
pub type ForwardToLeader = openraft::error::ForwardToLeader<ExampleNodeId, BasicNode>;
pub type InitializeError = openraft::error::InitializeError<ExampleNodeId, BasicNode>;
pub type ClientWriteResponse = openraft::raft::ClientWriteResponse<ExampleTypeConfig>;
pub async fn start_example_raft_node(
node_id: ExampleNodeId,
http_addr: String,
) -> std::io::Result<()> {
// Create a configuration for the raft instance.
let config = Config {
heartbeat_interval: 500,
election_timeout_min: 1500,
election_timeout_max: 3000,
let salt = "foobar12".into();
todo!("set salt");
let config = Arc::new(config.validate().unwrap());
// Create a instance of where the Raft data will be stored.
let store = Arc::new(ExampleStore::new(salt));
// Create the network layer that will connect and communicate the raft instances and
// will be used in conjunction with the store created above.
let network = ExampleNetwork {};
// Create a local raft instance.
let raft = Raft::new(node_id, config.clone(), network, store.clone())
// Create an application that will store all the instances created above, this will
// be later used on the actix-web services.
let app = Data::new(ExampleApp {
id: node_id,
addr: http_addr.clone(),
// Start the actix-web server.
let server = HttpServer::new(move || {
.wrap(Logger::new("%a %{User-Agent}i"))
// raft internal RPC
// admin API
// application API
// .service(api::read)
// .service(api::consistent_read)
let x = server.bind(http_addr)?;