--- date: 2022-01-30T18:08:00+00:00 authors: "zeripath" title: "Gitea 1.15.11 is released" tags: ["release", "gitea"] draft: false coverImageRelease: "1.15.11" --- We are proud to present the release of Gitea version 1.15.11. We highly encourage users to update to this version for some important bug-fixes and a security upgrade to the MermaidJS library. We have merged [8](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pulls?q=is%3Apr+milestone%3A1.15.11+is%3Amerged) pull requests to release this version. You can download one of our pre-built binaries from our [downloads page](https://dl.gitea.com/gitea/1.15.11/) - make sure to select the correct platform! For further details on how to install, follow our [installation guide](https://docs.gitea.com/installation/install-from-binary). We would also like to thank all of our supporters on [Open Collective](https://opencollective.com/gitea) who are helping to sustain us financially. **Have you heard? We now have a [swag shop](https://shop.gitea.io)! :shirt: :tea:** ## Changelog ## [1.15.11](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/releases/tag/v1.15.11) - 2022-01-29 * SECURITY * Only view milestones from current repo (#18414) (#18418) * BUGFIXES * Fix broken when no commits and default branch is not master (#18422) (#18424) * Fix commit's time (#18375) (#18409) * Fix restore without topic failure (#18387) (#18401) * Fix mermaid import in 1.15 (it uses ESModule now) (#18382) * Update to go/text 0.3.7 (#18336) * MISC * Upgrade EasyMDE to 2.16.1 (#18278) (#18279)