package gitea import ( "" "" "strconv" ) const ( repoWebhookUsername string = "username" repoWebhookName string = "name" repoWebhookType string = "type" repoWebhookUrl string = "url" repoWebhookContentType string = "content_type" repoWebhookSecret string = "secret" repoWebhookEvents string = "events" repoWebhookBranchFilter string = "branch_filter" repoWebhookActive string = "active" repoWebhookCreatedAt string = "created_at" ) func resourceRepositoryWebhookRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) { client := meta.(*gitea.Client) id, err := strconv.ParseInt(d.Id(), 10, 64) if err != nil { return err } user := d.Get(repoWebhookUsername).(string) repo := d.Get(repoWebhookName).(string) hook, resp, err := client.GetRepoHook(user, repo, id) if err != nil { if resp.StatusCode == 404 { d.SetId("") return } else { return err } } err = setRepositoryWebhookData(hook, d) return } func resourceRepositoryWebhookCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) { client := meta.(*gitea.Client) user := d.Get(repoWebhookUsername).(string) repo := d.Get(repoWebhookName).(string) config := map[string]string{ "url": d.Get(repoWebhookUrl).(string), "content_type": d.Get(repoWebhookContentType).(string), } secret := d.Get(repoWebhookSecret).(string) if secret != "" { config["secret"] = secret } events := make([]string, 0) for _, element := range d.Get(repoWebhookEvents).([]interface{}) { events = append(events, element.(string)) } hookOption := gitea.CreateHookOption{ Type: gitea.HookType(d.Get(repoWebhookType).(string)), Config: config, Events: events, BranchFilter: d.Get(repoWebhookBranchFilter).(string), Active: d.Get(repoWebhookActive).(bool), } hook, _, err := client.CreateRepoHook(user, repo, hookOption) if err != nil { return err } err = setRepositoryWebhookData(hook, d) return } func resourceRepositoryWebhookUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) { client := meta.(*gitea.Client) user := d.Get(repoWebhookUsername).(string) repo := d.Get(repoWebhookName).(string) id, err := strconv.ParseInt(d.Id(), 10, 64) if err != nil { return err } config := map[string]string{ "url": d.Get(repoWebhookUrl).(string), "content_type": d.Get(repoWebhookContentType).(string), } secret := d.Get(repoWebhookSecret).(string) if secret != "" { config["secret"] = secret } events := make([]string, 0) for _, element := range d.Get(repoWebhookEvents).([]interface{}) { events = append(events, element.(string)) } active := d.Get(repoWebhookActive).(bool) hookOption := gitea.EditHookOption{ Config: config, Events: events, BranchFilter: d.Get(repoWebhookBranchFilter).(string), Active: &active, } _, err = client.EditRepoHook(user, repo, id, hookOption) if err != nil { return err } hook, _, err := client.GetRepoHook(user, repo, id) if err != nil { return err } err = setRepositoryWebhookData(hook, d) return } func resourceRepositoryWebhookDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) { client := meta.(*gitea.Client) user := d.Get(repoWebhookUsername).(string) repo := d.Get(repoWebhookName).(string) id, err := strconv.ParseInt(d.Id(), 10, 64) if err != nil { return err } _, err = client.DeleteRepoHook(user, repo, id) if err != nil { return err } return } func setRepositoryWebhookData(hook *gitea.Hook, d *schema.ResourceData) (err error) { d.SetId(strconv.FormatInt(hook.ID, 10)) d.Set(repoWebhookUsername, d.Get(repoWebhookUsername).(string)) d.Set(repoWebhookName, d.Get(repoWebhookName).(string)) d.Set(repoWebhookType, d.Get(repoWebhookType).(string)) d.Set(repoWebhookUrl, d.Get(repoWebhookUrl).(string)) d.Set(repoWebhookContentType, d.Get(repoWebhookContentType).(string)) secret := d.Get(repoWebhookSecret).(string) if secret != "" { d.Set(repoWebhookSecret, secret) } d.Set(repoWebhookEvents, d.Get(repoWebhookEvents)) d.Set(repoWebhookBranchFilter, d.Get(repoWebhookBranchFilter).(string)) d.Set(repoWebhookActive, d.Get(repoWebhookActive).(bool)) d.Set(repoWebhookCreatedAt, hook.Created) return } func resourceGiteaRepositoryWebhook() *schema.Resource { return &schema.Resource{ Read: resourceRepositoryWebhookRead, Create: resourceRepositoryWebhookCreate, Update: resourceRepositoryWebhookUpdate, Delete: resourceRepositoryWebhookDelete, Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{ "username": { Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, ForceNew: true, Description: "User name or organization name", }, "name": { Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, ForceNew: true, Description: "Repository name", }, "type": { Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, Description: "Webhook type, e.g. `gitea`", }, "url": { Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, Description: "Target URL of the webhook", }, "content_type": { Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, Description: "The content type of the payload. It can be `json`, or `form`", }, "secret": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Description: "Webhook secret", }, "events": { Type: schema.TypeList, Elem: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, }, Required: true, Description: "A list of events that will trigger the webhool, e.g. `[\"push\"]`", }, "branch_filter": { Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, Description: "Set branch filter on the webhook, e.g. `\"*\"`", }, "active": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Required: true, Description: "Set webhook to active, e.g. `true`", }, "created_at": { Type: schema.TypeString, Computed: true, Description: "Webhook creation timestamp", }, }, Description: "This resource allows you to create and manage webhooks for repositories.", } }