rework interactive tea login add prompts:

- don't make the login method selection a two-prompt process
  (provide all 3 options first)
- don't ask about the SSHKey path again, when using the new auth method

NOTE: the SSHKey path prompt could be removed completely, as users that
have want to use a custom key, would probably use LoginMethodSsh.
However that method does not work with ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 and other key
types - users with that sort of key still may need this option.
This commit is contained in:
Norwin 2022-09-03 10:25:00 +02:00
parent 82f392ebec
commit 130ec852c6
2 changed files with 67 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -21,14 +21,17 @@ import (
// Login represents a login to a gitea server, you even could add multiple logins for one gitea server
type Login struct {
Name string `yaml:"name"`
URL string `yaml:"url"`
Token string `yaml:"token"`
Default bool `yaml:"default"`
SSHHost string `yaml:"ssh_host"`
// optional path to the private key
Name string `yaml:"name"`
URL string `yaml:"url"`
Token string `yaml:"token"`
Default bool `yaml:"default"`
Insecure bool `yaml:"insecure"`
SSHHost string `yaml:"ssh_host"`
// FIXME: would be nice to have all ssh things in a struct.
// but we'll need to provide backwards compat.. with ssh_key string..
// if set, tea will prefer SSH over HTTP transport.
// TODO: rename to SSHKey string `yaml:"ssh_key"`
SSHKey string `yaml:"ssh_key"`
Insecure bool `yaml:"insecure"`
SSHCertPrincipal string `yaml:"ssh_certificate_principal"`
SSHKeyFingerprint string `yaml:"ssh_key_agent_pub"`
SSHPassphrase string `yaml:"-"`

View file

@ -9,11 +9,20 @@ import (
type LoginMethod string
const (
LoginMethodToken LoginMethod = "access token"
LoginMethodSsh LoginMethod = "ssh-key or -certificate"
LoginMethodPassword LoginMethod = "username & password"
// CreateLogin create an login interactive
func CreateLogin() error {
var name, token, user, passwd, sshKey, giteaURL, sshCertPrincipal, sshKeyFingerprint string
@ -40,66 +49,55 @@ func CreateLogin() error {
return err
loginMethod, err := promptSelect("Login with: ", []string{"token", "ssh-key/certificate"}, "", "")
loginMethod, err := prompts.Select("Login with: ", []string{
}, "", "")
if err != nil {
return err
switch loginMethod {
case "token":
var hasToken bool
promptYN := &survey.Confirm{
Message: "Do you have an access token?",
Default: false,
switch LoginMethod(loginMethod) {
case LoginMethodToken:
promptI = &survey.Input{Message: "Token: "}
if err := survey.AskOne(promptI, &token, survey.WithValidator(survey.Required)); err != nil {
return err
if err = survey.AskOne(promptYN, &hasToken); err != nil {
case LoginMethodPassword:
promptI = &survey.Input{Message: "Username: "}
if err = survey.AskOne(promptI, &user, survey.WithValidator(survey.Required)); err != nil {
return err
if hasToken {
promptI = &survey.Input{Message: "Token: "}
if err := survey.AskOne(promptI, &token, survey.WithValidator(survey.Required)); err != nil {
return err
promptPW := &survey.Password{Message: "Password: "}
if err = survey.AskOne(promptPW, &passwd, survey.WithValidator(survey.Required)); err != nil {
return err
case LoginMethodSsh:
sshKey, err = prompts.Select("Select SSH-key / -certificate: ", task.ListSSHPubkey(), "[custom filepath]", "")
if err != nil {
return err
if strings.Contains(sshKey, "(ssh-agent)") {
sshAgent = true
sshKey = ""
if strings.Contains(sshKey, "principals") {
sshCertPrincipal = regexp.MustCompile(`.*?principals: (.*?)[,|\s]`).FindStringSubmatch(sshKey)[1]
if !sshAgent {
// CLEANUP: should rewrite this with a SSHKey struct with .String() method etc?
sshKey = regexp.MustCompile(`\((.*?)\)$`).FindStringSubmatch(sshKey)[1]
sshKey = strings.TrimSuffix(sshKey, "")
} else {
promptI = &survey.Input{Message: "Username: "}
if err = survey.AskOne(promptI, &user, survey.WithValidator(survey.Required)); err != nil {
return err
promptPW := &survey.Password{Message: "Password: "}
if err = survey.AskOne(promptPW, &passwd, survey.WithValidator(survey.Required)); err != nil {
return err
case "ssh-key/certificate":
promptI = &survey.Input{Message: "SSH Key/Certificate Path (leave empty for auto-discovery in ~/.ssh and ssh-agent):"}
if err := survey.AskOne(promptI, &sshKey); err != nil {
return err
if sshKey == "" {
sshKey, err = promptSelect("Select ssh-key: ", task.ListSSHPubkey(), "", "")
if err != nil {
return err
// ssh certificate
if strings.Contains(sshKey, "principals") {
sshCertPrincipal = regexp.MustCompile(`.*?principals: (.*?)[,|\s]`).FindStringSubmatch(sshKey)[1]
if strings.Contains(sshKey, "(ssh-agent)") {
sshAgent = true
sshKey = ""
} else {
sshKey = regexp.MustCompile(`\((.*?)\)$`).FindStringSubmatch(sshKey)[1]
sshKey = strings.TrimSuffix(sshKey, "")
} else {
sshKeyFingerprint = regexp.MustCompile(`(SHA256:.*?)\s`).FindStringSubmatch(sshKey)[1]
if strings.Contains(sshKey, "(ssh-agent)") {
sshAgent = true
sshKey = ""
} else {
matches := regexp.MustCompile(`(SHA256:.*?)\s`).FindStringSubmatch(sshKey)
if len(matches) > 1 {
sshKeyFingerprint = matches[1]
if !sshAgent {
sshKey = regexp.MustCompile(`\((.*?)\)$`).FindStringSubmatch(sshKey)[1]
sshKey = strings.TrimSuffix(sshKey, ".pub")
@ -116,13 +114,18 @@ func CreateLogin() error {
return err
if optSettings {
promptI = &survey.Input{Message: "SSH Key Path (leave empty for auto-discovery):"}
if err := survey.AskOne(promptI, &sshKey); err != nil {
return err
// FIXME: drop this prompt entirely, once go's ssh key signing implementation
// supports all key types or something??
// (at least ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 is unsupported as of 2022-09-03)
if LoginMethod(loginMethod) != LoginMethodSsh {
promptI = &survey.Input{Message: "SSH Key Path (leave empty for auto-discovery):"}
if err := survey.AskOne(promptI, &sshKey); err != nil {
return err
promptYN = &survey.Confirm{
Message: "Allow Insecure connections: ",
Message: "Allow insecure connections: ",
Default: false,
if err = survey.AskOne(promptYN, &insecure); err != nil {