2024-02-01 11:54:18 +00:00

1859 lines
46 KiB
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

namespace Elementor\Includes\Elements;
use Elementor\Controls_Manager;
use Elementor\Core\Breakpoints\Manager as Breakpoints_Manager;
use Elementor\Element_Base;
use Elementor\Embed;
use Elementor\Group_Control_Background;
use Elementor\Group_Control_Border;
use Elementor\Group_Control_Box_Shadow;
use Elementor\Group_Control_Css_Filter;
use Elementor\Group_Control_Flex_Container;
use Elementor\Group_Control_Flex_Item;
use Elementor\Group_Control_Grid_Container;
use Elementor\Plugin;
use Elementor\Shapes;
use Elementor\Utils;
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly.
class Container extends Element_Base {
* @var \Elementor\Core\Kits\Documents\Kit
private $active_kit;
private $logical_dimensions_inline_start;
private $logical_dimensions_inline_end;
* Container constructor.
* @param array $data
* @param array|null $args
* @return void
public function __construct( array $data = [], array $args = null ) {
parent::__construct( $data, $args );
$this->active_kit = Plugin::$instance->kits_manager->get_active_kit();
$this->logical_dimensions_inline_start = is_rtl() ? '{{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}}' : '{{LEFT}}{{UNIT}}';
$this->logical_dimensions_inline_end = is_rtl() ? '{{LEFT}}{{UNIT}}' : '{{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}}';
* Get the element type.
* @return string
public static function get_type() {
return 'container';
* Get the element name.
* @return string
public function get_name() {
return 'container';
* Get the element display name.
* @return string
public function get_title() {
return esc_html__( 'Container', 'elementor' );
* Get the element display icon.
* @return string
public function get_icon() {
return 'eicon-container';
public function get_keywords() {
$keywords = [ 'Container', 'Flex', 'Flexbox', 'Flexbox Container', 'Layout' ];
if ( Plugin::$instance->experiments->is_feature_active( 'container_grid' ) ) {
array_push( $keywords, 'Grid', 'Grid Container', 'CSS Grid' );
return $keywords;
public function get_panel_presets() {
return [
'container_grid' => [
'replacements' => [
'name' => 'container_grid',
'controls' => [
'container_type' => [ 'default' => 'grid' ],
'title' => esc_html__( 'Grid', 'elementor' ),
'icon' => 'eicon-container-grid',
'custom' => [
'isPreset' => true,
'originalWidget' => $this->get_name(),
'presetWidget' => 'container_grid',
'preset_settings' => [
'container_type' => 'grid',
'presetTitle' => esc_html__( 'Grid', 'elementor' ),
'presetIcon' => 'eicon-container-grid',
* Override the render attributes to add a custom wrapper class.
* @return void
protected function add_render_attributes() {
$is_nested_class_name = $this->get_data( 'isInner' ) ? 'e-child' : 'e-parent';
$this->add_render_attribute( '_wrapper', [
'class' => [
] );
if ( $this->get_data( 'isInner' ) ) {
// Todo: Remove in version 3.21.0:
// Remove together with support for physical properties inside the Mega Menu & Nested Carousel widgets.
$this->add_render_attribute( '_wrapper', [
'data-core-v316-plus' => 'true',
] );
* Override the initial element config to display the Container in the panel.
* @return array
protected function get_initial_config() {
$config = parent::get_initial_config();
$config['controls'] = $this->get_controls();
$config['tabs_controls'] = $this->get_tabs_controls();
$config['show_in_panel'] = true;
$config['categories'] = [ 'layout' ];
return $config;
* Render the element JS template.
* @return void
protected function content_template() {
<# if ( 'boxed' === settings.content_width ) { #>
<div class="e-con-inner">
if ( settings.background_video_link ) {
let videoAttributes = 'autoplay muted playsinline';
if ( ! settings.background_play_once ) {
videoAttributes += ' loop';
view.addRenderAttribute( 'background-video-container', 'class', 'elementor-background-video-container' );
if ( ! settings.background_play_on_mobile ) {
view.addRenderAttribute( 'background-video-container', 'class', 'elementor-hidden-phone' );
<div {{{ view.getRenderAttributeString( 'background-video-container' ) }}}>
<div class="elementor-background-video-embed"></div>
<video class="elementor-background-video-hosted elementor-html5-video" {{ videoAttributes }}></video>
<# } #>
<div class="elementor-shape elementor-shape-top"></div>
<div class="elementor-shape elementor-shape-bottom"></div>
<# if ( 'boxed' === settings.content_width ) { #>
<# } #>
* Render the video background markup.
* @return void
protected function render_video_background() {
$settings = $this->get_settings_for_display();
if ( 'video' !== $settings['background_background'] ) {
if ( ! $settings['background_video_link'] ) {
$video_properties = Embed::get_video_properties( $settings['background_video_link'] );
$this->add_render_attribute( 'background-video-container', 'class', 'elementor-background-video-container' );
if ( ! $settings['background_play_on_mobile'] ) {
$this->add_render_attribute( 'background-video-container', 'class', 'elementor-hidden-phone' );
?><div <?php $this->print_render_attribute_string( 'background-video-container' ); ?>>
<?php if ( $video_properties ) : ?>
<div class="elementor-background-video-embed"></div>
else :
$video_tag_attributes = 'autoplay muted playsinline';
if ( 'yes' !== $settings['background_play_once'] ) {
$video_tag_attributes .= ' loop';
<video class="elementor-background-video-hosted elementor-html5-video" <?php echo esc_attr( $video_tag_attributes ); ?>></video>
<?php endif; ?>
* Render the Container's shape divider.
* TODO: Copied from `section.php`.
* Used to generate the shape dividers HTML.
* @param string $side - Shape divider side, used to set the shape key.
* @return void
protected function render_shape_divider( $side ) {
$settings = $this->get_active_settings();
$base_setting_key = "shape_divider_$side";
$negative = ! empty( $settings[ $base_setting_key . '_negative' ] );
$shape_path = Shapes::get_shape_path( $settings[ $base_setting_key ], $negative );
if ( ! is_file( $shape_path ) || ! is_readable( $shape_path ) ) {
<div class="elementor-shape elementor-shape-<?php echo esc_attr( $side ); ?>" data-negative="<?php
Utils::print_unescaped_internal_string( $negative ? 'true' : 'false' );
// PHPCS - The file content is being read from a strict file path structure.
echo Utils::file_get_contents( $shape_path ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
* Print safe HTML tag for the element based on the element settings.
* @return void
protected function print_html_tag() {
$html_tag = $this->get_settings( 'html_tag' );
if ( empty( $html_tag ) ) {
$html_tag = 'div';
Utils::print_validated_html_tag( $html_tag );
* Before rendering the container content. (Print the opening tag, etc.)
* @return void
public function before_render() {
$settings = $this->get_settings_for_display();
$link = $settings['link'];
if ( ! empty( $link['url'] ) ) {
$this->add_link_attributes( '_wrapper', $link );
?><<?php $this->print_html_tag(); ?> <?php $this->print_render_attribute_string( '_wrapper' ); ?>>
if ( $this->is_boxed_container( $settings ) ) { ?>
<div class="e-con-inner">
<?php }
if ( ! empty( $settings['shape_divider_top'] ) ) {
$this->render_shape_divider( 'top' );
if ( ! empty( $settings['shape_divider_bottom'] ) ) {
$this->render_shape_divider( 'bottom' );
* After rendering the Container content. (Print the closing tag, etc.)
* @return void
public function after_render() {
$settings = $this->get_settings_for_display();
if ( $this->is_boxed_container( $settings ) ) { ?>
<?php } ?>
</<?php $this->print_html_tag(); ?>>
protected function is_boxed_container( array $settings ) {
return ! empty( $settings['content_width'] ) && 'boxed' === $settings['content_width'];
* Override the default child type to allow widgets & containers as children.
* @param array $element_data
* @return \Elementor\Element_Base|\Elementor\Widget_Base|null
protected function _get_default_child_type( array $element_data ) {
if ( 'container' === $element_data['elType'] ) {
return Plugin::$instance->elements_manager->get_element_types( 'container' );
return Plugin::$instance->widgets_manager->get_widget_types( $element_data['widgetType'] );
protected function get_flex_control_options( $is_container_grid_active ) {
$flex_control_options = [
'name' => 'flex',
'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}}',
'fields_options' => [
'gap' => [
'label' => esc_html__( 'Gaps', 'elementor' ),
'device_args' => [
Breakpoints_Manager::BREAKPOINT_KEY_DESKTOP => [
// Use the default gap from the kit as a placeholder.
'placeholder' => $this->active_kit->get_settings_for_display( 'space_between_widgets' ),
if ( $is_container_grid_active ) {
$flex_control_options['condition'] = [
'container_type' => 'flex',
return $flex_control_options;
protected function get_container_type_control_options( $is_container_grid_active ) {
if ( $is_container_grid_active ) {
return [
'label' => esc_html__( 'Container Layout', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::SELECT,
'default' => 'flex',
'prefix_class' => 'e-',
'options' => [
'flex' => esc_html__( 'Flexbox', 'elementor' ),
'grid' => esc_html__( 'Grid', 'elementor' ),
'selectors' => [
'{{WRAPPER}}' => '--display: {{VALUE}}',
'separator' => 'after',
'frontend_available' => true,
// TODO: This can be removed when the 'Container Grid Experiment' is merged.
return [
'label' => esc_html__( 'Container Layout', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::HIDDEN,
'render_type' => 'none',
'default' => 'flex',
'prefix_class' => 'e-',
'selectors' => [
'{{WRAPPER}}' => '--display: {{VALUE}}',
'separator' => 'after',
* Register the Container's layout controls.
* @return void
protected function register_container_layout_controls() {
'label' => esc_html__( 'Container', 'elementor' ),
'tab' => Controls_Manager::TAB_LAYOUT,
$active_breakpoints = Plugin::$instance->breakpoints->get_active_breakpoints();
if ( array_key_exists( Breakpoints_Manager::BREAKPOINT_KEY_MOBILE_EXTRA, $active_breakpoints ) ) {
$min_affected_device = Breakpoints_Manager::BREAKPOINT_KEY_MOBILE_EXTRA;
} else {
$min_affected_device = Breakpoints_Manager::BREAKPOINT_KEY_TABLET;
$is_container_grid_active = Plugin::$instance->experiments->is_feature_active( 'container_grid' );
$this->get_container_type_control_options( $is_container_grid_active )
'label' => esc_html__( 'Content Width', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::SELECT,
'default' => 'boxed',
'options' => [
'boxed' => esc_html__( 'Boxed', 'elementor' ),
'full' => esc_html__( 'Full Width', 'elementor' ),
'render_type' => 'template',
'prefix_class' => 'e-con-',
'frontend_available' => true,
$width_control_settings = [
'label' => esc_html__( 'Width', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER,
'size_units' => [ 'px', '%', 'em', 'rem', 'vw', 'custom' ],
'range' => [
'px' => [
'min' => 500,
'max' => 1600,
'%' => [
'min' => 0,
'max' => 100,
'vw' => [
'min' => 0,
'max' => 100,
'default' => [
'unit' => '%',
'min_affected_device' => [
Breakpoints_Manager::BREAKPOINT_KEY_DESKTOP => $min_affected_device,
Breakpoints_Manager::BREAKPOINT_KEY_LAPTOP => $min_affected_device,
Breakpoints_Manager::BREAKPOINT_KEY_TABLET_EXTRA => $min_affected_device,
Breakpoints_Manager::BREAKPOINT_KEY_TABLET => $min_affected_device,
Breakpoints_Manager::BREAKPOINT_KEY_MOBILE_EXTRA => $min_affected_device,
'separator' => 'none',
array_merge( $width_control_settings, [
'selectors' => [
'{{WRAPPER}}' => '--width: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}};',
'condition' => [
'content_width' => 'full',
'device_args' => [
Breakpoints_Manager::BREAKPOINT_KEY_DESKTOP => [
'placeholder' => [
'size' => 100,
'unit' => '%',
Breakpoints_Manager::BREAKPOINT_KEY_MOBILE => [
// The mobile width is not inherited from the higher breakpoint width controls.
'placeholder' => [
'size' => 100,
'unit' => '%',
] )
array_merge( $width_control_settings, [
'selectors' => [
'{{WRAPPER}}' => '--content-width: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}};',
'condition' => [
'content_width' => 'boxed',
'default' => [
'unit' => 'px',
'device_args' => [
Breakpoints_Manager::BREAKPOINT_KEY_DESKTOP => [
// Use the default width from the kit as a placeholder.
'placeholder' => $this->active_kit->get_settings_for_display( 'container_width' ),
Breakpoints_Manager::BREAKPOINT_KEY_MOBILE => [
// The mobile width is not inherited from the higher breakpoint width controls.
'placeholder' => [
'size' => 100,
'unit' => '%',
] )
'label' => esc_html__( 'Min Height', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER,
'size_units' => [ 'px', 'em', 'rem', 'vh', 'custom' ],
'range' => [
'px' => [
'min' => 0,
'max' => 1440,
'vh' => [
'min' => 0,
'max' => 100,
'description' => sprintf(
esc_html__( 'To achieve full height Container use %s.', 'elementor' ),
'selectors' => [
'{{WRAPPER}}' => '--min-height: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}};',
$this->get_flex_control_options( $is_container_grid_active )
if ( $is_container_grid_active ) {
'name' => 'grid',
'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}}',
'condition' => [
'container_type' => [ 'grid' ],
* Register the Container's items layout controls.
* @return void
protected function register_items_layout_controls() {
'label' => esc_html__( 'Additional Options', 'elementor' ),
'tab' => Controls_Manager::TAB_LAYOUT,
'label' => esc_html__( 'Overflow', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::SELECT,
'default' => '',
'options' => [
'' => esc_html__( 'Default', 'elementor' ),
'hidden' => esc_html__( 'Hidden', 'elementor' ),
'auto' => esc_html__( 'Auto', 'elementor' ),
'selectors' => [
'{{WRAPPER}}' => '--overflow: {{VALUE}}',
$possible_tags = [
'div' => 'div',
'header' => 'header',
'footer' => 'footer',
'main' => 'main',
'article' => 'article',
'section' => 'section',
'aside' => 'aside',
'nav' => 'nav',
'a' => 'a ' . esc_html__( '(link)', 'elementor' ),
$options = [
'' => esc_html__( 'Default', 'elementor' ),
] + $possible_tags;
'label' => esc_html__( 'HTML Tag', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::SELECT,
'options' => $options,
'type' => Controls_Manager::RAW_HTML,
'content_classes' => 'elementor-panel-alert elementor-panel-alert-warning',
'raw' => esc_html__( 'Dont add links to elements nested in this container - it will break the layout.', 'elementor' ),
'condition' => [
'html_tag' => 'a',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Link', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::URL,
'dynamic' => [
'active' => true,
'condition' => [
'html_tag' => 'a',
* Register the Container's layout tab.
* @return void
protected function register_layout_tab() {
* Register the Container's background controls.
* @return void
protected function register_background_controls() {
'label' => esc_html__( 'Background', 'elementor' ),
'tab' => Controls_Manager::TAB_STYLE,
$this->start_controls_tabs( 'tabs_background' );
* Normal.
'label' => esc_html__( 'Normal', 'elementor' ),
'name' => 'background',
'types' => [ 'classic', 'gradient', 'video', 'slideshow' ],
'fields_options' => [
'background' => [
'frontend_available' => true,
'image' => [
'background_lazyload' => [
'active' => true,
'keys' => [ 'background_image', 'url' ],
* Hover.
'label' => esc_html__( 'Hover', 'elementor' ),
'name' => 'background_hover',
'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}}:hover',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Transition Duration', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER,
'default' => [
'size' => 0.3,
'render_type' => 'ui',
'separator' => 'before',
'selectors' => [
'{{WRAPPER}}' => '--background-transition: {{SIZE}}s;',
* Register the Container's background overlay controls.
* @return void
protected function register_background_overlay_controls() {
'label' => esc_html__( 'Background Overlay', 'elementor' ),
'tab' => Controls_Manager::TAB_STYLE,
$this->start_controls_tabs( 'tabs_background_overlay' );
* Normal.
'label' => esc_html__( 'Normal', 'elementor' ),
$background_overlay_selector = '{{WRAPPER}}::before, {{WRAPPER}} > .elementor-background-video-container::before, {{WRAPPER}} > .e-con-inner > .elementor-background-video-container::before, {{WRAPPER}} > .elementor-background-slideshow::before, {{WRAPPER}} > .e-con-inner > .elementor-background-slideshow::before, {{WRAPPER}} > .elementor-motion-effects-container > .elementor-motion-effects-layer::before';
'name' => 'background_overlay',
'selector' => $background_overlay_selector,
'fields_options' => [
'background' => [
'selectors' => [
// Hack to set the `::before` content in order to render it only when there is a background overlay.
$background_overlay_selector => '--background-overlay: \'\';',
'image' => [
'background_lazyload' => [
'active' => true,
'keys' => [ 'background_overlay_image', 'url' ],
'label' => esc_html__( 'Opacity', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER,
'default' => [
'size' => .5,
'range' => [
'px' => [
'max' => 1,
'step' => 0.01,
'selectors' => [
'{{WRAPPER}}' => '--overlay-opacity: {{SIZE}};',
'condition' => [
'background_overlay_background' => [ 'classic', 'gradient' ],
'name' => 'css_filters',
'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}}::before',
'conditions' => [
'relation' => 'or',
'terms' => [
'name' => 'background_overlay_image[url]',
'operator' => '!==',
'value' => '',
'name' => 'background_overlay_color',
'operator' => '!==',
'value' => '',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Blend Mode', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::SELECT,
'options' => [
'' => esc_html__( 'Normal', 'elementor' ),
'multiply' => esc_html__( 'Multiply', 'elementor' ),
'screen' => esc_html__( 'Screen', 'elementor' ),
'overlay' => esc_html__( 'Overlay', 'elementor' ),
'darken' => esc_html__( 'Darken', 'elementor' ),
'lighten' => esc_html__( 'Lighten', 'elementor' ),
'color-dodge' => esc_html__( 'Color Dodge', 'elementor' ),
'saturation' => esc_html__( 'Saturation', 'elementor' ),
'color' => esc_html__( 'Color', 'elementor' ),
'luminosity' => esc_html__( 'Luminosity', 'elementor' ),
'selectors' => [
'{{WRAPPER}}' => '--overlay-mix-blend-mode: {{VALUE}}',
'conditions' => [
'relation' => 'or',
'terms' => [
'name' => 'background_overlay_image[url]',
'operator' => '!==',
'value' => '',
'name' => 'background_overlay_color',
'operator' => '!==',
'value' => '',
* Hover.
'label' => esc_html__( 'Hover', 'elementor' ),
$background_overlay_hover_selector = '{{WRAPPER}}:hover::before, {{WRAPPER}}:hover > .elementor-background-video-container::before, {{WRAPPER}}:hover > .e-con-inner > .elementor-background-video-container::before, {{WRAPPER}} > .elementor-background-slideshow:hover::before, {{WRAPPER}} > .e-con-inner > .elementor-background-slideshow:hover::before';
'name' => 'background_overlay_hover',
'selector' => $background_overlay_hover_selector,
'fields_options' => [
'background' => [
'selectors' => [
// Hack to set the `::before` content in order to render it only when there is a background overlay.
$background_overlay_hover_selector => '--background-overlay: \'\';',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Opacity', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER,
'default' => [
'size' => .5,
'range' => [
'px' => [
'max' => 1,
'step' => 0.01,
'selectors' => [
'{{WRAPPER}}:hover' => '--overlay-opacity: {{SIZE}};',
'condition' => [
'background_overlay_hover_background' => [ 'classic', 'gradient' ],
'name' => 'css_filters_hover',
'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}}:hover::before',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Transition Duration', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER,
'range' => [
'px' => [
'max' => 3,
'step' => 0.1,
'render_type' => 'ui',
'separator' => 'before',
'selectors' => [
'{{WRAPPER}}, {{WRAPPER}}::before' => '--overlay-transition: {{SIZE}}s;',
* Register the Container's border controls.
* @return void
protected function register_border_controls() {
'label' => esc_html__( 'Border', 'elementor' ),
'tab' => Controls_Manager::TAB_STYLE,
$this->start_controls_tabs( 'tabs_border' );
* Normal.
'label' => esc_html__( 'Normal', 'elementor' ),
'name' => 'border',
'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}}',
'fields_options' => [
'width' => [
'selectors' => [
'{{SELECTOR}}' => "border-width: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}}; --border-block-start-width: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}}; --border-inline-end-width: $this->logical_dimensions_inline_end; --border-block-end-width: {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}}; --border-inline-start-width: $this->logical_dimensions_inline_start;",
'color' => [
'selectors' => [
'{{SELECTOR}}' => 'border-color: {{VALUE}}; --border-color: {{VALUE}};',
'border' => [
'selectors' => [
'{{SELECTOR}}' => 'border-style: {{VALUE}}; --border-style: {{VALUE}};',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Border Radius', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS,
'size_units' => [ 'px', '%', 'em', 'rem', 'custom' ],
'selectors' => [
'{{WRAPPER}}' => '--border-radius: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}};',
'name' => 'box_shadow',
* Hover.
'label' => esc_html__( 'Hover', 'elementor' ),
'name' => 'border_hover',
'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}}:hover',
'fields_options' => [
'width' => [
'selectors' => [
'{{SELECTOR}}' => "border-width: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}}; --border-block-start-width: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}}; --border-inline-end-width: $this->logical_dimensions_inline_end; --border-block-end-width: {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}}; --border-inline-start-width: $this->logical_dimensions_inline_start;",
'color' => [
'selectors' => [
'{{SELECTOR}}' => 'border-color: {{VALUE}}; --border-color: {{VALUE}};',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Border Radius', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS,
'size_units' => [ 'px', '%', 'em', 'rem', 'custom' ],
'selectors' => [
'{{WRAPPER}}:hover' => "--border-radius: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}}; --border-top-left-radius: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}}; --border-top-right-radius: $this->logical_dimensions_inline_end; --border-bottom-right-radius: {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}}; --border-bottom-left-radius: $this->logical_dimensions_inline_start;",
'name' => 'box_shadow_hover',
'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}}:hover',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Transition Duration', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER,
'separator' => 'before',
'default' => [
'size' => 0.3,
'range' => [
'px' => [
'max' => 3,
'step' => 0.1,
'conditions' => [
'relation' => 'or',
'terms' => [
'name' => 'background_background',
'operator' => '!==',
'value' => '',
'name' => 'border_border',
'operator' => '!==',
'value' => '',
'selectors' => [
'{{WRAPPER}}, {{WRAPPER}}::before' => '--border-transition: {{SIZE}}s;',
* Register the Container's shape dividers controls.
* TODO: Copied from `section.php`.
* @return void
protected function register_shape_dividers_controls() {
'label' => esc_html__( 'Shape Divider', 'elementor' ),
'tab' => Controls_Manager::TAB_STYLE,
$this->start_controls_tabs( 'tabs_shape_dividers' );
$shapes_options = [
'' => esc_html__( 'None', 'elementor' ),
foreach ( Shapes::get_shapes() as $shape_name => $shape_props ) {
$shapes_options[ $shape_name ] = $shape_props['title'];
foreach ( [
'top' => esc_html__( 'Top', 'elementor' ),
'bottom' => esc_html__( 'Bottom', 'elementor' ),
] as $side => $side_label ) {
$base_control_key = "shape_divider_$side";
'label' => $side_label,
'label' => esc_html__( 'Type', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::SELECT,
'options' => $shapes_options,
'render_type' => 'none',
'frontend_available' => true,
$base_control_key . '_color',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Color', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::COLOR,
'condition' => [
"shape_divider_$side!" => '',
'selectors' => [
"{{WRAPPER}} > .elementor-shape-$side .elementor-shape-fill, {{WRAPPER}} > .e-con-inner > .elementor-shape-$side .elementor-shape-fill" => 'fill: {{UNIT}};',
$base_control_key . '_width',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Width', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER,
'default' => [
'unit' => '%',
'tablet_default' => [
'unit' => '%',
'mobile_default' => [
'unit' => '%',
'range' => [
'%' => [
'min' => 100,
'max' => 300,
'condition' => [
"shape_divider_$side" => array_keys( Shapes::filter_shapes( 'height_only', Shapes::FILTER_EXCLUDE ) ),
'selectors' => [
"{{WRAPPER}} > .elementor-shape-$side svg, {{WRAPPER}} > .e-con-inner > .elementor-shape-$side svg" => 'width: calc({{SIZE}}{{UNIT}} + 1.3px)',
$base_control_key . '_height',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Height', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER,
'range' => [
'px' => [
'max' => 500,
'condition' => [
"shape_divider_$side!" => '',
'selectors' => [
"{{WRAPPER}} > .elementor-shape-$side svg, {{WRAPPER}} > .e-con-inner > .elementor-shape-$side svg" => 'height: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}};',
$base_control_key . '_flip',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Flip', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::SWITCHER,
'condition' => [
"shape_divider_$side" => array_keys( Shapes::filter_shapes( 'has_flip' ) ),
'selectors' => [
"{{WRAPPER}} > .elementor-shape-$side svg, {{WRAPPER}} > .e-con-inner > .elementor-shape-$side svg" => 'transform: translateX(-50%) rotateY(180deg)',
$base_control_key . '_negative',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Invert', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::SWITCHER,
'frontend_available' => true,
'condition' => [
"shape_divider_$side" => array_keys( Shapes::filter_shapes( 'has_negative' ) ),
'render_type' => 'none',
$base_control_key . '_above_content',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Bring to Front', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::SWITCHER,
'selectors' => [
"{{WRAPPER}} > .elementor-shape-$side, {{WRAPPER}} > .e-con-inner > .elementor-shape-$side" => 'z-index: 2; pointer-events: none',
'condition' => [
"shape_divider_$side!" => '',
* Register the Container's style tab.
* @return void
protected function register_style_tab() {
* Register the Container's advanced style controls.
* @return void
protected function register_advanced_controls() {
'label' => esc_html__( 'Layout', 'elementor' ),
'tab' => Controls_Manager::TAB_ADVANCED,
'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS,
'size_units' => [ 'px', '%', 'em', 'rem', 'vw', 'custom' ],
'selectors' => [
'{{WRAPPER}}' => "--margin-block-start: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}}; --margin-block-end: {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}}; --margin-inline-start: $this->logical_dimensions_inline_start; --margin-inline-end: $this->logical_dimensions_inline_end;",
'label' => esc_html__( 'Padding', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS,
'size_units' => [ 'px', '%', 'em', 'rem', 'vw', 'custom' ],
'selectors' => [
'{{WRAPPER}}' => "--padding-block-start: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}}; --padding-block-end: {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}}; --padding-inline-start: $this->logical_dimensions_inline_start; --padding-inline-end: $this->logical_dimensions_inline_end;",
'name' => '_flex',
'include' => [
'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}}.e-con', // Hack to increase specificity.
'separator' => 'before',
'raw' => '<strong>' . esc_html__( 'Please note!', 'elementor' ) . '</strong> ' . esc_html__( 'Custom positioning is not considered best practice for responsive web design and should not be used too frequently.', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::RAW_HTML,
'content_classes' => 'elementor-panel-alert elementor-panel-alert-warning',
'render_type' => 'ui',
'condition' => [
'position!' => '',
// TODO: Copied from `common.php` - Extract to group control.
'label' => esc_html__( 'Position', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::SELECT,
'default' => '',
'options' => [
'' => esc_html__( 'Default', 'elementor' ),
'absolute' => esc_html__( 'Absolute', 'elementor' ),
'fixed' => esc_html__( 'Fixed', 'elementor' ),
'selectors' => [
'{{WRAPPER}}' => '--position: {{VALUE}};',
'frontend_available' => true,
'separator' => 'before',
$left = esc_html__( 'Left', 'elementor' );
$right = esc_html__( 'Right', 'elementor' );
$start = is_rtl() ? $right : $left;
$end = ! is_rtl() ? $right : $left;
'label' => esc_html__( 'Horizontal Orientation', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::CHOOSE,
'toggle' => false,
'default' => 'start',
'options' => [
'start' => [
'title' => $start,
'icon' => 'eicon-h-align-left',
'end' => [
'title' => $end,
'icon' => 'eicon-h-align-right',
'classes' => 'elementor-control-start-end',
'render_type' => 'ui',
'condition' => [
'position!' => '',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Offset', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER,
'range' => [
'px' => [
'min' => -1000,
'max' => 1000,
'step' => 1,
'%' => [
'min' => -200,
'max' => 200,
'vw' => [
'min' => -200,
'max' => 200,
'vh' => [
'min' => -200,
'max' => 200,
'default' => [
'size' => '0',
'size_units' => [ 'px', '%', 'em', 'rem', 'vw', 'vh', 'custom' ],
'selectors' => [
'body:not(.rtl) {{WRAPPER}}' => 'left: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}}',
'body.rtl {{WRAPPER}}' => 'right: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}}',
'condition' => [
'_offset_orientation_h!' => 'end',
'position!' => '',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Offset', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER,
'range' => [
'px' => [
'min' => -1000,
'max' => 1000,
'step' => 0.1,
'%' => [
'min' => -200,
'max' => 200,
'vw' => [
'min' => -200,
'max' => 200,
'vh' => [
'min' => -200,
'max' => 200,
'default' => [
'size' => '0',
'size_units' => [ 'px', '%', 'em', 'rem', 'vw', 'vh', 'custom' ],
'selectors' => [
'body:not(.rtl) {{WRAPPER}}' => 'right: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}}',
'body.rtl {{WRAPPER}}' => 'left: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}}',
'condition' => [
'_offset_orientation_h' => 'end',
'position!' => '',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Vertical Orientation', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::CHOOSE,
'toggle' => false,
'default' => 'start',
'options' => [
'start' => [
'title' => esc_html__( 'Top', 'elementor' ),
'icon' => 'eicon-v-align-top',
'end' => [
'title' => esc_html__( 'Bottom', 'elementor' ),
'icon' => 'eicon-v-align-bottom',
'render_type' => 'ui',
'condition' => [
'position!' => '',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Offset', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER,
'range' => [
'px' => [
'min' => -1000,
'max' => 1000,
'step' => 1,
'%' => [
'min' => -200,
'max' => 200,
'vh' => [
'min' => -200,
'max' => 200,
'vw' => [
'min' => -200,
'max' => 200,
'size_units' => [ 'px', '%', 'em', 'rem', 'vh', 'vw', 'custom' ],
'default' => [
'size' => '0',
'selectors' => [
'{{WRAPPER}}' => 'top: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}}',
'condition' => [
'_offset_orientation_v!' => 'end',
'position!' => '',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Offset', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER,
'range' => [
'px' => [
'min' => -1000,
'max' => 1000,
'step' => 1,
'%' => [
'min' => -200,
'max' => 200,
'vh' => [
'min' => -200,
'max' => 200,
'vw' => [
'min' => -200,
'max' => 200,
'size_units' => [ 'px', '%', 'em', 'rem', 'vh', 'vw', 'custom' ],
'default' => [
'size' => '0',
'selectors' => [
'{{WRAPPER}}' => 'bottom: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}}',
'condition' => [
'_offset_orientation_v' => 'end',
'position!' => '',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Z-Index', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::NUMBER,
'min' => 0,
'selectors' => [
'{{WRAPPER}}' => '--z-index: {{VALUE}};',
'label' => esc_html__( 'CSS ID', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::TEXT,
'default' => '',
'ai' => [
'active' => false,
'dynamic' => [
'active' => true,
'title' => esc_html__( 'Add your custom id WITHOUT the Pound key. e.g: my-id', 'elementor' ),
'style_transfer' => false,
'classes' => 'elementor-control-direction-ltr',
'label' => esc_html__( 'CSS Classes', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::TEXT,
'default' => '',
'ai' => [
'active' => false,
'dynamic' => [
'active' => true,
'prefix_class' => '',
'title' => esc_html__( 'Add your custom class WITHOUT the dot. e.g: my-class', 'elementor' ),
'classes' => 'elementor-control-direction-ltr',
* Register the Container's motion effects controls.
* @return void
protected function register_motion_effects_controls() {
'label' => esc_html__( 'Motion Effects', 'elementor' ),
'tab' => Controls_Manager::TAB_ADVANCED,
'label' => esc_html__( 'Entrance Animation', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::ANIMATION,
'frontend_available' => true,
'label' => esc_html__( 'Animation Duration', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::SELECT,
'default' => '',
'options' => [
'slow' => esc_html__( 'Slow', 'elementor' ),
'' => esc_html__( 'Normal', 'elementor' ),
'fast' => esc_html__( 'Fast', 'elementor' ),
'prefix_class' => 'animated-',
'condition' => [
'animation!' => '',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Animation Delay', 'elementor' ) . ' (ms)',
'type' => Controls_Manager::NUMBER,
'default' => '',
'min' => 0,
'step' => 100,
'condition' => [
'animation!' => '',
'render_type' => 'none',
'frontend_available' => true,
* Register the Container's responsive controls.
* @return void
protected function register_responsive_controls() {
'label' => esc_html__( 'Responsive', 'elementor' ),
'tab' => Controls_Manager::TAB_ADVANCED,
'label' => esc_html__( 'Visibility', 'elementor' ),
'type' => Controls_Manager::HEADING,
'raw' => sprintf(
/* translators: 1: Link open tag, 2: Link close tag. */
esc_html__( 'Responsive visibility will take effect only on %1$s preview mode %2$s or live page, and not while editing in Elementor.', 'elementor' ),
'<a href="javascript: $ \'panel/close\' )">',
'type' => Controls_Manager::RAW_HTML,
'content_classes' => 'elementor-descriptor',
* Register the Container's advanced tab.
* @return void
protected function register_advanced_tab() {
$this->register_transform_section( 'con' );
Plugin::$instance->controls_manager->add_custom_attributes_controls( $this );
Plugin::$instance->controls_manager->add_custom_css_controls( $this );
protected function hook_sticky_notice_into_transform_section() {
add_action( 'elementor/element/container/_section_transform/after_section_start', function( Container $container ) {
if ( ! empty( $container->get_controls( 'transform_sticky_notice' ) ) ) {
'type' => Controls_Manager::RAW_HTML,
'raw' => esc_html__( 'Note: Avoid applying transform properties on sticky containers. Doing so might cause unexpected results.', 'elementor' ),
'content_classes' => 'elementor-panel-alert elementor-panel-alert-warning',
} );
* Register the Container's controls.
* @return void
protected function register_controls() {
public function on_import( $element ) {
return self::slider_to_gaps_converter( $element );
* convert slider to gaps control for the 3.16 upgrade script
* @param $element
* @return array
public static function slider_to_gaps_converter( $element ) {
$breakpoints = array_keys( (array) Plugin::$instance->breakpoints->get_breakpoints() );
$breakpoints[] = 'desktop';
$control_name = 'flex_gap';
foreach ( $breakpoints as $breakpoint ) {
$control = 'desktop' !== $breakpoint
? $control_name . '_' . $breakpoint
: $control_name;
if ( isset( $element['settings'][ $control ] ) ) {
$old_size = strval( $element['settings'][ $control ]['size'] );
$element['settings'][ $control ]['column'] = $old_size;
$element['settings'][ $control ]['row'] = $old_size;
$element['settings'][ $control ]['isLinked'] = true;
return $element;