*/ private $templates; /** @var array */ private $templateCategories; /** @var array */ private $steps = []; /** @var array> */ private $subjects = []; /** @var SubjectTransformer[] */ private $subjectTransformers = []; /** @var array|null */ private $fields = null; /** @var array */ private $filters = []; /** @var array */ private $triggers = []; /** @var array */ private $actions = []; /** @var array */ private $contextFactories = []; /** @var WordPress */ private $wordPress; public function __construct( RootStep $rootStep, WordPress $wordPress ) { $this->wordPress = $wordPress; $this->steps[$rootStep->getKey()] = $rootStep; $this->templateCategories = [ 'welcome' => new AutomationTemplateCategory('welcome', __('Welcome', 'mailpoet')), 'abandoned-cart' => new AutomationTemplateCategory('abandoned-cart', __('Abandoned Cart', 'mailpoet')), 'reengagement' => new AutomationTemplateCategory('reengagement', __('Re-engagement', 'mailpoet')), 'woocommerce' => new AutomationTemplateCategory('woocommerce', __('WooCommerce', 'mailpoet')), ]; } public function addTemplate(AutomationTemplate $template): void { $category = $template->getCategory(); if (!isset($this->templateCategories[$category])) { throw InvalidStateException::create()->withMessage( sprintf("Category '%s' was not registered", $category) ); } $this->templates[$template->getSlug()] = $template; // keep coming soon templates at the end uasort( $this->templates, function (AutomationTemplate $a, AutomationTemplate $b): int { if ($a->getType() === AutomationTemplate::TYPE_COMING_SOON) { return 1; } if ($b->getType() === AutomationTemplate::TYPE_COMING_SOON) { return -1; } return 0; } ); } public function getTemplate(string $slug): ?AutomationTemplate { return $this->getTemplates()[$slug] ?? null; } /** @return array */ public function getTemplates(string $category = null): array { return $category ? array_filter( $this->templates, function(AutomationTemplate $template) use ($category): bool { return $template->getCategory() === $category; } ) : $this->templates; } public function removeTemplate(string $slug): void { unset($this->templates[$slug]); } /** @return array */ public function getTemplateCategories(): array { return $this->templateCategories; } /** @param Subject $subject */ public function addSubject(Subject $subject): void { $key = $subject->getKey(); if (isset($this->subjects[$key])) { throw new \Exception(); // TODO } $this->subjects[$key] = $subject; // reset fields cache $this->fields = null; } /** @return Subject|null */ public function getSubject(string $key): ?Subject { return $this->subjects[$key] ?? null; } /** @return array> */ public function getSubjects(): array { return $this->subjects; } public function addSubjectTransformer(SubjectTransformer $transformer): void { $this->subjectTransformers[] = $transformer; } public function getSubjectTransformers(): array { return $this->subjectTransformers; } public function getField(string $key): ?Field { return $this->getFields()[$key] ?? null; } /** @return array */ public function getFields(): array { // add fields lazily (on the first call) if ($this->fields === null) { $this->fields = []; foreach ($this->subjects as $subject) { foreach ($subject->getFields() as $field) { $this->addField($field); } } } return $this->fields ?? []; } public function addFilter(Filter $filter): void { $fieldType = $filter->getFieldType(); if (isset($this->filters[$fieldType])) { throw new \Exception(); // TODO } $this->filters[$fieldType] = $filter; } public function getFilter(string $fieldType): ?Filter { return $this->filters[$fieldType] ?? null; } /** @return array */ public function getFilters(): array { return $this->filters; } public function addStep(Step $step): void { if ($step instanceof Trigger) { $this->addTrigger($step); } elseif ($step instanceof Action) { $this->addAction($step); } // TODO: allow adding any other step implementations? } public function getStep(string $key): ?Step { return $this->steps[$key] ?? null; } /** @return array */ public function getSteps(): array { return $this->steps; } public function addTrigger(Trigger $trigger): void { $key = $trigger->getKey(); if (isset($this->steps[$key]) || isset($this->triggers[$key])) { throw new \Exception(); // TODO } $this->steps[$key] = $trigger; $this->triggers[$key] = $trigger; } public function getTrigger(string $key): ?Trigger { return $this->triggers[$key] ?? null; } /** @return array */ public function getTriggers(): array { return $this->triggers; } public function addAction(Action $action): void { $key = $action->getKey(); if (isset($this->steps[$key]) || isset($this->actions[$key])) { throw new \Exception(); // TODO } $this->steps[$key] = $action; $this->actions[$key] = $action; } public function getAction(string $key): ?Action { return $this->actions[$key] ?? null; } /** @return array */ public function getActions(): array { return $this->actions; } public function addContextFactory(string $key, callable $factory): void { $this->contextFactories[$key] = $factory; } /** @return callable[] */ public function getContextFactories(): array { return $this->contextFactories; } public function onBeforeAutomationSave(callable $callback, int $priority = 10): void { $this->wordPress->addAction(Hooks::AUTOMATION_BEFORE_SAVE, $callback, $priority); } public function onBeforeAutomationStepSave(callable $callback, string $key = null, int $priority = 10): void { $keyPart = $key ? "/key=$key" : ''; $this->wordPress->addAction(Hooks::AUTOMATION_STEP_BEFORE_SAVE . $keyPart, $callback, $priority, 2); } /** * This is used only internally. Fields are added lazily from subjects. */ private function addField(Field $field): void { $key = $field->getKey(); if (isset($this->fields[$key])) { throw new \Exception(); // TODO } $this->fields[$key] = $field; } }