getOption('siteurl') . $element['src']; } $element['width'] = str_replace('px', '', $element['width']); $element['height'] = str_replace('px', '', $element['height']); $originalWidth = 0; if (is_numeric($element['width']) && is_numeric($element['height'])) { $element['width'] = (int)$element['width']; $element['height'] = (int)$element['height']; $originalWidth = $element['width']; $element = $this->adjustImageDimensions($element, $columnBaseWidth); } // If image was downsized because of column width set width to aways fill full column (e.g. on mobile) $style = ''; if ($element['fullWidth'] === true && $originalWidth > $element['width']) { $style = 'style="width:100%"'; } $imageTemplate = ' ' . EHelper::escapeHtmlAttr($element['alt']) . ' '; if (!empty($element['link'])) { $imageTemplate = '' . trim($imageTemplate) . ''; } $align = 'center'; if (!empty($element['styles']['block']['textAlign']) && in_array($element['styles']['block']['textAlign'], ['left', 'right'])) { $align = $element['styles']['block']['textAlign']; } $template = ' ' . trim($imageTemplate) . ' '; return $template; } public function adjustImageDimensions($element, $columnBaseWidth) { $paddedWidth = StylesHelper::$paddingWidth * 2; // scale image to fit column width if ($element['width'] > $columnBaseWidth) { $ratio = $element['width'] / $columnBaseWidth; $element['width'] = $columnBaseWidth; $element['height'] = (int)ceil($element['height'] / $ratio); } // resize image if the image is padded and wider than padded column width if ( $element['fullWidth'] === false && $element['width'] > ($columnBaseWidth - $paddedWidth) ) { $ratio = $element['width'] / ($columnBaseWidth - $paddedWidth); $element['width'] = $columnBaseWidth - $paddedWidth; $element['height'] = (int)ceil($element['height'] / $ratio); } return $element; } }