/******/ (function() { // webpackBootstrap /******/ "use strict"; /******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ({ /***/ 754: /***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { // EXPORTS __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, { c4: function() { return /* reexport */ router_navigate; }, tL: function() { return /* reexport */ prefetch; }, h: function() { return /* reexport */ store; } }); // UNUSED EXPORTS: createElement, deepSignal, directive, useContext, useEffect, useMemo ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/preact/dist/preact.module.js var preact_module_n, preact_module_l, preact_module_u, preact_module_t, i, preact_module_o, r, preact_module_f, preact_module_e, preact_module_c = {}, s = [], a = /acit|ex(?:s|g|n|p|$)|rph|grid|ows|mnc|ntw|ine[ch]|zoo|^ord|itera/i, v = Array.isArray; function h(n, l) { for (var u in l) n[u] = l[u]; return n; } function p(n) { var l = n.parentNode; l && l.removeChild(n); } function y(l, u, t) { var i, o, r, f = {}; for (r in u) "key" == r ? i = u[r] : "ref" == r ? o = u[r] : f[r] = u[r]; if (arguments.length > 2 && (f.children = arguments.length > 3 ? preact_module_n.call(arguments, 2) : t), "function" == typeof l && null != l.defaultProps) for (r in l.defaultProps) void 0 === f[r] && (f[r] = l.defaultProps[r]); return d(l, f, i, o, null); } function d(n, t, i, o, r) { var f = { type: n, props: t, key: i, ref: o, __k: null, __: null, __b: 0, __e: null, __d: void 0, __c: null, __h: null, constructor: void 0, __v: null == r ? ++preact_module_u : r, __i: -1 }; return null == r && null != preact_module_l.vnode && preact_module_l.vnode(f), f; } function _() { return { current: null }; } function k(n) { return n.children; } function m(n, l) { this.props = n, this.context = l; } function b(n, l) { if (null == l) return n.__ ? b(n.__, n.__i + 1) : null; for (var u; l < n.__k.length; l++) if (null != (u = n.__k[l]) && null != u.__e) return u.__e; return "function" == typeof n.type ? b(n) : null; } function g(n) { var l, u; if (null != (n = n.__) && null != n.__c) { for (n.__e = n.__c.base = null, l = 0; l < n.__k.length; l++) if (null != (u = n.__k[l]) && null != u.__e) { n.__e = n.__c.base = u.__e; break; } return g(n); } } function w(n) { (!n.__d && (n.__d = !0) && i.push(n) && !x.__r++ || preact_module_o !== preact_module_l.debounceRendering) && ((preact_module_o = preact_module_l.debounceRendering) || r)(x); } function x() { var n, l, u, t, o, r, e, c, s; for (i.sort(preact_module_f); n = i.shift();) n.__d && (l = i.length, t = void 0, o = void 0, r = void 0, c = (e = (u = n).__v).__e, (s = u.__P) && (t = [], o = [], (r = h({}, e)).__v = e.__v + 1, z(s, r, e, u.__n, void 0 !== s.ownerSVGElement, null != e.__h ? [c] : null, t, null == c ? b(e) : c, e.__h, o), r.__.__k[r.__i] = r, L(t, r, o), r.__e != c && g(r)), i.length > l && i.sort(preact_module_f)); x.__r = 0; } function C(n, l, u, t, i, o, r, f, e, a, h) { var p, y, _, m, g, w, x, C, $, D = 0, H = t && t.__k || s, I = H.length, T = I, j = l.length; for (u.__k = [], p = 0; p < j; p++) null != (m = u.__k[p] = null == (m = l[p]) || "boolean" == typeof m || "function" == typeof m ? null : m.constructor == String || "number" == typeof m || "bigint" == typeof m ? d(null, m, null, null, m) : v(m) ? d(k, { children: m }, null, null, null) : m.__b > 0 ? d(m.type, m.props, m.key, m.ref ? m.ref : null, m.__v) : m) ? (m.__ = u, m.__b = u.__b + 1, m.__i = p, -1 === (C = A(m, H, x = p + D, T)) ? _ = preact_module_c : (_ = H[C] || preact_module_c, H[C] = void 0, T--), z(n, m, _, i, o, r, f, e, a, h), g = m.__e, (y = m.ref) && _.ref != y && (_.ref && N(_.ref, null, m), h.push(y, m.__c || g, m)), null == w && null != g && (w = g), ($ = _ === preact_module_c || null === _.__v) ? -1 == C && D-- : C !== x && (C === x + 1 ? D++ : C > x ? T > j - x ? D += C - x : D-- : D = C < x && C == x - 1 ? C - x : 0), x = p + D, "function" == typeof m.type ? (C !== x || _.__k === m.__k ? e = P(m, e, n) : void 0 !== m.__d ? e = m.__d : g && (e = g.nextSibling), m.__d = void 0) : g && (e = C !== x || $ ? S(n, g, e) : g.nextSibling), "function" == typeof u.type && (u.__d = e)) : (_ = H[p]) && null == _.key && _.__e && (_.__e == e && (e = b(_), "function" == typeof u.type && (u.__d = e)), O(_, _, !1), H[p] = null); for (u.__e = w, p = I; p--;) null != H[p] && ("function" == typeof u.type && null != H[p].__e && H[p].__e == e && (u.__d = H[p].__e.nextSibling), O(H[p], H[p])); } function P(n, l, u) { for (var t, i = n.__k, o = 0; i && o < i.length; o++) (t = i[o]) && (t.__ = n, l = "function" == typeof t.type ? P(t, l, u) : S(u, t.__e, l)); return l; } function $(n, l) { return l = l || [], null == n || "boolean" == typeof n || (v(n) ? n.some(function (n) { $(n, l); }) : l.push(n)), l; } function S(n, l, u) { return l != u && n.insertBefore(l, u || null), l.nextSibling; } function A(n, l, u, t) { var i = n.key, o = n.type, r = u - 1, f = u + 1, e = l[u]; if (null === e || e && i == e.key && o === e.type) return u; if (t > (null != e ? 1 : 0)) for (; r >= 0 || f < l.length;) { if (r >= 0) { if ((e = l[r]) && i == e.key && o === e.type) return r; r--; } if (f < l.length) { if ((e = l[f]) && i == e.key && o === e.type) return f; f++; } } return -1; } function D(n, l, u, t, i) { var o; for (o in u) "children" === o || "key" === o || o in l || I(n, o, null, u[o], t); for (o in l) i && "function" != typeof l[o] || "children" === o || "key" === o || "value" === o || "checked" === o || u[o] === l[o] || I(n, o, l[o], u[o], t); } function H(n, l, u) { "-" === l[0] ? n.setProperty(l, null == u ? "" : u) : n[l] = null == u ? "" : "number" != typeof u || a.test(l) ? u : u + "px"; } function I(n, l, u, t, i) { var o; n: if ("style" === l) { if ("string" == typeof u) n.style.cssText = u;else { if ("string" == typeof t && (n.style.cssText = t = ""), t) for (l in t) u && l in u || H(n.style, l, ""); if (u) for (l in u) t && u[l] === t[l] || H(n.style, l, u[l]); } } else if ("o" === l[0] && "n" === l[1]) o = l !== (l = l.replace(/(PointerCapture)$|Capture$/, "$1")), l = l.toLowerCase() in n ? l.toLowerCase().slice(2) : l.slice(2), n.l || (n.l = {}), n.l[l + o] = u, u ? t ? u.u = t.u : (u.u = Date.now(), n.addEventListener(l, o ? j : T, o)) : n.removeEventListener(l, o ? j : T, o);else if ("dangerouslySetInnerHTML" !== l) { if (i) l = l.replace(/xlink(H|:h)/, "h").replace(/sName$/, "s");else if ("width" !== l && "height" !== l && "href" !== l && "list" !== l && "form" !== l && "tabIndex" !== l && "download" !== l && "rowSpan" !== l && "colSpan" !== l && "role" !== l && l in n) try { n[l] = null == u ? "" : u; break n; } catch (n) {} "function" == typeof u || (null == u || !1 === u && "-" !== l[4] ? n.removeAttribute(l) : n.setAttribute(l, u)); } } function T(n) { var u = this.l[n.type + !1]; if (n.t) { if (n.t <= u.u) return; } else n.t = Date.now(); return u(preact_module_l.event ? preact_module_l.event(n) : n); } function j(n) { return this.l[n.type + !0](preact_module_l.event ? preact_module_l.event(n) : n); } function z(n, u, t, i, o, r, f, e, c, s) { var a, p, y, d, _, b, g, w, x, P, $, S, A, D, H, I = u.type; if (void 0 !== u.constructor) return null; null != t.__h && (c = t.__h, e = u.__e = t.__e, u.__h = null, r = [e]), (a = preact_module_l.__b) && a(u); n: if ("function" == typeof I) try { if (w = u.props, x = (a = I.contextType) && i[a.__c], P = a ? x ? x.props.value : a.__ : i, t.__c ? g = (p = u.__c = t.__c).__ = p.__E : ("prototype" in I && I.prototype.render ? u.__c = p = new I(w, P) : (u.__c = p = new m(w, P), p.constructor = I, p.render = q), x && x.sub(p), p.props = w, p.state || (p.state = {}), p.context = P, p.__n = i, y = p.__d = !0, p.__h = [], p._sb = []), null == p.__s && (p.__s = p.state), null != I.getDerivedStateFromProps && (p.__s == p.state && (p.__s = h({}, p.__s)), h(p.__s, I.getDerivedStateFromProps(w, p.__s))), d = p.props, _ = p.state, p.__v = u, y) null == I.getDerivedStateFromProps && null != p.componentWillMount && p.componentWillMount(), null != p.componentDidMount && p.__h.push(p.componentDidMount);else { if (null == I.getDerivedStateFromProps && w !== d && null != p.componentWillReceiveProps && p.componentWillReceiveProps(w, P), !p.__e && (null != p.shouldComponentUpdate && !1 === p.shouldComponentUpdate(w, p.__s, P) || u.__v === t.__v)) { for (u.__v !== t.__v && (p.props = w, p.state = p.__s, p.__d = !1), u.__e = t.__e, u.__k = t.__k, u.__k.forEach(function (n) { n && (n.__ = u); }), $ = 0; $ < p._sb.length; $++) p.__h.push(p._sb[$]); p._sb = [], p.__h.length && f.push(p); break n; } null != p.componentWillUpdate && p.componentWillUpdate(w, p.__s, P), null != p.componentDidUpdate && p.__h.push(function () { p.componentDidUpdate(d, _, b); }); } if (p.context = P, p.props = w, p.__P = n, p.__e = !1, S = preact_module_l.__r, A = 0, "prototype" in I && I.prototype.render) { for (p.state = p.__s, p.__d = !1, S && S(u), a = p.render(p.props, p.state, p.context), D = 0; D < p._sb.length; D++) p.__h.push(p._sb[D]); p._sb = []; } else do { p.__d = !1, S && S(u), a = p.render(p.props, p.state, p.context), p.state = p.__s; } while (p.__d && ++A < 25); p.state = p.__s, null != p.getChildContext && (i = h(h({}, i), p.getChildContext())), y || null == p.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || (b = p.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(d, _)), C(n, v(H = null != a && a.type === k && null == a.key ? a.props.children : a) ? H : [H], u, t, i, o, r, f, e, c, s), p.base = u.__e, u.__h = null, p.__h.length && f.push(p), g && (p.__E = p.__ = null); } catch (n) { u.__v = null, c || null != r ? (u.__e = e, u.__h = !!c, r[r.indexOf(e)] = null) : (u.__e = t.__e, u.__k = t.__k), preact_module_l.__e(n, u, t); } else null == r && u.__v === t.__v ? (u.__k = t.__k, u.__e = t.__e) : u.__e = M(t.__e, u, t, i, o, r, f, c, s); (a = preact_module_l.diffed) && a(u); } function L(n, u, t) { u.__d = void 0; for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) N(t[i], t[++i], t[++i]); preact_module_l.__c && preact_module_l.__c(u, n), n.some(function (u) { try { n = u.__h, u.__h = [], n.some(function (n) { n.call(u); }); } catch (n) { preact_module_l.__e(n, u.__v); } }); } function M(l, u, t, i, o, r, f, e, s) { var a, h, y, d = t.props, _ = u.props, k = u.type, m = 0; if ("svg" === k && (o = !0), null != r) for (; m < r.length; m++) if ((a = r[m]) && "setAttribute" in a == !!k && (k ? a.localName === k : 3 === a.nodeType)) { l = a, r[m] = null; break; } if (null == l) { if (null === k) return document.createTextNode(_); l = o ? document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", k) : document.createElement(k, _.is && _), r = null, e = !1; } if (null === k) d === _ || e && l.data === _ || (l.data = _);else { if (r = r && preact_module_n.call(l.childNodes), h = (d = t.props || preact_module_c).dangerouslySetInnerHTML, y = _.dangerouslySetInnerHTML, !e) { if (null != r) for (d = {}, m = 0; m < l.attributes.length; m++) d[l.attributes[m].name] = l.attributes[m].value; (y || h) && (y && (h && y.__html == h.__html || y.__html === l.innerHTML) || (l.innerHTML = y && y.__html || "")); } if (D(l, _, d, o, e), y) u.__k = [];else if (C(l, v(m = u.props.children) ? m : [m], u, t, i, o && "foreignObject" !== k, r, f, r ? r[0] : t.__k && b(t, 0), e, s), null != r) for (m = r.length; m--;) null != r[m] && p(r[m]); e || ("value" in _ && void 0 !== (m = _.value) && (m !== l.value || "progress" === k && !m || "option" === k && m !== d.value) && I(l, "value", m, d.value, !1), "checked" in _ && void 0 !== (m = _.checked) && m !== l.checked && I(l, "checked", m, d.checked, !1)); } return l; } function N(n, u, t) { try { "function" == typeof n ? n(u) : n.current = u; } catch (n) { preact_module_l.__e(n, t); } } function O(n, u, t) { var i, o; if (preact_module_l.unmount && preact_module_l.unmount(n), (i = n.ref) && (i.current && i.current !== n.__e || N(i, null, u)), null != (i = n.__c)) { if (i.componentWillUnmount) try { i.componentWillUnmount(); } catch (n) { preact_module_l.__e(n, u); } i.base = i.__P = null, n.__c = void 0; } if (i = n.__k) for (o = 0; o < i.length; o++) i[o] && O(i[o], u, t || "function" != typeof n.type); t || null == n.__e || p(n.__e), n.__ = n.__e = n.__d = void 0; } function q(n, l, u) { return this.constructor(n, u); } function B(u, t, i) { var o, r, f, e; preact_module_l.__ && preact_module_l.__(u, t), r = (o = "function" == typeof i) ? null : i && i.__k || t.__k, f = [], e = [], z(t, u = (!o && i || t).__k = y(k, null, [u]), r || preact_module_c, preact_module_c, void 0 !== t.ownerSVGElement, !o && i ? [i] : r ? null : t.firstChild ? preact_module_n.call(t.childNodes) : null, f, !o && i ? i : r ? r.__e : t.firstChild, o, e), L(f, u, e); } function E(n, l) { B(n, l, E); } function F(l, u, t) { var i, o, r, f, e = h({}, l.props); for (r in l.type && l.type.defaultProps && (f = l.type.defaultProps), u) "key" == r ? i = u[r] : "ref" == r ? o = u[r] : e[r] = void 0 === u[r] && void 0 !== f ? f[r] : u[r]; return arguments.length > 2 && (e.children = arguments.length > 3 ? preact_module_n.call(arguments, 2) : t), d(l.type, e, i || l.key, o || l.ref, null); } function G(n, l) { var u = { __c: l = "__cC" + preact_module_e++, __: n, Consumer: function (n, l) { return n.children(l); }, Provider: function (n) { var u, t; return this.getChildContext || (u = [], (t = {})[l] = this, this.getChildContext = function () { return t; }, this.shouldComponentUpdate = function (n) { this.props.value !== n.value && u.some(function (n) { n.__e = !0, w(n); }); }, this.sub = function (n) { u.push(n); var l = n.componentWillUnmount; n.componentWillUnmount = function () { u.splice(u.indexOf(n), 1), l && l.call(n); }; }), n.children; } }; return u.Provider.__ = u.Consumer.contextType = u; } preact_module_n = s.slice, preact_module_l = { __e: function (n, l, u, t) { for (var i, o, r; l = l.__;) if ((i = l.__c) && !i.__) try { if ((o = i.constructor) && null != o.getDerivedStateFromError && (i.setState(o.getDerivedStateFromError(n)), r = i.__d), null != i.componentDidCatch && (i.componentDidCatch(n, t || {}), r = i.__d), r) return i.__E = i; } catch (l) { n = l; } throw n; } }, preact_module_u = 0, preact_module_t = function (n) { return null != n && null == n.constructor; }, m.prototype.setState = function (n, l) { var u; u = null != this.__s && this.__s !== this.state ? this.__s : this.__s = h({}, this.state), "function" == typeof n && (n = n(h({}, u), this.props)), n && h(u, n), null != n && this.__v && (l && this._sb.push(l), w(this)); }, m.prototype.forceUpdate = function (n) { this.__v && (this.__e = !0, n && this.__h.push(n), w(this)); }, m.prototype.render = k, i = [], r = "function" == typeof Promise ? Promise.prototype.then.bind(Promise.resolve()) : setTimeout, preact_module_f = function (n, l) { return n.__v.__b - l.__v.__b; }, x.__r = 0, preact_module_e = 0; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/preact/hooks/dist/hooks.module.js var hooks_module_t, hooks_module_r, hooks_module_u, hooks_module_i, hooks_module_o = 0, hooks_module_f = [], hooks_module_c = [], hooks_module_e = preact_module_l.__b, hooks_module_a = preact_module_l.__r, hooks_module_v = preact_module_l.diffed, l = preact_module_l.__c, hooks_module_m = preact_module_l.unmount; function hooks_module_d(t, u) { preact_module_l.__h && preact_module_l.__h(hooks_module_r, t, hooks_module_o || u), hooks_module_o = 0; var i = hooks_module_r.__H || (hooks_module_r.__H = { __: [], __h: [] }); return t >= i.__.length && i.__.push({ __V: hooks_module_c }), i.__[t]; } function hooks_module_h(n) { return hooks_module_o = 1, hooks_module_s(hooks_module_B, n); } function hooks_module_s(n, u, i) { var o = hooks_module_d(hooks_module_t++, 2); if (o.t = n, !o.__c && (o.__ = [i ? i(u) : hooks_module_B(void 0, u), function (n) { var t = o.__N ? o.__N[0] : o.__[0], r = o.t(t, n); t !== r && (o.__N = [r, o.__[1]], o.__c.setState({})); }], o.__c = hooks_module_r, !hooks_module_r.u)) { var f = function (n, t, r) { if (!o.__c.__H) return !0; var u = o.__c.__H.__.filter(function (n) { return n.__c; }); if (u.every(function (n) { return !n.__N; })) return !c || c.call(this, n, t, r); var i = !1; return u.forEach(function (n) { if (n.__N) { var t = n.__[0]; n.__ = n.__N, n.__N = void 0, t !== n.__[0] && (i = !0); } }), !(!i && o.__c.props === n) && (!c || c.call(this, n, t, r)); }; hooks_module_r.u = !0; var c = hooks_module_r.shouldComponentUpdate, e = hooks_module_r.componentWillUpdate; hooks_module_r.componentWillUpdate = function (n, t, r) { if (this.__e) { var u = c; c = void 0, f(n, t, r), c = u; } e && e.call(this, n, t, r); }, hooks_module_r.shouldComponentUpdate = f; } return o.__N || o.__; } function hooks_module_p(u, i) { var o = hooks_module_d(hooks_module_t++, 3); !preact_module_l.__s && hooks_module_z(o.__H, i) && (o.__ = u, o.i = i, hooks_module_r.__H.__h.push(o)); } function hooks_module_y(u, i) { var o = hooks_module_d(hooks_module_t++, 4); !preact_module_l.__s && hooks_module_z(o.__H, i) && (o.__ = u, o.i = i, hooks_module_r.__h.push(o)); } function hooks_module_(n) { return hooks_module_o = 5, hooks_module_F(function () { return { current: n }; }, []); } function hooks_module_A(n, t, r) { hooks_module_o = 6, hooks_module_y(function () { return "function" == typeof n ? (n(t()), function () { return n(null); }) : n ? (n.current = t(), function () { return n.current = null; }) : void 0; }, null == r ? r : r.concat(n)); } function hooks_module_F(n, r) { var u = hooks_module_d(hooks_module_t++, 7); return hooks_module_z(u.__H, r) ? (u.__V = n(), u.i = r, u.__h = n, u.__V) : u.__; } function hooks_module_T(n, t) { return hooks_module_o = 8, hooks_module_F(function () { return n; }, t); } function hooks_module_q(n) { var u = hooks_module_r.context[n.__c], i = hooks_module_d(hooks_module_t++, 9); return i.c = n, u ? (null == i.__ && (i.__ = !0, u.sub(hooks_module_r)), u.props.value) : n.__; } function hooks_module_x(t, r) { n.useDebugValue && n.useDebugValue(r ? r(t) : t); } function hooks_module_P(n) { var u = hooks_module_d(hooks_module_t++, 10), i = hooks_module_h(); return u.__ = n, hooks_module_r.componentDidCatch || (hooks_module_r.componentDidCatch = function (n, t) { u.__ && u.__(n, t), i[1](n); }), [i[0], function () { i[1](void 0); }]; } function V() { var n = hooks_module_d(hooks_module_t++, 11); if (!n.__) { for (var u = hooks_module_r.__v; null !== u && !u.__m && null !== u.__;) u = u.__; var i = u.__m || (u.__m = [0, 0]); n.__ = "P" + i[0] + "-" + i[1]++; } return n.__; } function hooks_module_b() { for (var t; t = hooks_module_f.shift();) if (t.__P && t.__H) try { t.__H.__h.forEach(hooks_module_k), t.__H.__h.forEach(hooks_module_w), t.__H.__h = []; } catch (r) { t.__H.__h = [], preact_module_l.__e(r, t.__v); } } preact_module_l.__b = function (n) { hooks_module_r = null, hooks_module_e && hooks_module_e(n); }, preact_module_l.__r = function (n) { hooks_module_a && hooks_module_a(n), hooks_module_t = 0; var i = (hooks_module_r = n.__c).__H; i && (hooks_module_u === hooks_module_r ? (i.__h = [], hooks_module_r.__h = [], i.__.forEach(function (n) { n.__N && (n.__ = n.__N), n.__V = hooks_module_c, n.__N = n.i = void 0; })) : (i.__h.forEach(hooks_module_k), i.__h.forEach(hooks_module_w), i.__h = [], hooks_module_t = 0)), hooks_module_u = hooks_module_r; }, preact_module_l.diffed = function (t) { hooks_module_v && hooks_module_v(t); var o = t.__c; o && o.__H && (o.__H.__h.length && (1 !== hooks_module_f.push(o) && hooks_module_i === preact_module_l.requestAnimationFrame || ((hooks_module_i = preact_module_l.requestAnimationFrame) || hooks_module_j)(hooks_module_b)), o.__H.__.forEach(function (n) { n.i && (n.__H = n.i), n.__V !== hooks_module_c && (n.__ = n.__V), n.i = void 0, n.__V = hooks_module_c; })), hooks_module_u = hooks_module_r = null; }, preact_module_l.__c = function (t, r) { r.some(function (t) { try { t.__h.forEach(hooks_module_k), t.__h = t.__h.filter(function (n) { return !n.__ || hooks_module_w(n); }); } catch (u) { r.some(function (n) { n.__h && (n.__h = []); }), r = [], preact_module_l.__e(u, t.__v); } }), l && l(t, r); }, preact_module_l.unmount = function (t) { hooks_module_m && hooks_module_m(t); var r, u = t.__c; u && u.__H && (u.__H.__.forEach(function (n) { try { hooks_module_k(n); } catch (n) { r = n; } }), u.__H = void 0, r && preact_module_l.__e(r, u.__v)); }; var hooks_module_g = "function" == typeof requestAnimationFrame; function hooks_module_j(n) { var t, r = function () { clearTimeout(u), hooks_module_g && cancelAnimationFrame(t), setTimeout(n); }, u = setTimeout(r, 100); hooks_module_g && (t = requestAnimationFrame(r)); } function hooks_module_k(n) { var t = hooks_module_r, u = n.__c; "function" == typeof u && (n.__c = void 0, u()), hooks_module_r = t; } function hooks_module_w(n) { var t = hooks_module_r; n.__c = n.__(), hooks_module_r = t; } function hooks_module_z(n, t) { return !n || n.length !== t.length || t.some(function (t, r) { return t !== n[r]; }); } function hooks_module_B(n, t) { return "function" == typeof t ? t(n) : t; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@preact/signals-core/dist/signals-core.module.js function signals_core_module_i() { throw new Error("Cycle detected"); } var signals_core_module_t = Symbol.for("preact-signals"); function signals_core_module_r() { if (!(signals_core_module_v > 1)) { var i, t = !1; while (void 0 !== signals_core_module_f) { var r = signals_core_module_f; signals_core_module_f = void 0; signals_core_module_e++; while (void 0 !== r) { var n = r.o; r.o = void 0; r.f &= -3; if (!(8 & r.f) && signals_core_module_l(r)) try { r.c(); } catch (r) { if (!t) { i = r; t = !0; } } r = n; } } signals_core_module_e = 0; signals_core_module_v--; if (t) throw i; } else signals_core_module_v--; } function signals_core_module_n(i) { if (signals_core_module_v > 0) return i(); signals_core_module_v++; try { return i(); } finally { signals_core_module_r(); } } var signals_core_module_o = void 0, signals_core_module_h = 0; function signals_core_module_s(i) { if (signals_core_module_h > 0) return i(); var t = signals_core_module_o; signals_core_module_o = void 0; signals_core_module_h++; try { return i(); } finally { signals_core_module_h--; signals_core_module_o = t; } } var signals_core_module_f = void 0, signals_core_module_v = 0, signals_core_module_e = 0, signals_core_module_u = 0; function signals_core_module_c(i) { if (void 0 !== signals_core_module_o) { var t = i.n; if (void 0 === t || t.t !== signals_core_module_o) { t = { i: 0, S: i, p: signals_core_module_o.s, n: void 0, t: signals_core_module_o, e: void 0, x: void 0, r: t }; if (void 0 !== signals_core_module_o.s) signals_core_module_o.s.n = t; signals_core_module_o.s = t; i.n = t; if (32 & signals_core_module_o.f) i.S(t); return t; } else if (-1 === t.i) { t.i = 0; if (void 0 !== t.n) { t.n.p = t.p; if (void 0 !== t.p) t.p.n = t.n; t.p = signals_core_module_o.s; t.n = void 0; signals_core_module_o.s.n = t; signals_core_module_o.s = t; } return t; } } } function signals_core_module_d(i) { this.v = i; this.i = 0; this.n = void 0; this.t = void 0; } signals_core_module_d.prototype.brand = signals_core_module_t; signals_core_module_d.prototype.h = function () { return !0; }; signals_core_module_d.prototype.S = function (i) { if (this.t !== i && void 0 === i.e) { i.x = this.t; if (void 0 !== this.t) this.t.e = i; this.t = i; } }; signals_core_module_d.prototype.U = function (i) { if (void 0 !== this.t) { var t = i.e, r = i.x; if (void 0 !== t) { t.x = r; i.e = void 0; } if (void 0 !== r) { r.e = t; i.x = void 0; } if (i === this.t) this.t = r; } }; signals_core_module_d.prototype.subscribe = function (i) { var t = this; return signals_core_module_O(function () { var r = t.value, n = 32 & this.f; this.f &= -33; try { i(r); } finally { this.f |= n; } }); }; signals_core_module_d.prototype.valueOf = function () { return this.value; }; signals_core_module_d.prototype.toString = function () { return this.value + ""; }; signals_core_module_d.prototype.toJSON = function () { return this.value; }; signals_core_module_d.prototype.peek = function () { return this.v; }; Object.defineProperty(signals_core_module_d.prototype, "value", { get: function () { var i = signals_core_module_c(this); if (void 0 !== i) i.i = this.i; return this.v; }, set: function (t) { if (signals_core_module_o instanceof signals_core_module_) !function () { throw new Error("Computed cannot have side-effects"); }(); if (t !== this.v) { if (signals_core_module_e > 100) signals_core_module_i(); this.v = t; this.i++; signals_core_module_u++; signals_core_module_v++; try { for (var n = this.t; void 0 !== n; n = n.x) n.t.N(); } finally { signals_core_module_r(); } } } }); function signals_core_module_a(i) { return new signals_core_module_d(i); } function signals_core_module_l(i) { for (var t = i.s; void 0 !== t; t = t.n) if (t.S.i !== t.i || !t.S.h() || t.S.i !== t.i) return !0; return !1; } function signals_core_module_y(i) { for (var t = i.s; void 0 !== t; t = t.n) { var r = t.S.n; if (void 0 !== r) t.r = r; t.S.n = t; t.i = -1; if (void 0 === t.n) { i.s = t; break; } } } function signals_core_module_w(i) { var t = i.s, r = void 0; while (void 0 !== t) { var n = t.p; if (-1 === t.i) { t.S.U(t); if (void 0 !== n) n.n = t.n; if (void 0 !== t.n) t.n.p = n; } else r = t; t.S.n = t.r; if (void 0 !== t.r) t.r = void 0; t = n; } i.s = r; } function signals_core_module_(i) { signals_core_module_d.call(this, void 0); this.x = i; this.s = void 0; this.g = signals_core_module_u - 1; this.f = 4; } (signals_core_module_.prototype = new signals_core_module_d()).h = function () { this.f &= -3; if (1 & this.f) return !1; if (32 == (36 & this.f)) return !0; this.f &= -5; if (this.g === signals_core_module_u) return !0; this.g = signals_core_module_u; this.f |= 1; if (this.i > 0 && !signals_core_module_l(this)) { this.f &= -2; return !0; } var i = signals_core_module_o; try { signals_core_module_y(this); signals_core_module_o = this; var t = this.x(); if (16 & this.f || this.v !== t || 0 === this.i) { this.v = t; this.f &= -17; this.i++; } } catch (i) { this.v = i; this.f |= 16; this.i++; } signals_core_module_o = i; signals_core_module_w(this); this.f &= -2; return !0; }; signals_core_module_.prototype.S = function (i) { if (void 0 === this.t) { this.f |= 36; for (var t = this.s; void 0 !== t; t = t.n) t.S.S(t); } signals_core_module_d.prototype.S.call(this, i); }; signals_core_module_.prototype.U = function (i) { if (void 0 !== this.t) { signals_core_module_d.prototype.U.call(this, i); if (void 0 === this.t) { this.f &= -33; for (var t = this.s; void 0 !== t; t = t.n) t.S.U(t); } } }; signals_core_module_.prototype.N = function () { if (!(2 & this.f)) { this.f |= 6; for (var i = this.t; void 0 !== i; i = i.x) i.t.N(); } }; signals_core_module_.prototype.peek = function () { if (!this.h()) signals_core_module_i(); if (16 & this.f) throw this.v; return this.v; }; Object.defineProperty(signals_core_module_.prototype, "value", { get: function () { if (1 & this.f) signals_core_module_i(); var t = signals_core_module_c(this); this.h(); if (void 0 !== t) t.i = this.i; if (16 & this.f) throw this.v; return this.v; } }); function signals_core_module_p(i) { return new signals_core_module_(i); } function signals_core_module_g(i) { var t = i.u; i.u = void 0; if ("function" == typeof t) { signals_core_module_v++; var n = signals_core_module_o; signals_core_module_o = void 0; try { t(); } catch (t) { i.f &= -2; i.f |= 8; signals_core_module_b(i); throw t; } finally { signals_core_module_o = n; signals_core_module_r(); } } } function signals_core_module_b(i) { for (var t = i.s; void 0 !== t; t = t.n) t.S.U(t); i.x = void 0; i.s = void 0; signals_core_module_g(i); } function signals_core_module_x(i) { if (signals_core_module_o !== this) throw new Error("Out-of-order effect"); signals_core_module_w(this); signals_core_module_o = i; this.f &= -2; if (8 & this.f) signals_core_module_b(this); signals_core_module_r(); } function signals_core_module_E(i) { this.x = i; this.u = void 0; this.s = void 0; this.o = void 0; this.f = 32; } signals_core_module_E.prototype.c = function () { var i = this.S(); try { if (8 & this.f) return; if (void 0 === this.x) return; var t = this.x(); if ("function" == typeof t) this.u = t; } finally { i(); } }; signals_core_module_E.prototype.S = function () { if (1 & this.f) signals_core_module_i(); this.f |= 1; this.f &= -9; signals_core_module_g(this); signals_core_module_y(this); signals_core_module_v++; var t = signals_core_module_o; signals_core_module_o = this; return signals_core_module_x.bind(this, t); }; signals_core_module_E.prototype.N = function () { if (!(2 & this.f)) { this.f |= 2; this.o = signals_core_module_f; signals_core_module_f = this; } }; signals_core_module_E.prototype.d = function () { this.f |= 8; if (!(1 & this.f)) signals_core_module_b(this); }; function signals_core_module_O(i) { var t = new signals_core_module_E(i); try { t.c(); } catch (i) { t.d(); throw i; } return t.d.bind(t); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@preact/signals/dist/signals.module.js var signals_module_v, signals_module_s; function signals_module_l(n, i) { preact_module_l[n] = i.bind(null, preact_module_l[n] || function () {}); } function signals_module_d(n) { if (signals_module_s) signals_module_s(); signals_module_s = n && n.S(); } function signals_module_p(n) { var r = this, f = n.data, o = useSignal(f); o.value = f; var e = hooks_module_F(function () { var n = r.__v; while (n = n.__) if (n.__c) { n.__c.__$f |= 4; break; } r.__$u.c = function () { var n; if (!preact_module_t(e.peek()) && 3 === (null == (n = r.base) ? void 0 : n.nodeType)) r.base.data = e.peek();else { r.__$f |= 1; r.setState({}); } }; return signals_core_module_p(function () { var n = o.value.value; return 0 === n ? 0 : !0 === n ? "" : n || ""; }); }, []); return e.value; } signals_module_p.displayName = "_st"; Object.defineProperties(signals_core_module_d.prototype, { constructor: { configurable: !0, value: void 0 }, type: { configurable: !0, value: signals_module_p }, props: { configurable: !0, get: function () { return { data: this }; } }, __b: { configurable: !0, value: 1 } }); signals_module_l("__b", function (n, r) { if ("string" == typeof r.type) { var i, t = r.props; for (var f in t) if ("children" !== f) { var o = t[f]; if (o instanceof signals_core_module_d) { if (!i) r.__np = i = {}; i[f] = o; t[f] = o.peek(); } } } n(r); }); signals_module_l("__r", function (n, r) { signals_module_d(); var i, t = r.__c; if (t) { t.__$f &= -2; if (void 0 === (i = t.__$u)) t.__$u = i = function (n) { var r; signals_core_module_O(function () { r = this; }); r.c = function () { t.__$f |= 1; t.setState({}); }; return r; }(); } signals_module_v = t; signals_module_d(i); n(r); }); signals_module_l("__e", function (n, r, i, t) { signals_module_d(); signals_module_v = void 0; n(r, i, t); }); signals_module_l("diffed", function (n, r) { signals_module_d(); signals_module_v = void 0; var i; if ("string" == typeof r.type && (i = r.__e)) { var t = r.__np, f = r.props; if (t) { var o = i.U; if (o) for (var e in o) { var u = o[e]; if (void 0 !== u && !(e in t)) { u.d(); o[e] = void 0; } } else i.U = o = {}; for (var a in t) { var c = o[a], s = t[a]; if (void 0 === c) { c = signals_module_(i, a, s, f); o[a] = c; } else c.o(s, f); } } } n(r); }); function signals_module_(n, r, i, t) { var f = r in n && void 0 === n.ownerSVGElement, o = signals_core_module_a(i); return { o: function (n, r) { o.value = n; t = r; }, d: signals_core_module_O(function () { var i = o.value.value; if (t[r] !== i) { t[r] = i; if (f) n[r] = i;else if (i) n.setAttribute(r, i);else n.removeAttribute(r); } }) }; } signals_module_l("unmount", function (n, r) { if ("string" == typeof r.type) { var i = r.__e; if (i) { var t = i.U; if (t) { i.U = void 0; for (var f in t) { var o = t[f]; if (o) o.d(); } } } } else { var e = r.__c; if (e) { var u = e.__$u; if (u) { e.__$u = void 0; u.d(); } } } n(r); }); signals_module_l("__h", function (n, r, i, t) { if (t < 3 || 9 === t) r.__$f |= 2; n(r, i, t); }); m.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate = function (n, r) { var i = this.__$u; if (!(i && void 0 !== i.s || 4 & this.__$f)) return !0; if (3 & this.__$f) return !0; for (var t in r) return !0; for (var f in n) if ("__source" !== f && n[f] !== this.props[f]) return !0; for (var o in this.props) if (!(o in n)) return !0; return !1; }; function useSignal(n) { return hooks_module_F(function () { return signals_core_module_a(n); }, []); } function useComputed(n) { var r = f(n); r.current = n; signals_module_v.__$f |= 4; return t(function () { return u(function () { return r.current(); }); }, []); } function useSignalEffect(n) { var r = f(n); r.current = n; o(function () { return c(function () { return r.current(); }); }, []); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/deepsignal/dist/deepsignal.module.js var deepsignal_module_a = new WeakMap(), deepsignal_module_o = new WeakMap(), deepsignal_module_s = new WeakMap(), deepsignal_module_c = new WeakSet(), deepsignal_module_u = new WeakMap(), deepsignal_module_i = /^\$/, deepsignal_module_f = !1, deepsignal_module_l = function (e) { if (!deepsignal_module_d(e)) throw new Error("This object can't be observed."); return deepsignal_module_o.has(e) || deepsignal_module_o.set(e, deepsignal_module_h(e, deepsignal_module_v)), deepsignal_module_o.get(e); }, deepsignal_module_g = function (e, t) { deepsignal_module_f = !0; var r = e[t]; try { deepsignal_module_f = !1; } catch (e) {} return r; }, deepsignal_module_h = function (e, t) { var r = new Proxy(e, t); return deepsignal_module_c.add(r), r; }, deepsignal_module_p = function () { throw new Error("Don't mutate the signals directly."); }, deepsignal_module_y = function (e) { return function (t, c, u) { var l; if (deepsignal_module_f) return Reflect.get(t, c, u); var g = e || "$" === c[0]; if (!e && g && Array.isArray(t)) { if ("$" === c) return deepsignal_module_s.has(t) || deepsignal_module_s.set(t, deepsignal_module_h(t, deepsignal_module_w)), deepsignal_module_s.get(t); g = "$length" === c; } deepsignal_module_a.has(u) || deepsignal_module_a.set(u, new Map()); var p = deepsignal_module_a.get(u), y = g ? c.replace(deepsignal_module_i, "") : c; if (p.has(y) || "function" != typeof (null == (l = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, y)) ? void 0 : l.get)) { var b = Reflect.get(t, y, u); if (g && "function" == typeof b) return; if ("symbol" == typeof y && deepsignal_module_m.has(y)) return b; p.has(y) || (deepsignal_module_d(b) && (deepsignal_module_o.has(b) || deepsignal_module_o.set(b, deepsignal_module_h(b, deepsignal_module_v)), b = deepsignal_module_o.get(b)), p.set(y, signals_core_module_a(b))); } else p.set(y, signals_core_module_p(function () { return Reflect.get(t, y, u); })); return g ? p.get(y) : p.get(y).value; }; }, deepsignal_module_v = { get: deepsignal_module_y(!1), set: function (e, n, s, c) { deepsignal_module_a.has(c) || deepsignal_module_a.set(c, new Map()); var f = deepsignal_module_a.get(c); if ("$" === n[0]) { s instanceof signals_core_module_d || deepsignal_module_p(); var l = n.replace(deepsignal_module_i, ""); return f.set(l, s), Reflect.set(e, l, s.peek(), c); } var g = s; deepsignal_module_d(s) && (deepsignal_module_o.has(s) || deepsignal_module_o.set(s, deepsignal_module_h(s, deepsignal_module_v)), g = deepsignal_module_o.get(s)); var y = !(n in e), w = Reflect.set(e, n, s, c); return f.has(n) ? f.get(n).value = g : f.set(n, signals_core_module_a(g)), y && deepsignal_module_u.has(e) && deepsignal_module_u.get(e).value++, Array.isArray(e) && f.has("length") && (f.get("length").value = e.length), w; }, deleteProperty: function (e, t) { "$" === t[0] && deepsignal_module_p(); var r = deepsignal_module_a.get(deepsignal_module_o.get(e)), n = Reflect.deleteProperty(e, t); return r && r.has(t) && (r.get(t).value = void 0), deepsignal_module_u.has(e) && deepsignal_module_u.get(e).value++, n; }, ownKeys: function (e) { return deepsignal_module_u.has(e) || deepsignal_module_u.set(e, signals_core_module_a(0)), deepsignal_module_u._ = deepsignal_module_u.get(e).value, Reflect.ownKeys(e); } }, deepsignal_module_w = { get: deepsignal_module_y(!0), set: deepsignal_module_p, deleteProperty: deepsignal_module_p }, deepsignal_module_m = new Set(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Symbol).map(function (e) { return Symbol[e]; }).filter(function (e) { return "symbol" == typeof e; })), deepsignal_module_b = new Set([Object, Array]), deepsignal_module_d = function (e) { return "object" == typeof e && null !== e && (!("function" == typeof e.constructor && e.constructor.name in globalThis && globalThis[e.constructor.name] === e.constructor) || deepsignal_module_b.has(e.constructor)) && !deepsignal_module_c.has(e); }, deepsignal_module_k = function (t) { return e(function () { return deepsignal_module_l(t); }, []); }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interactivity/src/portals.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * @param {import('../../src/index').RenderableProps<{ context: any }>} props */ function ContextProvider(props) { this.getChildContext = () => props.context; return props.children; } /** * Portal component * * @this {import('./internal').Component} * @param {object | null | undefined} props * * TODO: use createRoot() instead of fake root */ function Portal(props) { const _this = this; const container = props._container; _this.componentWillUnmount = function () { B(null, _this._temp); _this._temp = null; _this._container = null; }; // When we change container we should clear our old container and // indicate a new mount. if (_this._container && _this._container !== container) { _this.componentWillUnmount(); } // When props.vnode is undefined/false/null we are dealing with some kind of // conditional vnode. This should not trigger a render. if (props._vnode) { if (!_this._temp) { _this._container = container; // Create a fake DOM parent node that manages a subset of `container`'s children: _this._temp = { nodeType: 1, parentNode: container, childNodes: [], appendChild(child) { this.childNodes.push(child); _this._container.appendChild(child); }, insertBefore(child) { this.childNodes.push(child); _this._container.appendChild(child); }, removeChild(child) { this.childNodes.splice( // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise this.childNodes.indexOf(child) >>> 1, 1); _this._container.removeChild(child); } }; } // Render our wrapping element into temp. B(y(ContextProvider, { context: _this.context }, props._vnode), _this._temp); } // When we come from a conditional render, on a mounted // portal we should clear the DOM. else if (_this._temp) { _this.componentWillUnmount(); } } /** * Create a `Portal` to continue rendering the vnode tree at a different DOM node * * @param {import('./internal').VNode} vnode The vnode to render * @param {import('./internal').PreactElement} container The DOM node to continue rendering in to. */ function createPortal(vnode, container) { const el = y(Portal, { _vnode: vnode, _container: container }); el.containerInfo = container; return el; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interactivity/src/utils.js /** * External dependencies */ const afterNextFrame = callback => { return new Promise(resolve => { const done = () => { clearTimeout(timeout); window.cancelAnimationFrame(raf); setTimeout(() => { callback(); resolve(); }); }; const timeout = setTimeout(done, 100); const raf = window.requestAnimationFrame(done); }); }; // Using the mangled properties: // this.c: this._callback // this.x: this._compute // https://github.com/preactjs/signals/blob/main/mangle.json function createFlusher(compute, notify) { let flush; const dispose = signals_core_module_O(function () { flush = this.c.bind(this); this.x = compute; this.c = notify; return compute(); }); return { flush, dispose }; } // Version of `useSignalEffect` with a `useEffect`-like execution. This hook // implementation comes from this PR, but we added short-cirtuiting to avoid // infinite loops: https://github.com/preactjs/signals/pull/290 function utils_useSignalEffect(callback) { hooks_module_p(() => { let eff = null; let isExecuting = false; const notify = async () => { if (eff && !isExecuting) { isExecuting = true; await afterNextFrame(eff.flush); isExecuting = false; } }; eff = createFlusher(callback, notify); return eff.dispose; }, []); } // For wrapperless hydration. // See https://gist.github.com/developit/f4c67a2ede71dc2fab7f357f39cff28c const createRootFragment = (parent, replaceNode) => { replaceNode = [].concat(replaceNode); const s = replaceNode[replaceNode.length - 1].nextSibling; function insert(c, r) { parent.insertBefore(c, r || s); } return parent.__k = { nodeType: 1, parentNode: parent, firstChild: replaceNode[0], childNodes: replaceNode, insertBefore: insert, appendChild: insert, removeChild(c) { parent.removeChild(c); } }; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interactivity/src/store.js /** * External dependencies */ const isObject = item => item && typeof item === 'object' && !Array.isArray(item); const deepMerge = (target, source) => { if (isObject(target) && isObject(source)) { for (const key in source) { if (isObject(source[key])) { if (!target[key]) Object.assign(target, { [key]: {} }); deepMerge(target[key], source[key]); } else { Object.assign(target, { [key]: source[key] }); } } } }; const getSerializedState = () => { const storeTag = document.querySelector(`script[type="application/json"]#wp-interactivity-store-data`); if (!storeTag) return {}; try { const { state } = JSON.parse(storeTag.textContent); if (isObject(state)) return state; throw Error('Parsed state is not an object'); } catch (e) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(e); } return {}; }; const afterLoads = new Set(); const rawState = getSerializedState(); const rawStore = { state: deepsignal_module_l(rawState) }; /** * @typedef StoreProps Properties object passed to `store`. * @property {Object} state State to be added to the global store. All the * properties included here become reactive. */ /** * @typedef StoreOptions Options object. * @property {(store:any) => void} [afterLoad] Callback to be executed after the * Interactivity API has been set up * and the store is ready. It * receives the store as argument. */ /** * Extends the Interactivity API global store with the passed properties. * * These props typically consist of `state`, which is reactive, and other * properties like `selectors`, `actions`, `effects`, etc. which can store * callbacks and derived state. These props can then be referenced by any * directive to make the HTML interactive. * * @example * ```js * store({ * state: { * counter: { value: 0 }, * }, * actions: { * counter: { * increment: ({ state }) => { * state.counter.value += 1; * }, * }, * }, * }); * ``` * * The code from the example above allows blocks to subscribe and interact with * the store by using directives in the HTML, e.g.: * * ```html *