2024-02-01 11:54:18 +00:00

840 lines
24 KiB

<?php // phpcs:ignore SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.DeclareStrictTypes.DeclareStrictTypesMissing
* @author Niels A.D.
* @author Todd Burry <>
* @copyright 2010 Niels A.D., 2014 Todd Burry
* @license LGPL-2.1
* @package pQuery
namespace MailPoetVendor\pQuery;
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;
* Parses a HTML document
* Functionality can be extended by overriding functions or adjusting the tag map.
* Document may contain small errors, the parser will try to recover and resume parsing.
class HtmlParserBase extends TokenizerBase {
* Tag open token, used for "<"
const TOK_TAG_OPEN = 100;
* Tag close token, used for ">"
const TOK_TAG_CLOSE = 101;
* Forward slash token, used for "/"
const TOK_SLASH_FORWARD = 103;
* Backslash token, used for "\"
* String token, used for attribute values (" and ')
const TOK_STRING = 104;
* Equals token, used for "="
const TOK_EQUALS = 105;
* Sets HTML identifiers, tags/attributes are considered identifiers
* @see TokenizerBase::$identifiers
* @access private
var $identifiers = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890:-_!?%';
* Status of the parser (tagname, closing tag, etc)
* @var array
var $status = array();
* Map characters to match their tokens
* @see TokenizerBase::$custom_char_map
* @access private
var $custom_char_map = array(
'<' => self::TOK_TAG_OPEN,
'>' => self::TOK_TAG_CLOSE,
"'" => 'parse_string',
'"' => 'parse_string',
'/' => self::TOK_SLASH_FORWARD,
'\\' => self::TOK_SLASH_BACKWARD,
'=' => self::TOK_EQUALS
function __construct($doc = '', $pos = 0) {
parent::__construct($doc, $pos);
#php4 PHP4 class constructor compatibility
#function HtmlParserBase($doc = '', $pos = 0) {return $this->__construct($doc, $pos);}
Callback functions for certain tags
@var array (TAG_NAME => FUNCTION_NAME)
@internal Function should be a method in the class
@internal Tagname should be lowercase and is everything after <, e.g. "?php" or "!doctype"
@access private
var $tag_map = array(
'!doctype' => 'parse_doctype',
'?' => 'parse_php',
'?php' => 'parse_php',
'%' => 'parse_asp',
'style' => 'parse_style',
'script' => 'parse_script'
* Parse a HTML string (attributes)
* @internal Gets called with ' and "
* @return int
protected function parse_string() {
if ($this->next_pos($this->doc[$this->pos], false) !== self::TOK_UNKNOWN) {
return self::TOK_STRING;
* Parse text between tags
* @internal Gets called between tags, uses {@link $status}[last_pos]
* @internal Stores text in {@link $status}[text]
function parse_text() {
$len = $this->pos - 1 - $this->status['last_pos'];
$this->status['text'] = (($len > 0) ? substr($this->doc, $this->status['last_pos'] + 1, $len) : '');
* Parse comment tags
* @internal Gets called with HTML comments ("<!--")
* @internal Stores text in {@link $status}[comment]
* @return bool
function parse_comment() {
$this->pos += 3;
if ($this->next_pos('-->', false) !== self::TOK_UNKNOWN) {
$this->status['comment'] = $this->getTokenString(1, -1);
} else {
$this->status['comment'] = $this->getTokenString(1, -1);
$this->pos += 2;
$this->status['last_pos'] = $this->pos;
return true;
* Parse doctype tag
* @internal Gets called with doctype ("<!doctype")
* @internal Stores text in {@link $status}[dtd]
* @return bool
function parse_doctype() {
$start = $this->pos;
if ($this->next_search('[>', false) === self::TOK_UNKNOWN) {
if ($this->doc[$this->pos] === '[') {
if (($this->next_pos(']', false) !== self::TOK_UNKNOWN) || ($this->next_pos('>', false) !== self::TOK_UNKNOWN)) {
$this->addError('Invalid doctype');
return false;
$this->token_start = $start;
$this->status['dtd'] = $this->getTokenString(2, -1);
$this->status['last_pos'] = $this->pos;
return true;
} else {
$this->addError('Invalid doctype');
return false;
* Parse cdata tag
* @internal Gets called with cdata ("<![cdata")
* @internal Stores text in {@link $status}[cdata]
* @return bool
function parse_cdata() {
if ($this->next_pos(']]>', false) === self::TOK_UNKNOWN) {
$this->status['cdata'] = $this->getTokenString(9, -1);
$this->status['last_pos'] = $this->pos + 2;
return true;
} else {
$this->addError('Invalid cdata tag');
return false;
* Parse php tags
* @internal Gets called with php tags ("<?php")
* @return bool
function parse_php() {
$start = $this->pos;
if ($this->next_pos('?>', false) !== self::TOK_UNKNOWN) {
$this->pos -= 2; //End of file
$len = $this->pos - 1 - $start;
$this->status['text'] = (($len > 0) ? substr($this->doc, $start + 1, $len) : '');
$this->status['last_pos'] = ++$this->pos;
return true;
* Parse asp tags
* @internal Gets called with asp tags ("<%")
* @return bool
function parse_asp() {
$start = $this->pos;
if ($this->next_pos('%>', false) !== self::TOK_UNKNOWN) {
$this->pos -= 2; //End of file
$len = $this->pos - 1 - $start;
$this->status['text'] = (($len > 0) ? substr($this->doc, $start + 1, $len) : '');
$this->status['last_pos'] = ++$this->pos;
return true;
* Parse style tags
* @internal Gets called with php tags ("<style>")
* @return bool
function parse_style() {
if ($this->parse_attributes() && ($this->token === self::TOK_TAG_CLOSE) && ($start = $this->pos) && ($this->next_pos('</style>', false) === self::TOK_UNKNOWN)) {
$len = $this->pos - 1 - $start;
$this->status['text'] = (($len > 0) ? substr($this->doc, $start + 1, $len) : '');
$this->pos += 7;
$this->status['last_pos'] = $this->pos;
return true;
} else {
$this->addError('No end for style tag found');
return false;
* Parse script tags
* @internal Gets called with php tags ("<script>")
* @return bool
function parse_script() {
if ($this->parse_attributes() && ($this->token === self::TOK_TAG_CLOSE) && ($start = $this->pos) && ($this->next_pos('</script>', false) === self::TOK_UNKNOWN)) {
$len = $this->pos - 1 - $start;
$this->status['text'] = (($len > 0) ? substr($this->doc, $start + 1, $len) : '');
$this->pos += 8;
$this->status['last_pos'] = $this->pos;
return true;
} else {
$this->addError('No end for script tag found');
return false;
* Parse conditional tags (+ all conditional tags inside)
* @internal Gets called with IE conditionals ("<![if]" and "<!--[if]")
* @internal Stores condition in {@link $status}[tag_condition]
* @return bool
function parse_conditional() {
if ($this->status['closing_tag']) {
$this->pos += 8;
} else {
$this->pos += (($this->status['comment']) ? 5 : 3);
if ($this->next_pos(']', false) !== self::TOK_UNKNOWN) {
$this->addError('"]" not found in conditional tag');
return false;
$this->status['tag_condition'] = $this->getTokenString(0, -1);
if ($this->next_no_whitespace() !== self::TOK_TAG_CLOSE) {
$this->addError('No ">" tag found 2 for conditional tag');
return false;
if ($this->status['comment']) {
$this->status['last_pos'] = $this->pos;
if ($this->next_pos('-->', false) !== self::TOK_UNKNOWN) {
$this->addError('No ending tag found for conditional tag');
$this->pos = $this->size - 1;
$len = $this->pos - 1 - $this->status['last_pos'];
$this->status['text'] = (($len > 0) ? substr($this->doc, $this->status['last_pos'] + 1, $len) : '');
} else {
$len = $this->pos - 10 - $this->status['last_pos'];
$this->status['text'] = (($len > 0) ? substr($this->doc, $this->status['last_pos'] + 1, $len) : '');
$this->pos += 2;
$this->status['last_pos'] = $this->pos;
return true;
* Parse attributes (names + value)
* @internal Stores attributes in {@link $status}[attributes] (array(ATTR => VAL))
* @return bool
function parse_attributes() {
$this->status['attributes'] = array();
while ($this->next_no_whitespace() === self::TOK_IDENTIFIER) {
$attr = $this->getTokenString();
if (($attr === '?') || ($attr === '%')) {
//Probably closing tags
if ($this->next_no_whitespace() === self::TOK_EQUALS) {
if ($this->next_no_whitespace() === self::TOK_STRING) {
$val = $this->getTokenString(1, -1);
} else {
$this->token_start = $this->pos;
if (!isset($stop)) {
$stop = $this->whitespace;
$stop['<'] = true;
$stop['>'] = true;
while ((++$this->pos < $this->size) && (!isset($stop[$this->doc[$this->pos]]))) {
// Do nothing.
$val = $this->getTokenString();
if (trim($val) === '') {
$this->addError('Invalid attribute value');
return false;
} else {
$val = $attr;
$this->pos = (($this->token_start) ? $this->token_start : $this->pos) - 1;
$this->status['attributes'][$attr] = $val;
return true;
* Default callback for tags
* @internal Gets called after the tagname (<html*ENTERS_HERE* attribute="value">)
* @return bool
function parse_tag_default() {
if ($this->status['closing_tag']) {
$this->status['attributes'] = array();
} else {
if (!$this->parse_attributes()) {
return false;
if ($this->token !== self::TOK_TAG_CLOSE) {
if ($this->token === self::TOK_SLASH_FORWARD) {
$this->status['self_close'] = true;
} elseif ((($this->status['tag_name'][0] === '?') && ($this->doc[$this->pos] === '?')) || (($this->status['tag_name'][0] === '%') && ($this->doc[$this->pos] === '%'))) {
$this->status['self_close'] = true;
if (isset($this->char_map[$this->doc[$this->pos]]) && (!is_string($this->char_map[$this->doc[$this->pos]]))) {
$this->token = $this->char_map[$this->doc[$this->pos]];
} else {
$this->token = self::TOK_UNKNOWN;
}/* else {
$this->status['self_close'] = false;
if ($this->token !== self::TOK_TAG_CLOSE) {
$this->addError('Expected ">", but found "'.$this->getTokenString().'"');
if ($this->next_pos('>', false) !== self::TOK_UNKNOWN) {
$this->addError('No ">" tag found for "'.$this->status['tag_name'].'" tag');
return false;
return true;
* Parse tag
* @internal Gets called after opening tag (<*ENTERS_HERE*html attribute="value">)
* @internal Stores information about the tag in {@link $status} (comment, closing_tag, tag_name)
* @return bool
function parse_tag() {
$start = $this->pos;
$this->status['self_close'] = false;
$next = (($this->pos + 1) < $this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos + 1] : '';
if ($next === '!') {
$this->status['closing_tag'] = false;
if (substr($this->doc, $this->pos + 2, 2) === '--') {
$this->status['comment'] = true;
if (($this->doc[$this->pos + 4] === '[') && (strcasecmp(substr($this->doc, $this->pos + 5, 2), 'if') === 0)) {
return $this->parse_conditional();
} else {
return $this->parse_comment();
} else {
$this->status['comment'] = false;
if ($this->doc[$this->pos + 2] === '[') {
if (strcasecmp(substr($this->doc, $this->pos + 3, 2), 'if') === 0) {
return $this->parse_conditional();
} elseif (strcasecmp(substr($this->doc, $this->pos + 3, 5), 'endif') === 0) {
$this->status['closing_tag'] = true;
return $this->parse_conditional();
} elseif (strcasecmp(substr($this->doc, $this->pos + 3, 5), 'cdata') === 0) {
return $this->parse_cdata();
} elseif ($next === '/') {
$this->status['closing_tag'] = true;
} else {
$this->status['closing_tag'] = false;
if ($this->next() !== self::TOK_IDENTIFIER) {
$this->addError('Tagname expected');
//if ($this->next_pos('>', false) === self::TOK_UNKNOWN) {
$this->status['last_pos'] = $start - 1;
return true;
//} else {
// return false;
$tag = $this->getTokenString();
$this->status['tag_name'] = $tag;
$tag = strtolower($tag);
if (isset($this->tag_map[$tag])) {
$res = $this->{$this->tag_map[$tag]}();
} else {
$res = $this->parse_tag_default();
$this->status['last_pos'] = $this->pos;
return $res;
* Parse full document
* @return bool
function parse_all() {
$this->errors = array();
$this->status['last_pos'] = -1;
if (($this->token === self::TOK_TAG_OPEN) || ($this->next_pos('<', false) === self::TOK_UNKNOWN)) {
do {
if (!$this->parse_tag()) {
return false;
} while ($this->next_pos('<') !== self::TOK_NULL);
$this->pos = $this->size;
return true;
* Parses a HTML document into a HTML DOM
class HtmlParser extends HtmlParserBase {
* Root object
* @internal If string, then it will create a new instance as root
* @var DomNode
var $root = 'MailPoetVendor\\pQuery\\DomNode';
* Current parsing hierarchy
* @internal Root is always at index 0, current tag is at the end of the array
* @var array
* @access private
var $hierarchy = array();
* Tags that don't need closing tags
* @var array
* @access private
var $tags_selfclose = array(
'area' => true,
'base' => true,
'basefont' => true,
'br' => true,
'col' => true,
'command' => true,
'embed' => true,
'frame' => true,
'hr' => true,
'img' => true,
'input' => true,
'ins' => true,
'keygen' => true,
'link' => true,
'meta' => true,
'param' => true,
'source' => true,
'track' => true,
'wbr' => true
* Class constructor
* @param string $doc Document to be tokenized
* @param int $pos Position to start parsing
* @param DomNode $root Root node, null to auto create
function __construct($doc = '', $pos = 0, $root = null) {
if ($root === null) {
$root = new $this->root('~root~', null);
$this->root =& $root;
parent::__construct($doc, $pos);
#php4 PHP4 class constructor compatibility
#function HtmlParser($doc = '', $pos = 0, $root = null) {return $this->__construct($doc, $pos, $root);}
* Class magic invoke method, performs {@link select()}
* @return array
* @access private
function __invoke($query = '*') {
return $this->select($query);
* Class magic toString method, performs {@link DomNode::toString()}
* @return string
* @access private
function __toString() {
return $this->root->getInnerText();
* Performs a css select query on the root node
* @see DomNode::select()
* @return array
function select($query = '*', $index = false, $recursive = true, $check_self = false) {
return $this->root->select($query, $index, $recursive, $check_self);
* Updates the current hierarchy status and checks for
* correct opening/closing of tags
* @param bool $self_close Is current tag self closing? Null to use {@link tags_selfclose}
* @internal This is were most of the nodes get added
* @access private
protected function parse_hierarchy($self_close = null) {
if ($self_close === null) {
$this->status['self_close'] = ($self_close = isset($this->tags_selfclose[strtolower($this->status['tag_name'])]));
if ($self_close) {
if ($this->status['closing_tag']) {
//$c = end($this->hierarchy)->children
$c = $this->hierarchy[count($this->hierarchy) - 1]->children;
$found = false;
for ($count = count($c), $i = $count - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
if (strcasecmp($c[$i]->tag, $this->status['tag_name']) === 0) {
for($ii = $i + 1; $ii < $count; $ii++) {
$index = null; //Needs to be passed by ref
$c[$i + 1]->changeParent($c[$i], $index);
$c[$i]->self_close = false;
$found = true;
if (!$found) {
$this->addError('Closing tag "'.$this->status['tag_name'].'" which is not open');
} elseif ($this->status['tag_name'][0] === '?') {
//end($this->hierarchy)->addXML($this->status['tag_name'], '', $this->status['attributes']);
$index = null; //Needs to be passed by ref
$this->hierarchy[count($this->hierarchy) - 1]->addXML($this->status['tag_name'], '', $this->status['attributes'], $index);
} elseif ($this->status['tag_name'][0] === '%') {
//end($this->hierarchy)->addASP($this->status['tag_name'], '', $this->status['attributes']);
$index = null; //Needs to be passed by ref
$this->hierarchy[count($this->hierarchy) - 1]->addASP($this->status['tag_name'], '', $this->status['attributes'], $index);
} else {
$index = null; //Needs to be passed by ref
$this->hierarchy[count($this->hierarchy) - 1]->addChild($this->status, $index);
} elseif ($this->status['closing_tag']) {
$found = false;
for ($count = count($this->hierarchy), $i = $count - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
if (strcasecmp($this->hierarchy[$i]->tag, $this->status['tag_name']) === 0) {
for($ii = ($count - $i - 1); $ii >= 0; $ii--) {
$e = array_pop($this->hierarchy);
if ($ii > 0) {
$this->addError('Closing tag "'.$this->status['tag_name'].'" while "'.$e->tag.'" is not closed yet');
$found = true;
if (!$found) {
$this->addError('Closing tag "'.$this->status['tag_name'].'" which is not open');
} else {
//$this->hierarchy[] = end($this->hierarchy)->addChild($this->status);
$index = null; //Needs to be passed by ref
$this->hierarchy[] = $this->hierarchy[count($this->hierarchy) - 1]->addChild($this->status, $index);
function parse_cdata() {
if (!parent::parse_cdata()) {return false;}
$index = null; //Needs to be passed by ref
$this->hierarchy[count($this->hierarchy) - 1]->addCDATA($this->status['cdata'], $index);
return true;
function parse_comment() {
if (!parent::parse_comment()) {return false;}
$index = null; //Needs to be passed by ref
$this->hierarchy[count($this->hierarchy) - 1]->addComment($this->status['comment'], $index);
return true;
function parse_conditional() {
if (!parent::parse_conditional()) {return false;}
if ($this->status['comment']) {
//$e = end($this->hierarchy)->addConditional($this->status['tag_condition'], true);
$index = null; //Needs to be passed by ref
$e = $this->hierarchy[count($this->hierarchy) - 1]->addConditional($this->status['tag_condition'], true, $index);
if ($this->status['text'] !== '') {
$index = null; //Needs to be passed by ref
$e->addText($this->status['text'], $index);
} else {
if ($this->status['closing_tag']) {
} else {
//$this->hierarchy[] = end($this->hierarchy)->addConditional($this->status['tag_condition'], false);
$index = null; //Needs to be passed by ref
$this->hierarchy[] = $this->hierarchy[count($this->hierarchy) - 1]->addConditional($this->status['tag_condition'], false, $index);
return true;
function parse_doctype() {
if (!parent::parse_doctype()) {return false;}
$index = null; //Needs to be passed by ref
$this->hierarchy[count($this->hierarchy) - 1]->addDoctype($this->status['dtd'], $index);
return true;
function parse_php() {
if (!parent::parse_php()) {return false;}
//end($this->hierarchy)->addXML('php', $this->status['text']);
$index = null; //Needs to be passed by ref
$this->hierarchy[count($this->hierarchy) - 1]->addXML('php', $this->status['text'], $index);
return true;
function parse_asp() {
if (!parent::parse_asp()) {return false;}
//end($this->hierarchy)->addASP('', $this->status['text']);
$index = null; //Needs to be passed by ref
$this->hierarchy[count($this->hierarchy) - 1]->addASP('', $this->status['text'], $index);
return true;
function parse_script() {
if (!parent::parse_script()) {return false;}
//$e = end($this->hierarchy)->addChild($this->status);
$index = null; //Needs to be passed by ref
$e = $this->hierarchy[count($this->hierarchy) - 1]->addChild($this->status, $index);
if ($this->status['text'] !== '') {
$index = null; //Needs to be passed by ref
$e->addText($this->status['text'], $index);
return true;
function parse_style() {
if (!parent::parse_style()) {return false;}
//$e = end($this->hierarchy)->addChild($this->status);
$index = null; //Needs to be passed by ref
$e = $this->hierarchy[count($this->hierarchy) - 1]->addChild($this->status, $index);
if ($this->status['text'] !== '') {
$index = null; //Needs to be passed by ref
$e->addText($this->status['text'], $index);
return true;
function parse_tag_default() {
if (!parent::parse_tag_default()) {return false;}
$this->parse_hierarchy(($this->status['self_close']) ? true : null);
return true;
function parse_text() {
if ($this->status['text'] !== '') {
$index = null; //Needs to be passed by ref
$this->hierarchy[count($this->hierarchy) - 1]->addText($this->status['text'], $index);
function parse_all() {
$this->hierarchy = array(&$this->root);
return ((parent::parse_all()) ? $this->root : false);
* HTML5 specific parser (adds support for omittable closing tags)
class Html5Parser extends HtmlParser {
* Tags with ommitable closing tags
* @var array array('tag2' => 'tag1') will close tag1 if following (not child) tag is tag2
* @access private
var $tags_optional_close = array(
//Current tag => Previous tag
'li' => array('li' => true),
'dt' => array('dt' => true, 'dd' => true),
'dd' => array('dt' => true, 'dd' => true),
'address' => array('p' => true),
'article' => array('p' => true),
'aside' => array('p' => true),
'blockquote' => array('p' => true),
'dir' => array('p' => true),
'div' => array('p' => true),
'dl' => array('p' => true),
'fieldset' => array('p' => true),
'footer' => array('p' => true),
'form' => array('p' => true),
'h1' => array('p' => true),
'h2' => array('p' => true),
'h3' => array('p' => true),
'h4' => array('p' => true),
'h5' => array('p' => true),
'h6' => array('p' => true),
'header' => array('p' => true),
'hgroup' => array('p' => true),
'hr' => array('p' => true),
'menu' => array('p' => true),
'nav' => array('p' => true),
'ol' => array('p' => true),
'p' => array('p' => true),
'pre' => array('p' => true),
'section' => array('p' => true),
'table' => array('p' => true),
'ul' => array('p' => true),
'rt' => array('rt' => true, 'rp' => true),
'rp' => array('rt' => true, 'rp' => true),
'optgroup' => array('optgroup' => true, 'option' => true),
'option' => array('option'),
'tbody' => array('thread' => true, 'tbody' => true, 'tfoot' => true),
'tfoot' => array('thread' => true, 'tbody' => true),
'tr' => array('tr' => true),
'td' => array('td' => true, 'th' => true),
'th' => array('td' => true, 'th' => true),
'body' => array('head' => true)
protected function parse_hierarchy($self_close = null) {
$tag_curr = strtolower($this->status['tag_name']);
if ($self_close === null) {
$this->status['self_close'] = ($self_close = isset($this->tags_selfclose[$tag_curr]));
if (! ($self_close || $this->status['closing_tag'])) {
//$tag_prev = strtolower(end($this->hierarchy)->tag);
$tag_prev = strtolower($this->hierarchy[count($this->hierarchy) - 1]->tag);
if (isset($this->tags_optional_close[$tag_curr]) && isset($this->tags_optional_close[$tag_curr][$tag_prev])) {
return parent::parse_hierarchy($self_close);