2024-02-01 11:54:18 +00:00

123 lines
3.2 KiB

if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;
use MailPoetVendor\Symfony\Polyfill\Iconv as p;
if (\extension_loaded('iconv')) {
if (!\defined('ICONV_IMPL')) {
\define('ICONV_IMPL', 'Symfony');
if (!\defined('ICONV_VERSION')) {
\define('ICONV_VERSION', '1.0');
if (!\defined('ICONV_MIME_DECODE_STRICT')) {
if (!\function_exists('iconv')) {
function iconv($from, $to, $s)
return p\Iconv::iconv($from, $to, $s);
if (!\function_exists('iconv_get_encoding')) {
function iconv_get_encoding($type = 'all')
return p\Iconv::iconv_get_encoding($type);
if (!\function_exists('iconv_set_encoding')) {
function iconv_set_encoding($type, $charset)
return p\Iconv::iconv_set_encoding($type, $charset);
if (!\function_exists('iconv_mime_encode')) {
function iconv_mime_encode($name, $value, $pref = null)
return p\Iconv::iconv_mime_encode($name, $value, $pref);
if (!\function_exists('iconv_mime_decode_headers')) {
function iconv_mime_decode_headers($encodedHeaders, $mode = 0, $enc = null)
return p\Iconv::iconv_mime_decode_headers($encodedHeaders, $mode, $enc);
if (\extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
if (!\function_exists('iconv_strlen')) {
function iconv_strlen($s, $enc = null)
null === $enc and $enc = p\Iconv::$internalEncoding;
return \mb_strlen($s, $enc);
if (!\function_exists('iconv_strpos')) {
function iconv_strpos($s, $needle, $offset = 0, $enc = null)
null === $enc and $enc = p\Iconv::$internalEncoding;
return \mb_strpos($s, $needle, $offset, $enc);
if (!\function_exists('iconv_strrpos')) {
function iconv_strrpos($s, $needle, $enc = null)
null === $enc and $enc = p\Iconv::$internalEncoding;
return \mb_strrpos($s, $needle, 0, $enc);
if (!\function_exists('iconv_substr')) {
function iconv_substr($s, $start, $length = 2147483647, $enc = null)
null === $enc and $enc = p\Iconv::$internalEncoding;
return \mb_substr($s, $start, $length, $enc);
if (!\function_exists('iconv_mime_decode')) {
function iconv_mime_decode($encodedHeaders, $mode = 0, $enc = null)
null === $enc and $enc = p\Iconv::$internalEncoding;
return \mb_decode_mimeheader($encodedHeaders, $mode, $enc);
} else {
if (!\function_exists('iconv_strlen')) {
if (\extension_loaded('xml')) {
function iconv_strlen($s, $enc = null)
return p\Iconv::strlen1($s, $enc);
} else {
function iconv_strlen($s, $enc = null)
return p\Iconv::strlen2($s, $enc);
if (!\function_exists('iconv_strpos')) {
function iconv_strpos($s, $needle, $offset = 0, $enc = null)
return p\Iconv::iconv_strpos($s, $needle, $offset, $enc);
if (!\function_exists('iconv_strrpos')) {
function iconv_strrpos($s, $needle, $enc = null)
return p\Iconv::iconv_strrpos($s, $needle, $enc);
if (!\function_exists('iconv_substr')) {
function iconv_substr($s, $start, $length = 2147483647, $enc = null)
return p\Iconv::iconv_substr($s, $start, $length, $enc);
if (!\function_exists('iconv_mime_decode')) {
function iconv_mime_decode($encodedHeaders, $mode = 0, $enc = null)
return p\Iconv::iconv_mime_decode($encodedHeaders, $mode, $enc);