3wc interview

Loïc Dachary 2022-03-25 12:12:04 +01:00
parent 5e62f049ae
commit 8576c68dad
Signed by: dachary
GPG key ID: 992D23B392F9E4F2

3wc.md Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,649 @@
@dachary: So it's on. So regarding where the transcript and how it will
be used, the intention is to use it in what we call affinity mapping,
which is essentially we slice the interview to remove the narrative and
only keep assertions that is phrases that you say, that state a fact or
an actual experience. But we don't keep the story part of it, because
what we are looking for is evidence from the field, from actual
experience about problems or just things that are done in a certain way
and it is these evidence that gives us legitimacy to try to implement
something, to address what has been said. As opposed to just imagining
that there is a problem or that people do things in a certain way where
in reality they don't. So that's the goal. So I will start by asking
questions about you as a participant in the organisation so can you
maybe tell me a little bit about your background as a sysadmin.
@3wc: Yeah, absolutely! I've been working on systems administration
mostly on Linux and a little bit of Windows for 10-15 years. Depends
exactly where you start. Within Autonomic cooperative, I'm one of the
founding members and I've been somewhat involved in the infrastructure
over the years. We initiated a project called Coop Cloud, for which
we also host a Gitea instance. I set-up the Co-op Cloud one, and I help
a bit with the maintenance of the Autonomic Co-operative one.
In terms of general background, I knew Ansible before encountering Gitea.
We currently deploy Gitea using Docker, which I learned through working
on Coopcloud. I wasn't familiar with it before we had, it was my
colleague that setup a Docker based Gitea instance for us -- now I
understand the setup well enough to maintain it but at that time Docker
was entirely new to me and didn't have any experience with that. I've run Trac
and (Phabricator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phabricator) at a previous job,
and maybe a couplle of other small code forges, and I've used SVN, CVS,
Mercurial as a developer.
@dachary: And your first installation of Gitea was for Autonomic via
Docker, you didn't do it before?
@3wc: Exactly! And I've also setup GitLab CE for the previous employer
but we didn't end up using it extensively. That is sort of general
overview, is there anything else in particular sysadmin-wise that you'd
be curious about?
@dachary: yeah, I'm always curious about how you choose to work on
something. So you are in a cooperative where you have more leeway than a
usual company but how does that happen?
@3wc: Maybe it would be useful to tell you about the process to arrive
on Gitea.
@dachary: Sure!
@3wc: When we started Autonomic, we had no capital to speak of and our
client income was growing slowly. The amount of time and money that we
had for own infrastructure was minimal. So we started out on GitLab free
account and I think we signed up long enough ago that they gave us quite
a generous free plan and this was before the set of serious ethical
issues with GitLab came out. And I think before git.coop was widespread
through the [Cotech network](https://coops.tech) so we chose GitLab without
knowing either of those things
@dachary: I see
@3wc: while using those hosted services, we tried to have a plan to
migrate into self-hosted infrastructure. Partly
because of values and partly because we are trying to host
infrastructure for others and we need to build those skills. Our
impression of Gitlab was that was very heavy to self-host and complicated. And
also none of us particularly liked the interface, we found it slow and
confusing and we are still currently using GitLab for collaboration with
one of our clients that was already using it, and we are
still getting confused by the interface.
So that was one of the huge
advantage -- there were really two things that led us to Gitea, or led
my colleague towards Gitea a couple of years ago when we first set it
up. It is incredibly simple to run, and it is really fast.
The interface is a lot more straightforward, it is more familiar to GitHub
or the other kind of ticket tracking systems we've used. The
navigation has fewer layers and we were all impressed with how
quick the interface was, even though it is not doing a
lot of AJAX requests, many of the navigation operations involved full
page loads, it's still much faster than GitLab in our experience. And
I've also noticed the same with the Git operations commonly when I'm
working with my colleague, it will take like 5-10 seconds for them to be
able to push something up to GitLab whereas Gitea is pretty
instantaneous. And then, Gitea has sort of been our test bed because it
was the first application that my colleague setup using our -- first
attempt at the tech stack for Coopcloud which was using -- have you
ever heard of Dokku?
@dachary: yes
@3wc: We used it as sort of open source Heroku. So we had a version of Gitea that was
initially hosted through that. My colleague was experimenting with using
that as a framework for hosting a variety of apps. We switched, I think,
at the beginning of last year to Docker Swarm -- maybe slightly longer
than that, maybe mid-2020, we switched to Docker Swarm and we built
Coopcloud on that. I think Gitea was the first
application we packaged using that format, and is the longest running
sort of test bed. And that's still how both https://git.autonomic.zone
and https://git.coopcloud.tech are running using that Docker
Swarm configuration.
@dachary: Yeah, that is very helpful to know how you came to what is
currently in place. You mentioned that initially you had an
installation, you were looking for forges for your clients and you
started using GitLab but it was too heavy. Now you are using Gitea, can
you give a rough number of clients for which you have -- you manage
Gitea instances?
@3wc: That's an interesting thing about our current setup: we only have
two Gitea instances and one of them is for Coopcloud and as soon as we
were successful in starting Coopcloud federation then that will, I
guess, no longer be Autonomic hosted. All of our client projects are on
our main Gitea instance. We don't yet have a client who needed their own
private forge instance. We've used private organisations and private
repositories within our existing instances for hosting clients.
@dachary: And so you say it's interesting because you seem to say that
initially you thought you would create instance for your clients but it
turned out not to be the case? Or did I misunderstand?
@3wc: I don't know if we knew what the major need would be for git hosting.
No client has approached us with the combination of needs that added up to
they have to have a private Gitea instance. Also, you wanted to ask about our
experience maintaining Gitea, and I think there was a little bit more fragility than we
were expecting, that I think scared us off running multiple instances
but I don't know if I certain that we definitely had intentions to run
many instances right from the get go. I think it has all been a bit
@dachary: I get the impression because this you've done a wonderful job
having generic Ansible stack that can be self-hosted, etc. So it
suggests that you were into self-host for the benefit of clients that's
probably from there(!verify: 11:10)
@3wc: It's a really interesting observation. I think I'm
stumbling over my words a bit because I just haven't really thought
about it before but -- actually there have been two software development
projects where it was a software co-op that approached us and was
considering getting a Gitea instance.
I think it was a combination of us having not found it that easy to host
for a couple of reasons that I will get into and the existence git.coop
and other kind of decent hosts.
I think the main thing that has been on our minds as what we've wanted
to do with Gitea hosting is offering individually. So it -- either as a
benefit to members, or as a kind of service to compete with people
hosting their personal stuff on GitHub or GitLab. So, like a software as
a service model.
@dachary: So you say that one of the reasons maybe why you don't have
self-hosted Gitea instances managed is because you found that it's
fragile or you had experiences that scared you off?
@3wc: Yeah, exactly! And the first thing I'll tell you that the thing
has improved over time. The main issue, that was the longest-running
and caused the most time taken up is that until few months ago, Gitea
had an issue where if it started and a single sign-on(SSO) provider wasn't
available then it would disable that single sign-on provider so you'd
have to login as the Gitea administrator and re-enable it but that's now
been fixed. The remaining issue that that's plaguing us is because we
haven't spent the time to dig into is we are not setting
session cookies correctly. So every time there's been a restart,
everyone gets logged out.
And then there's a conceptual issue which
raises the bar for hosting and I'm not even sure what this solution
would be, I don't know if this is something that you've considered for
your effort or if it's why you are learning towards VPS' over containers
for Gitea hosting is that our current model is to pack apps quite densely
onto single VPS, which works for large majority of
apps that as soon as an app needs network service that doesn't do server name
indication, for instance SSH as faras I know doesn't do server name indication,
so you can't have a reverse proxy listening on the SSH port and directing
requests to the appropriate container without having so kind of
additional layer on the SSH protocol. I think you do that with
things like [stunnel](https://www.stunnel.org/) but then requires
configuration on the client-side.
So there's a limitation -- what we currently do is we have a different port for connecting to the server to
manage it than we do for Gitea's own SSH server. The problem is that we
would then need to do some manual reconfiguration for every additional
Gitea server that we added to that to be able to use port 2223, 2224,
whatever for each of the additional servers. And that means that if a
client approaches us and says, "we'd like our own Gitea server" then
we'd either need to say, "Okay, but you can't do SSH" or that we need to
invest the time and set-up and maintenance annoyance in
adding another port to our reverse proxy configuration which is
frustratingly difficult. And I remember some other flakiness in towards
the beginning of using Gitea around upgrades, I think the switch from
the normal to the rootless deployment was a bit of a fiasco which
happened sometime last year but yes, that's sort of what I meant in
terms of fragility in the kind of friction.
@dachary: ah, I see and more recently there has been issues with the
1.16 with the 2FA transition to webauth which maybe you don't use so you
don't notice but people noticed. So yea, I clearly see what you mean.
Okay, this is very interesting. I will move to our series of more
precise questions regarding various topics and starting with contract
and pricing. So I understand that your client do not -- you do not bill
your client for a specific slice of the Gitea hosting but it's part of
the service you provide them? Did you put price tag on that, more or
less, even internally?
@3wc: The short answer is no, the slightly longer answer is that we have
one organisation that is making a monthly donation in order to use git.coopcloud.tech,
I think that maybe have three repositories, two users or something like that and they are giving us, I
believe, £10 a month for the hosting.
@dachary: Okay, well that's an interesting -- that's a number
<inaudible>(!verify: 17:18).
@3wc: All of the others, as you say, it's just rolled into the overheads
of offering sort of software.
@dachary: So you mentioned that there are -- how many clients your use
your Gitea instance? A rough number <inaudible>(!verify: 17:38)
@3wc: There's four clients accessing it directly and we have code for a
further three on our Gitea instance.
@dachary: Okay. So interesting that you have clients who are aware and
using it and your other clients where you use it for their benefit but
they don't use it, correct?
@3wc: Exactly, yep.
@dachary: Okay. So for the clients who, so this is moving to the
technical and support part of the questions, so the clients that
actually use Gitea: how do they report issues to you, how does that
@3wc: Thinking. It's been a combination of us entering issues based on
them emailing us a list of requests or a file with a lists of requests
and on one hand and on the other hand, clients entering issues directly
and us triaging. It varies with different clients.
@dachary: Okay, and you say entering issues directly: are they using
Gitea to enter issues or other...
@3wc: Yeah
@dachary: Okay. And they are using your -- their own Gitea repository to
file issues or you have a dedicated one for client issues?
@3wc: The client -- there's one client on each of our Gitea instances
that's directly entering issues and they both have, in those respective
cases, one repository they use. They file issues
directly in those repositories. So we don't have a separate issues-only
repository, it's in with the code.
@dachary: Okay yeah, fine. And as you say it's only one person who enter
the issues themselves. So you don't have a generalized system for all
the needs of all the customers. It's a case by case basis, correct?
@3wc: Exactly! I would say that we have a little bit more defined
practice around issue entry and triage systems for the client where we still use
GitLab, because those clients were using it already.
@dachary: Okay, I see. So you mention it that I will repeat it, just in
case I didn't listen correctly, when they have feature requests or an
improvement request, they also file an issue. It's the same for problems
and feature requests
@3wc: Yes, exactly. And then we label in Gitea to differentiate
between those.
@dachary: Okay, fine. Correct. Moving on to the really deep, technical
things: could you describe step-by-step, any level of detail that you
prefer, how the installation process of a Gitea instance goes? How would
you guide someone who wants to do it using your stack?
@3wc: Yeah. So there's a bit of a decision tree that occurs into it,
which the main question is whether they need a separate VPS and if they
do, we would setup a new VPS using Ansible playbooks which would
configure the file, and install Docker, setup user that kind of thing(a
SSH user account, that is Unix users) and then once that's done or if we
decide that there is a suitable server running already, for instance for
a couple of clients we already run a VPS for them with some other Co-op
Cloud Docker swarm apps, so in those situations it might make sense to
setup Gitea on that.
So the server is set-up. For the app, the screencast I sent in Matrix runs
through the process. To very briefly summarize that: now, you'd run
a series of commands using abra, which is the Co-op cloud command-line
interface. Within Autonomic, the standard is to run that on one's own
workstation and to interact with a shared repository or environment
variable files representing different application. So at Autonomic we
have a single Git repository on our Gitea, representing all of our
clients, our cloud app configurations. If you run commands to create a
new Gitea instance, it will create a new file in that directory which we
check into Git, push out to the central repository. And then we'd run
some further commands which would connect via SSH to the designated
virtual server and deploy the Gitea instance by downloading Gitea,
MariaDB, whatever the Docker image is necessary, starting them, setting
configuration based on environment variables that we defined along the
way and then going into the Gitea user interface to configure a single
sign-on and...
@dachary: may I briefly interrupt to <inaudible>(!verify: 24:03) what I
@3wc: Yes, please!
@dachary: So from the workstation, you run abra and then abra will --
you designate a VPS where Gitea has been installed and abra carries
environment variables and will download Gitea so it's all abra doing
until you arrive at the web interface of Gitea, is it correct or is
there some minute steps automated via
@3wc: Exactly!
@dachary: And then
@3wc: By the time you arrive at the user interface, it will have
provisioned a user using a secret that is displayed, it's generated and
displayed during the abra setup process. So the default is a secure
setup. It's not like Wordpress where when you finish an install anyone
can go to the URL and complete the setup.
@dachary: Okay. So then you go to the web interface and...
@3wc: Yeah, I mean this is one thing that I did want to touch on. I will
say Gitea seems the best, the easiest of any of the tools that we used
to configure single sign-on providers. The fact that you can do it in
the user interface and that it is very clear how you can add different
authentication providers. We tend to use Keycloak for single sign-on, so
there would be a couple of steps on the Keycloak side to generate an
open ID client for Gitea, to get the client ID and the secret for the
Gitea side of the configuration and I'm trying to think if there was
anything else -- oh, and the other thing that we commonly do is setup a
Drone instance to provide CI/CD for Gitea and that we would also through
abra and the similar process of committing the generated application
environment variable files to Git.
@dachary: Okay. And when was the last time you deployed a combination of
Gitea and Drone, for instace?
@3wc: I think it was when we setup https://git.coopcloud.tech/, which
was July last year, something like that.
@dachary: Okay. And side question: did you consider Woodpecker?
@3wc: I don't know what that is
@dachary: It's a fork of Drone. Okay so you did not.
@3wc: Before the license change, is that correct?
@dachary: Honestly, I don't know the history. I just know that Drone is
not very actively maintained and Woodpecker is very lively at the moment
@3wc: Interesting!
@dachary: It is mostly compatible but not quite. Anyhow, that was a side
question. Okay. And
@3wc: I think I heard about it briefly through Cyberia, because I think
they were considering it. They are currently using concourse and they
heard we were using Drone and they suggested a fork, we haven't looked
into it.
@dachary: Okay. And I suppose in the process of this installation there
are also backups?
@3wc: Yes, we tend to enable server-level backups on the VPS as one
strategy and then -- I don't think it is supported for Gitea yet but we
are rolling out application-level backups for Coopcloud apps, which will
give you like a archive of the files directory and an archive of the SQL
dump in a convinient format rather than have to restoring an entire
operating system image.
@dachary: So when you say a VPS-level backup, it's like you have the
copy of the QCOW image or something like that?
@3wc: Yes, exactly! Where we are hosting it on our own infrastructure.
Where we are using a commercial VPS provider, then we use their
snapshot features.
@dachary: Okay, correct. <inaudible>(!verify: 29:58). What about
monitoring? It's also done by abra's side effect of the installation?
@3wc: It depends, there's a level of service monitoring that is provided
by Docker Swarm in terms of automatically restarting failed processes.
We are currently rolling out a stack based on Grafana and Prometheus,
haven't been involved since setting it up so I'm not so confident on the
details, for monitoring Coopcloud apps. On top of that, we also use
UptimeRobot for ping and uptime monitoring.
@dachary: And you have any kind of intrusion detection setup? Something
that would check and give <inaudible>(!verify: 29:53) files, that kind
of things?
@3wc: We've used lynis and I've used the rkhunter,
can't remember if we've used that app in Co-op on our servers but we
don't have an automated scanning tool. We are looking into log file
monitoring with Loki which we are hoping might
give us some level of that.
@dachary: Okay. And last question on the setup: can you tell me a little
bit about how the mail is setup for the Gitea instance? How does the
Gitea instance connect to outgoing mail?
@3wc: Yeah, I'm just trying to login and check...
@dachary: It's fine if you don't remember
@3wc: It's going to be one of two options: either we are using a mailbox
provided by domain host Gandi, or or we are using our self-hosted mailing
stack and I will tell you in one second...
@dachary: And this is taken care of by the recipe, that abra uses to
deploy Gitea, is part of the automated install
@3wc: Yes, there's a step during the abra setup where you are editing a
configuration file that is specific to your instance of Gitea, and at
that stage you'd define what the SMTP server and any credentials you
need to access it were.
Our instance is using a Gandi mailbox, we do also self-host a SMTP
server on the same server. I can't remember why we didn't use that
for Gitea. We would probably choose one or the other depending on
what <inaudible>(!verify: 32:05)
@dachary: Okay, Great! That concludes all the installation process set
of questions. I have a few questions about maintenance. So you mentioned
having VPS' to run Gitea and you also have a Drone instance, what is the
size of these VPS'? Are there two different VPS'?
@3wc: Main Autonomic Drone is running on the same server as our Gitea
and that server is a quad-core with 16 GB RAM and...
@dachary: So it is a physical machine?
@3wc: No it's just a tremendously expensive VPS. And the Coopcloud Gitea
is also running on the same VPS as the Co-op Cloud build server,
that is a 4GB RAM three core VPS that is on our dedicated hardware.
@dachary: Excellent! Can you describe how a desaster recovery scenario
would look like? For instance, say the VPS just dies, what happens?
@3wc: Specifically for Gitea?
@dachary: Yeah, yeah of course! I mean it's the same as every other
because it's VPS based, so...
@3wc: Yeah, so you say the main server that Gitea is running on dies, on
Autonomic Gitea, we'd provision a new VPS using our Ansible playbooks
and...oh, actually no! I guess, because we -- That's a virtual server,
we just use the features in our VPS host, Hetzner, to provision a new
VPS from a snapshot backup before it died. The Coopcloud instance that's
-- as I said, we are running a dedicated server to host the VPS server,
as you said, we have a virtual image disk backup so we'd use our backup
tool, I think it's restic on that, to restore that
disk image to an earlier version.
@dachary: Okay, good. And you are -- you rehearse these kind of disaster
@3wc: Not deliberately though, it happened more than once, we deleted the
wrong server by mistake so...
@dachary: Okay, I see. Yeah. But this is good because I'm always
concerned about disaster recovery not happening often. To your clients,
what kind of SLA do you tell them, for the clients that use your Gitea
instance? What kind of SLA do you promise them?
@3wc: We have SLAs for some clients, we do GItea stuff with some clients
but as far as I know, there is no overlap between those two groups. Just because
the two clients that are most concerned about uptime don't have Gitea
with us because, in one case they were already on BitBucket for several
years and had no desire to move and on the other case, they don't host
much code and I think they are currently hosting on Gitlab.
I think we might have a default SLA on our
website, I'll try to find that now but I can also tell you what our
actual actual uptime is
@dachary: It wouldn't be a separate SLA, it might be a part of other
services' SLAs
@3wc: Right, yeah. I don't find it on our website. I'll just quickly
tell you what our Gitea was because that might be useful
@dachary: Okay, sure!
@3wc: Doesn't seem like uptimerobot is monotiring this actual Gitea
instance, can that really be that case? I get actual monitoring of other
things on the same service. That's an interesting gap. Okay, I can't
tell you the uptime, sorry.
@dachary: Okay, yeah. If you are using it multiple times a day, you are
the monitoring service! In terms of personalization -- so you have these
two instances, I saw that you added a logo, you changed a few bits --
could you describe what kind of personalization you did as for as you
remember and how you did it?
@3wc: I -- yeah, I don't think we did much at all! There's some really
urgent personalization things that we'd like to do, that login
experience with single sign-on is really confusing and apparently the
way to fix that is through a template change but non of us have found
time for that. So every time you need to sign into our Gitea (which
again is frequently, because it logs us out every time it restarts), you
need to click a button at the bottom of the page which says "OpenID",
there's also another button on the login page that says "OpenID". SO
especially for clients that we've tried to get to use the single
sign-on, it's been incredibly confusing. Right now, I don't think we
necessarily changed the logo on ours -- I think the only customization
is that we've changed the tagline to "Git with solidarity" instead of
"Git with a cup of tea".
@dachary: Interesting! And, so you mentioned a few times that it's
annoying that sessions expire when you reboot the server, how often do
you reboot the Gitea instance?
@3wc: We at least weekly, or almost always atleast weekly because we
install apt updates and it's often a Docker update which requires a
restart of DOcker containers or a kernel update which restarting the
whole server. There's also -- oh yeah, and then it's slightly more
frequently than that because then, as well as that, there is also Gitea
updates, which require -- which end up invalidating our sessions. I'm
sure you've even seen the option to fix this in the documentation, just
none of us had the time. Probably I could have fixed it in the time it
took complaining about this on this call.
@dachary: When you mentioned that, I assumed that the accumulation of
reasons to <inaudible>(!verify: 40:49) more than once a week, so you
<inaudible>(!verify: 40:55) your two Gitea instances that you have Drone
associated with it, are there other services also associated with Gitea,
like Gitea uses the static page generator, developed by Codeberg or
maybe some other third-party service? Or is it just...
@3wc: I only found out about the static page generator last week, I'd
really love to use it. As far as I know, we are not using any services
that integrate with Gitea. We do use some Gitea webhooks stuff to, yeah,
Matrix notifications for activity in the Coopcloud reposts. I don't know
if that counts, that's one integration that we have.
@dachary: So that would be a link to the chat in Matrix, from the top of
your head do you remember another one, another webhook that...
@3wc: That's the only existing one currently -- oh no, I'm sorry there's
a bot in the same channel, which I'm about to send you a link to, which
you can use to create issues but, for the life of me, I can't remember
the syntax for it. But it's a lovely idea, I love the concept. I can
just never remember...
@dachary: Yeah, same here: I love to learn to use it and then I forget.
That -- not specifically this bot but that kind of bot. That is
something that is very attractive, somehow it does not stick. I don't
know why. Now I have two last questions: one, which is a little bit
bizarre so please indulge me!
@3wc: I'm intrigued!
@dachary: Imagine you have a magic wand and so you have to step back
from your practical, very technical self and say you can use this magic
wand just once and you can wish for anything as long as it is related to
Gitea managed hosting so you wave your wand and you have your wish, what
your wish -- what would that wish be?
@3wc: Just to make sure I understand, anything to do with managed Gitea
@dachary: Yeah, in this, yes
@3wc: This could be any, any like technical change to Gitea or any
existence of the organization providing it or...
@dachary: We can be really wild as long as it is connected to this, to
Gitea managed hosting, it can be...
@3wc: I promise I'm not just saying this because I know you are involved
in it but - federation! Like that's the number one thing making it easier
for someone on one Gitea instance to interact with content on another
Gitea instance to lower the cost of moving off of GitHub or GitLab would
be the killer for me. That, as a user, as an administrator and as a
person trying to maybe make it somewhat financially sustainable for
hosters like that is the number one.
@dachary: Oh, interesting! Okay, that's -- yeah, obviously I like the
answer. I would have the same wish, I guess..
@3wc: And then, number 2 is like really only factor until number one is
solved, but they way that we've worked around number one not existing is
to turn on, open, GitHub and GitLab sign up on our Coopcloud Gitea. So
that we could say that we are not on GitHub or GitLab but you can still
use your account to sign in and it will be almost as easy as you were
interacting with us on GitLab or GitHub.
@dachary: Yeah, it's one step
@3wc: Yes, it's one step less but it's still more than would be ideal.
And we had to turn that off because we had an instance with someone
logging in via GitLab and using our Drone instance to mine
cryptocurrency. And I guess, I'm aware that there are some spam
prevention features built into Gitea and it's a lot better than what it
was but what I would love is some very accessible, i.e please not a
CAPTCHA, default option for anti-spam. Because I know there is a CAPTCHA
in the default distribution that, we could just turn that on but when we
did previous usability research with people using screen readers, they
told us in no circumstances should we ever use a CAPTCHA for anything.
So I haven't felt comfortable switching that on so we've just been in
this limbo now where you can almost sign in with those providers but you
get to this frosting error screen in the end because open registration's
disabled. So that would be a number two but obviously if you ditch
federation or once federation happens then the need for that kind of
anti-span would be less because we could just make our instance invite
only again it would still be accessible to a wide community of people
through federation.
@dachary: Yeah, sure! It has other spam issues but it's different. Okay,
wow thank you! That was the first question. The second one is much
easier, which is, if you had to think about one thing that you find
works really well for how you managed Gitea hosting works, what would
that be? If you had to talk to someone, "Oh we do managed Gitea hosting
and this is something that we really like".
@3wc: I feel bad saying it but Drone! I think the top of the list would
be Drone, it is really easy to set up, to configure both for the administrator
and the people trying to do CI pipelines. It is incredibly fast, the
output it gives you is tremendous. It's conceptually simple, there's no
separate accounts for it. It just uses the same authentication as your
Gitea. It's blown us all away, I think there are people who wouldn't be
down for doing continuous integration or continuous deployment at all
within Autonomic were it not for how good Drone is.
@dachary: Wow, interesting! I'm also very happy about Drone, really, and
Woodpecker works the same ways. So it's just another name for the fork
of the project. So, yeah. I completely agree, I'm also very happy about
it. And, so...
@3wc: I think that's the worst part of GitLab's interface in particular.
The worst part of GitHub's interface is the continuous deployment stuff as well.
I don't know why they've made it such a hot mess.
@dachary: Yeah, same here, it's easier. So we are done with the
interview. I thank you very much and before we wrap it, do you have any
question? Last words?
@3wc: No, I thank you for doing this practice, in trying to build this
offering. Like you said, it's not as common as it should be, I'm really
interested in how you approached. I think it will hopefully improve any
usability I'm doing in future. Yeah, I'm super excited to see what comes
out of this project
@dachary: Thank you! I will cut the recording and...