{{#if isWoocommerceTransactional}}

<%= _x('Edit template for WooCommerce emails', 'Name of user interface used to customize email template used for eCommerce related emails (for example order confirmation email)') %>

<%= __('This email template will be used for all your WooCommerce emails. Meaning that any content added to this template will be visible in all WooCommerce emails. If you want to change email-specific content including titles, [link]visit WooCommerce settings[/link].')|replaceLinkTags('?page=wc-settings&tab=email', {'target': '_blank'})|raw %>

{{else if isAutomationEmail}} {{else if isConfirmationEmailTemplate}}

<%= _x('Edit template for Confirmation emails', 'Name of user interface used to customize email template used for confirmation emails') %>
