2024-02-01 11:54:18 +00:00

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namespace Elementor;
use Elementor\Core\Utils\Collection;
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly.
* Elementor utils.
* Elementor utils handler class is responsible for different utility methods
* used by Elementor.
* @since 1.0.0
class Utils {
const EDITOR_BREAK_LINES_OPTION_KEY = 'elementor_editor_break_lines';
* A list of safe tage for `validate_html_tag` method.
'iframe' => [
'iframe' => [
'allow' => true,
'allowfullscreen' => true,
'frameborder' => true,
'height' => true,
'loading' => true,
'name' => true,
'referrerpolicy' => true,
'sandbox' => true,
'src' => true,
'width' => true,
'svg' => [
'svg' => [
'aria-hidden' => true,
'aria-labelledby' => true,
'class' => true,
'height' => true,
'role' => true,
'viewbox' => true,
'width' => true,
'xmlns' => true,
'g' => [
'fill' => true,
'title' => [
'title' => true,
'path' => [
'd' => true,
'fill' => true,
'image' => [
'img' => [
'srcset' => true,
'sizes' => true,
* Is WP CLI.
* @return bool
public static function is_wp_cli() {
return defined( 'WP_CLI' ) && WP_CLI;
* Is script debug.
* Whether script debug is enabled or not.
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
* @static
* @return bool True if it's a script debug is active, false otherwise.
public static function is_script_debug() {
return defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG;
* Whether elementor test mode is enabled or not.
* @return bool
public static function is_elementor_tests() {
* Get pro link.
* Retrieve the link to Elementor Pro.
* @since 1.7.0
* @access public
* @static
* @param string $link URL to Elementor pro.
* @return string Elementor pro link.
public static function get_pro_link( $link ) {
static $theme_name = false;
if ( ! $theme_name ) {
$theme_obj = wp_get_theme();
if ( $theme_obj->parent() ) {
$theme_name = $theme_obj->parent()->get( 'Name' );
} else {
$theme_name = $theme_obj->get( 'Name' );
$theme_name = sanitize_key( $theme_name );
$link = add_query_arg( 'utm_term', $theme_name, $link );
return $link;
* Replace URLs.
* Replace old URLs to new URLs. This method also updates all the Elementor data.
* @since 2.1.0
* @static
* @access public
* @param $from
* @param $to
* @return string
* @throws \Exception
public static function replace_urls( $from, $to ) {
$from = trim( $from );
$to = trim( $to );
if ( empty( $from ) ) {
throw new \Exception( 'Couldnt replace your address because the old URL was not provided. Try again by entering the old URL.' );
if ( empty( $to ) ) {
throw new \Exception( 'Couldnt replace your address because the new URL was not provided. Try again by entering the new URL.' );
if ( $from === $to ) {
throw new \Exception( 'Couldnt replace your address because both of the URLs provided are identical. Try again by entering different URLs.' );
$is_valid_urls = ( filter_var( $from, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) && filter_var( $to, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) );
if ( ! $is_valid_urls ) {
throw new \Exception( 'Couldnt replace your address because at least one of the URLs provided are invalid. Try again by entering valid URLs.' );
global $wpdb;
$escaped_from = str_replace( '/', '\\/', $from );
$escaped_to = str_replace( '/', '\\/', $to );
$meta_value_like = '[%'; // meta_value LIKE '[%' are json formatted
$rows_affected = $wpdb->query(
"UPDATE {$wpdb->postmeta} " .
'SET `meta_value` = REPLACE(`meta_value`, %s, %s) ' .
"WHERE `meta_key` = '_elementor_data' AND `meta_value` LIKE %s;",
if ( false === $rows_affected ) {
throw new \Exception( 'An error occurred while replacing URL\'s.' );
// Allow externals to replace-urls, when they have to.
$rows_affected += (int) apply_filters( 'elementor/tools/replace-urls', 0, $from, $to );
return sprintf(
/* translators: %d: Number of rows. */
_n( '%d database row affected.', '%d database rows affected.', $rows_affected, 'elementor' ),
* Is post supports Elementor.
* Whether the post supports editing with Elementor.
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
* @static
* @param int $post_id Optional. Post ID. Default is `0`.
* @return string True if post supports editing with Elementor, false otherwise.
public static function is_post_support( $post_id = 0 ) {
$post_type = get_post_type( $post_id );
$is_supported = self::is_post_type_support( $post_type );
* Is post type support.
* Filters whether the post type supports editing with Elementor.
* @since 1.0.0
* @deprecated 2.2.0 Use `elementor/utils/is_post_support` hook Instead.
* @param bool $is_supported Whether the post type supports editing with Elementor.
* @param int $post_id Post ID.
* @param string $post_type Post type.
$is_supported = apply_filters( 'elementor/utils/is_post_type_support', $is_supported, $post_id, $post_type );
* Is post support.
* Filters whether the post supports editing with Elementor.
* @since 2.2.0
* @param bool $is_supported Whether the post type supports editing with Elementor.
* @param int $post_id Post ID.
* @param string $post_type Post type.
$is_supported = apply_filters( 'elementor/utils/is_post_support', $is_supported, $post_id, $post_type );
return $is_supported;
* Is post type supports Elementor.
* Whether the post type supports editing with Elementor.
* @since 2.2.0
* @access public
* @static
* @param string $post_type Post Type.
* @return string True if post type supports editing with Elementor, false otherwise.
public static function is_post_type_support( $post_type ) {
if ( ! post_type_exists( $post_type ) ) {
return false;
if ( ! post_type_supports( $post_type, 'elementor' ) ) {
return false;
return true;
* Get placeholder image source.
* Retrieve the source of the placeholder image.
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
* @static
* @return string The source of the default placeholder image used by Elementor.
public static function get_placeholder_image_src() {
$placeholder_image = ELEMENTOR_ASSETS_URL . 'images/placeholder.png';
* Get placeholder image source.
* Filters the source of the default placeholder image used by Elementor.
* @since 1.0.0
* @param string $placeholder_image The source of the default placeholder image.
$placeholder_image = apply_filters( 'elementor/utils/get_placeholder_image_src', $placeholder_image );
return $placeholder_image;
* Generate random string.
* Returns a string containing a hexadecimal representation of random number.
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
* @static
* @return string Random string.
public static function generate_random_string() {
return dechex( rand() );
* Do not cache.
* Tell WordPress cache plugins not to cache this request.
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
* @static
public static function do_not_cache() {
if ( ! defined( 'DONOTCACHEPAGE' ) ) {
define( 'DONOTCACHEPAGE', true );
if ( ! defined( 'DONOTCACHEDB' ) ) {
define( 'DONOTCACHEDB', true );
if ( ! defined( 'DONOTMINIFY' ) ) {
define( 'DONOTMINIFY', true );
if ( ! defined( 'DONOTCDN' ) ) {
define( 'DONOTCDN', true );
if ( ! defined( 'DONOTCACHEOBJECT' ) ) {
define( 'DONOTCACHEOBJECT', true );
// Set the headers to prevent caching for the different browsers.
* Get timezone string.
* Retrieve timezone string from the WordPress database.
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
* @static
* @return string Timezone string.
public static function get_timezone_string() {
$current_offset = (float) get_option( 'gmt_offset' );
$timezone_string = get_option( 'timezone_string' );
// Create a UTC+- zone if no timezone string exists.
if ( empty( $timezone_string ) ) {
if ( $current_offset < 0 ) {
$timezone_string = 'UTC' . $current_offset;
} else {
$timezone_string = 'UTC+' . $current_offset;
return $timezone_string;
* Get create new post URL.
* Retrieve a custom URL for creating a new post/page using Elementor.
* @since 1.9.0
* @access public
* @deprecated 3.3.0 Use `Plugin::$instance->documents->get_create_new_post_url()` instead.
* @static
* @param string $post_type Optional. Post type slug. Default is 'page'.
* @param string|null $template_type Optional. Query arg 'template_type'. Default is null.
* @return string A URL for creating new post using Elementor.
public static function get_create_new_post_url( $post_type = 'page', $template_type = null ) {
Plugin::$instance->modules_manager->get_modules( 'dev-tools' )->deprecation->deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.3.0', 'Plugin::$instance->documents->get_create_new_post_url()' );
return Plugin::$instance->documents->get_create_new_post_url( $post_type, $template_type );
* Get post autosave.
* Retrieve an autosave for any given post.
* @since 1.9.2
* @access public
* @static
* @param int $post_id Post ID.
* @param int $user_id Optional. User ID. Default is `0`.
* @return \WP_Post|false Post autosave or false.
public static function get_post_autosave( $post_id, $user_id = 0 ) {
global $wpdb;
$post = get_post( $post_id );
$where = $wpdb->prepare( 'post_parent = %d AND post_name LIKE %s AND post_modified_gmt > %s', [ $post_id, "{$post_id}-autosave%", $post->post_modified_gmt ] );
if ( $user_id ) {
$where .= $wpdb->prepare( ' AND post_author = %d', $user_id );
$revision = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE $where AND post_type = 'revision'" ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared
if ( $revision ) {
$revision = new \WP_Post( $revision );
} else {
$revision = false;
return $revision;
* Is CPT supports custom templates.
* Whether the Custom Post Type supports templates.
* @since 2.0.0
* @access public
* @static
* @return bool True is templates are supported, False otherwise.
public static function is_cpt_custom_templates_supported() {
require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/theme.php';
return method_exists( wp_get_theme(), 'get_post_templates' );
* @since 2.1.2
* @access public
* @static
public static function array_inject( $array, $key, $insert ) {
$length = array_search( $key, array_keys( $array ), true ) + 1;
return array_slice( $array, 0, $length, true ) +
$insert +
array_slice( $array, $length, null, true );
* Render html attributes
* @access public
* @static
* @param array $attributes
* @return string
public static function render_html_attributes( array $attributes ) {
$rendered_attributes = [];
foreach ( $attributes as $attribute_key => $attribute_values ) {
if ( is_array( $attribute_values ) ) {
$attribute_values = implode( ' ', $attribute_values );
$rendered_attributes[] = sprintf( '%1$s="%2$s"', $attribute_key, esc_attr( $attribute_values ) );
return implode( ' ', $rendered_attributes );
* Safe print html attributes
* @access public
* @static
* @param array $attributes
public static function print_html_attributes( array $attributes ) {
// PHPCS - the method render_html_attributes is safe.
echo self::render_html_attributes( $attributes ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
public static function get_meta_viewport( $context = '' ) {
$meta_tag = '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, viewport-fit=cover" />';
* Viewport meta tag.
* Filters the meta tag containing the viewport information.
* This hook can be used to change the intial viewport meta tag set by Elementor
* and replace it with a different viewport tag.
* @since 2.5.0
* @param string $meta_tag Viewport meta tag.
* @param string $context Page context.
$meta_tag = apply_filters( 'elementor/template/viewport_tag', $meta_tag, $context );
return $meta_tag;
* Add Elementor Config js vars to the relevant script handle,
* WP will wrap it with <script> tag.
* To make sure this script runs thru the `script_loader_tag` hook, use a known handle value.
* @param string $handle
* @param string $js_var
* @param mixed $config
public static function print_js_config( $handle, $js_var, $config ) {
$config = wp_json_encode( $config );
if ( get_option( self::EDITOR_BREAK_LINES_OPTION_KEY ) ) {
// Add new lines to avoid memory limits in some hosting servers that handles the buffer output according to new line characters
$config = str_replace( '}},"', '}},' . PHP_EOL . '"', $config );
$script_data = 'var ' . $js_var . ' = ' . $config . ';';
wp_add_inline_script( $handle, $script_data, 'before' );
public static function handle_deprecation( $item, $version, $replacement = null ) {
preg_match( '/^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/', ELEMENTOR_VERSION, $current_version );
$current_version_as_float = (float) $current_version[0];
preg_match( '/^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/', $version, $alias_version );
$alias_version_as_float = (float) $alias_version[0];
if ( round( $current_version_as_float - $alias_version_as_float, 1 ) >= self::DEPRECATION_RANGE ) {
_deprecated_file( $item, $version, $replacement ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
* Checks a control value for being empty, including a string of '0' not covered by PHP's empty().
* @param mixed $source
* @param bool|string $key
* @return bool
public static function is_empty( $source, $key = false ) {
if ( is_array( $source ) ) {
if ( ! isset( $source[ $key ] ) ) {
return true;
$source = $source[ $key ];
return '0' !== $source && empty( $source );
public static function has_pro() {
return defined( 'ELEMENTOR_PRO_VERSION' );
* Convert HTMLEntities to UTF-8 characters
* @param $string
* @return string
public static function urlencode_html_entities( $string ) {
$entities_dictionary = [
'&#145;' => "'", // Opening single quote
'&#146;' => "'", // Closing single quote
'&#147;' => '"', // Closing double quote
'&#148;' => '"', // Opening double quote
'&#8216;' => "'", // Closing single quote
'&#8217;' => "'", // Opening single quote
'&#8218;' => "'", // Single low quote
'&#8220;' => '"', // Closing double quote
'&#8221;' => '"', // Opening double quote
'&#8222;' => '"', // Double low quote
// Decode decimal entities
$string = str_replace( array_keys( $entities_dictionary ), array_values( $entities_dictionary ), $string );
return rawurlencode( html_entity_decode( $string, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5, 'UTF-8' ) );
* Parse attributes that come as a string of comma-delimited key|value pairs.
* Removes Javascript events and unescaped `href` attributes.
* @param string $attributes_string
* @param string $delimiter Default comma `,`.
* @return array
public static function parse_custom_attributes( $attributes_string, $delimiter = ',' ) {
$attributes = explode( $delimiter, $attributes_string );
$result = [];
foreach ( $attributes as $attribute ) {
$attr_key_value = explode( '|', $attribute );
$attr_key = mb_strtolower( $attr_key_value[0] );
// Remove any not allowed characters.
preg_match( '/[-_a-z0-9]+/', $attr_key, $attr_key_matches );
if ( empty( $attr_key_matches[0] ) ) {
$attr_key = $attr_key_matches[0];
// Avoid Javascript events and unescaped href.
if ( 'href' === $attr_key || 'on' === substr( $attr_key, 0, 2 ) ) {
if ( isset( $attr_key_value[1] ) ) {
$attr_value = trim( $attr_key_value[1] );
} else {
$attr_value = '';
$result[ $attr_key ] = $attr_value;
return $result;
public static function find_element_recursive( $elements, $id ) {
foreach ( $elements as $element ) {
if ( $id === $element['id'] ) {
return $element;
if ( ! empty( $element['elements'] ) ) {
$element = self::find_element_recursive( $element['elements'], $id );
if ( $element ) {
return $element;
return false;
* Change Submenu First Item Label
* Overwrite the label of the first submenu item of an admin menu item.
* Fired by `admin_menu` action.
* @since 3.1.0
* @param $menu_slug
* @param $new_label
* @access public
public static function change_submenu_first_item_label( $menu_slug, $new_label ) {
global $submenu;
if ( isset( $submenu[ $menu_slug ] ) ) {
// @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
$submenu[ $menu_slug ][0][0] = $new_label;
// @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
* Validate an HTML tag against a safe allowed list.
* @param string $tag
* @return string
public static function validate_html_tag( $tag ) {
return in_array( strtolower( $tag ), self::ALLOWED_HTML_WRAPPER_TAGS ) ? $tag : 'div';
* Safe print a validated HTML tag.
* @param string $tag
public static function print_validated_html_tag( $tag ) {
// PHPCS - the method validate_html_tag is safe.
echo self::validate_html_tag( $tag ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
* Print internal content (not user input) without escaping.
public static function print_unescaped_internal_string( $string ) {
echo $string; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
* Get recently edited posts query.
* Returns `WP_Query` of the recent edited posts.
* By default max posts ( $args['posts_per_page'] ) is 3.
* @param array $args
* @return \WP_Query
public static function get_recently_edited_posts_query( $args = [] ) {
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, [
'no_found_rows' => true,
'post_type' => 'any',
'post_status' => [ 'publish', 'draft' ],
'posts_per_page' => '3',
'meta_key' => '_elementor_edit_mode',
'meta_value' => 'builder',
'orderby' => 'modified',
] );
return new \WP_Query( $args );
public static function print_wp_kses_extended( $string, array $tags ) {
$allowed_html = wp_kses_allowed_html( 'post' );
foreach ( $tags as $tag ) {
if ( isset( self::EXTENDED_ALLOWED_HTML_TAGS[ $tag ] ) ) {
$extended_tags = apply_filters( "elementor/extended_allowed_html_tags/{$tag}", self::EXTENDED_ALLOWED_HTML_TAGS[ $tag ] );
$allowed_html = array_replace_recursive( $allowed_html, $extended_tags );
echo wp_kses( $string, $allowed_html );
public static function is_elementor_path( $path ) {
$path = wp_normalize_path( $path );
* Elementor related paths.
* Filters Elementor related paths.
* @param string[] $available_paths
$available_paths = apply_filters( 'elementor/utils/elementor_related_paths', [ ELEMENTOR_PATH ] );
return (bool) ( new Collection( $available_paths ) )
->map( function ( $p ) {
// `untrailingslashit` in order to include other plugins prefixed with elementor.
return untrailingslashit( wp_normalize_path( $p ) );
} )
->find(function ( $p ) use ( $path ) {
return false !== strpos( $path, $p );
} );
* @param $file
* @param mixed ...$args
* @return false|string
public static function file_get_contents( $file, ...$args ) {
if ( ! is_file( $file ) || ! is_readable( $file ) ) {
return false;
return file_get_contents( $file, ...$args );
public static function get_super_global_value( $super_global, $key ) {
if ( ! isset( $super_global[ $key ] ) ) {
return null;
if ( $_FILES === $super_global ) {
return isset( $super_global[ $key ]['name'] ) ?
self::sanitize_file_name( $super_global[ $key ] ) :
self::sanitize_multi_upload( $super_global[ $key ] );
return wp_kses_post_deep( wp_unslash( $super_global[ $key ] ) );
private static function sanitize_multi_upload( $fields ) {
return array_map( function( $field ) {
return array_map( 'self::sanitize_file_name', $field );
}, $fields );
private static function sanitize_file_name( $file ) {
$file['name'] = sanitize_file_name( $file['name'] );
return $file;
* Return specific object property value if exist from array of keys.
* @param $array
* @param $keys
* @return key|false
public static function get_array_value_by_keys( $array, $keys ) {
$keys = (array) $keys;
foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
if ( ! isset( $array[ $key ] ) ) {
return null;
$array = $array[ $key ];
return $array;