--- kind: pipeline type: docker name: Build and deploy live website platform: os: linux arch: arm64 workspace: base: /srv/app path: src steps: - name: build pull: always image: golang:1.19 commands: - make clean - make build - name: publish pull: always image: techknowlogick/drone-netlify:latest settings: path: public/ site_id: b3cd7cc2-68be-4467-b3a6-38f1fdfa0cfc environment: NETLIFY_TOKEN: from_secret: netlify_token when: event: - push - name: discord pull: always image: appleboy/drone-discord:1 environment: DISCORD_WEBHOOK_ID: from_secret: discord_webhook_id DISCORD_WEBHOOK_TOKEN: from_secret: discord_webhook_token when: event: - push - tag status: - changed - failure trigger: branch: - main event: exclude: - pull_request --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: Build and deploy PR preview platform: os: linux arch: arm64 trigger: event: - pull_request steps: - name: build website pull: always image: golang:1.19 commands: - make clean - make build - name: "[PR] create s3 bucket" when: event: - pull_request pull: always image: alpine:latest environment: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: from_secret: preview_aws_access_token AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: from_secret: preview_aws_secret_access_key AWS_REGION: eu-central-1 commands: - apk add --no-cache aws-cli - aws s3api create-bucket --acl public-read --bucket preview-gitea-org-blog-${DRONE_REPO_NAME}-${DRONE_PULL_REQUEST} --region $${AWS_REGION} --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=$${AWS_REGION} || /bin/true - aws s3 website s3://preview-gitea-org-blog-${DRONE_REPO_NAME}-${DRONE_PULL_REQUEST}/ --index-document index.html --error-document error.html || /bin/true - name: "[PR] deploy website to S3 bucket" when: event: - pull_request pull: always image: plugins/s3-sync environment: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: from_secret: preview_aws_access_token AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: from_secret: preview_aws_secret_access_key AWS_REGION: eu-central-1 settings: source: public/ target: / region: eu-central-1 bucket: preview-gitea-org-blog-${DRONE_REPO_NAME}-${DRONE_PULL_REQUEST} acl: public-read - name: "[PR] Post comment to PR" when: event: - pull_request image: byrnedo/alpine-curl environment: GITEA_TOKEN: from_secret: access_token AWS_REGION: eu-central-1 commands: # approach: check if comment already exists to prevent spamming in future runs - 'COMMENTS=$(curl -sL -X GET -H "Authorization: token $GITEA_TOKEN" https://gitea.com/api/v1/repos/${DRONE_REPO_OWNER}/${DRONE_REPO_NAME}/issues/${DRONE_PULL_REQUEST}/comments)' - 'if [[ $COMMENTS == "[]" ]]; then curl -sL -X POST -H "Authorization: token $GITEA_TOKEN" -H "Content-type: application/json" https://gitea.com/api/v1/repos/${DRONE_REPO_OWNER}/${DRONE_REPO_NAME}/issues/${DRONE_PULL_REQUEST}/comments -d "{\"body\": \"Website preview: http://preview-gitea-org-blog-${DRONE_REPO_NAME}-${DRONE_PULL_REQUEST}.s3-website.$${AWS_REGION}.amazonaws.com/\"}"; else echo -e "\n INFO: Comment already exist, doing nothing"; fi' ### NB: not working as of 2023-02-06 due to Drone ignoring the Gitea webhook for PR close events: https://community.harness.io/t/closing-pull-request/13205 # - name: "[PR] Delete S3 bucket after closing PR" # image: byrnedo/alpine-curl # environment: # preview_aws_access_token: # from_secret: preview_aws_access_token # preview_aws_secret_access_key: # from_secret: preview_aws_secret_access_key # AWS_REGION: eu-central-1 # commands: # - apk add --no-cache jq # # check if PR got closed # - "PR_STATE=$(curl https://gitea.com/api/v1/repos/${DRONE_REPO_OWNER}/${DRONE_REPO_NAME}/pulls/${DRONE_PULL_REQUEST} | jq -r .state)" # # delete S3 if PR is closed # - "if [[ $PR_STATE == 'closed' ]]; then aws s3 rb s3://preview-gitea-org-blog-${DRONE_REPO_NAME}-${DRONE_PULL_REQUEST} --force; else echo -e '\n INFO: PR not in state closed, doing nothing'; fi" volumes: - name: cache temp: {}