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Item Name Quantity Price Line Subtotal
Product1 1 £85.00 £85.00
', }; $.ajax( { url: zapier_webhook_url, type: 'POST', data: sample_data, success( data ) { const response = ZapierSettings.handle_zapier_response( data ); if ( response ) { $( '#wcf_ca_' + event.data.order_status + '_btn_message' ) .text( wcf_ca_details.strings.trigger_success ) .css( 'color', '#46b450' ); } else { $( '#wcf_ca_' + event.data.order_status + '_btn_message' ) .text( wcf_ca_details.strings.trigger_failed ) .css( 'color', '#dc3232' ); } $( '#wcf_ca_' + event.data.order_status + '_btn_message' ) .fadeIn() .delay( 2000 ) .fadeOut(); }, error() { $( '#wcf_ca_' + event.data.order_status + '_btn_message' ) .text( wcf_ca_details.strings.trigger_failed ) .css( 'color', '#dc3232' ); }, } ); } else { $( 'wcf_ca' + event.data.order_status + '_btn_message' ) .text( wcf_ca_details.strings.verify_url ) .fadeIn() .delay( 2000 ) .fadeOut(); } }, handle_zapier_response( data ) { let status = false; if ( typeof data === 'object' && [ 'success', 'accepted' ].includes( data.status ) ) { status = true; } else if ( typeof data === 'string' ) { const resp_string = data.toLowerCase(); if ( [ 'success', 'accepted' ].includes( resp_string ) ) { status = true; } } return status; }, }; ToolTipHover = { init() { $( '.wcf-ca-report-table-row .wcf-ca-icon-row' ).on( 'hover', function () { $( this ) .find( '.wcf-ca-tooltip-text' ) .toggleClass( 'display_tool_tip' ); } ); }, }; $( function () { CartAbandonmentSettings.init(); ZapierSettings.init(); ToolTipHover.init(); } ); } )( jQuery );