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107 lines
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<?php // phpcs:ignore SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.DeclareStrictTypes.DeclareStrictTypesMissing
namespace MailPoet\Config;
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;
use MailPoet\WP\Functions as WPFunctions;
class Env {
public static $version;
public static $pluginName;
public static $pluginPath;
public static $baseUrl;
public static $file;
public static $path;
public static $viewsPath;
public static $assetsPath;
public static $assetsUrl;
public static $utilPath;
public static $tempPath;
public static $cachePath;
public static $tempUrl;
public static $languagesPath;
public static $libPath;
public static $pluginPrefix;
public static $dbPrefix;
public static $dbHost;
public static $dbIsIpv6;
public static $dbSocket;
public static $dbPort;
public static $dbName;
public static $dbUsername;
public static $dbPassword;
public static $dbCharset;
public static $dbCollation;
public static $dbCharsetCollate;
public static $dbTimezoneOffset;
// back compatibility for older Premium plugin with underscore naming
// (we need to allow it to activate so it can render an update notice)
public static $plugin_name; // phpcs:ignore Squiz.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.MemberNotCamelCaps
public static $temp_path; // phpcs:ignore Squiz.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.MemberNotCamelCaps
public static function init($file, $version, $dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPassword, $dbName) {
self::$version = $version;
self::$file = $file;
self::$path = dirname(self::$file);
self::$pluginName = 'mailpoet';
self::$pluginPath = 'mailpoet/mailpoet.php';
self::$baseUrl = WPFunctions::get()->pluginsUrl('', $file);
self::$viewsPath = self::$path . '/views';
self::$assetsPath = self::$path . '/assets';
self::$assetsUrl = WPFunctions::get()->pluginsUrl('/assets', $file);
self::$utilPath = self::$path . '/lib/Util';
$wpUploadDir = WPFunctions::get()->wpUploadDir();
self::$tempPath = $wpUploadDir['basedir'] . '/' . self::$pluginName;
self::$cachePath = self::$path . '/generated/twig/';
self::$tempUrl = $wpUploadDir['baseurl'] . '/' . self::$pluginName;
self::$languagesPath = self::$path . '/../../languages/plugins/';
self::$libPath = self::$path . '/lib';
self::$pluginPrefix = WPFunctions::get()->applyFilters('mailpoet_db_prefix', 'mailpoet_');
self::initDbParameters($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPassword, $dbName);
// back compatibility for older Premium plugin with underscore naming
self::$plugin_name = self::$pluginName; // phpcs:ignore Squiz.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.MemberNotCamelCaps
self::$temp_path = self::$tempPath; // phpcs:ignore Squiz.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.MemberNotCamelCaps
* @see https://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_wp-config.php#Set_Database_Host for possible DB_HOSTS values
private static function initDbParameters($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPassword, $dbName) {
$parsedHost = WPFunctions::get()->parseDbHost($dbHost);
if ($parsedHost === false) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid db host configuration.');
[$host, $port, $socket, $isIpv6] = $parsedHost;
global $wpdb;
self::$dbPrefix = $wpdb->prefix . self::$pluginPrefix;
self::$dbHost = $host;
self::$dbIsIpv6 = $isIpv6;
self::$dbPort = $port;
self::$dbSocket = $socket;
self::$dbName = $dbName;
self::$dbUsername = $dbUser;
self::$dbPassword = $dbPassword;
self::$dbCharset = $wpdb->charset;
self::$dbCollation = $wpdb->collate;
self::$dbCharsetCollate = $wpdb->get_charset_collate();
self::$dbTimezoneOffset = self::getDbTimezoneOffset();
public static function getDbTimezoneOffset($offset = false) {
$offset = ($offset) ? $offset : WPFunctions::get()->getOption('gmt_offset');
$offset = (float)($offset);
$mins = $offset * 60;
$sgn = ($mins < 0 ? -1 : 1);
$mins = abs($mins);
$hrs = floor($mins / 60);
$mins -= $hrs * 60;
return sprintf('%+03d:%02d', $hrs * $sgn, $mins);