source = $this->getSourceContext(); $this->blocks = [ 'content' => [$this, 'block_content'], 'after_javascript' => [$this, 'block_after_javascript'], ]; } protected function doGetParent(array $context) { // line 1 return "layout.html"; } protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = []) { $macros = $this->macros; $this->parent = $this->loadTemplate("layout.html", "upgrade.html", 1); $this->parent->display($context, array_merge($this->blocks, $blocks)); } // line 3 public function block_content($context, array $blocks = []) { $macros = $this->macros; // line 4 echo "
extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translate("Back to section root", "mailpoet"); echo "\" tabindex=\"0\" href=\"admin.php?page=mailpoet-homepage\">
"; // line 19 if (((($context["subscriber_count"] ?? null) < 1000) && !($context["has_valid_api_key"] ?? null))) { // line 20 echo "

"; // line 22 echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("MailPoet Starter plan is yours for free", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"); echo "

"; // line 25 echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("Website owners with less than 1,000 subscribers, like you, can get their emails delivered reliably for free with MailPoet Sending Service.", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"); echo "

env, ((("" . ($context["subscriber_count"] ?? null)) . "&g=starter&billing=monthly&utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=premium&utm_campaign=purchase&ref=plugin-upgrade-page&email=") . \MailPoetVendor\twig_escape_filter($this->env, \MailPoetVendor\twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["current_wp_user"] ?? null), "user_email", [], "any", false, false, false, 29))), "html", null, true); echo "\" class=\"mailpoet-button button button-primary button-hero mailpoet-premium-shop-link\" > "; // line 32 echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("Sign up for free", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"); echo "

"; } // line 38 echo "

"; // line 41 echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("Take your email marketing strategy
to the next level", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"); echo "

"; // line 44 echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("Ready to level up your email marketing efforts?", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"); echo "
"; // line 45 echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("Upgrade your plan to unlock MailPoet’s advanced features, access to detailed analytics, and priority support.", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"); echo "

"; // line 51 echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("Recommended", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"); echo "

"; // line 55 echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("Business", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"); echo "

"; // line 58 echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("From \$10/month
for 500 contacts", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"); echo "

  • "; // line 61 echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("MailPoet Sending Service", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"); echo "
  • "; // line 62 echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("Send unlimited emails per month", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"); echo "
  • "; // line 63 echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("Remove MailPoet branding", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"); echo "
  • "; // line 64 echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("Priority customer support", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"); echo "
  • "; // line 65 echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("Subscriber segmentation", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"); echo "
  • "; // line 66 echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("Targeted marketing automation", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"); echo "
  • "; // line 67 echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("Detailed email engagement and ecommerce statistics", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"); echo "
env, (("" . ($context["plugin_partial_key"] ?? null)) . "?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=premium&utm_campaign=upgrade&ref=plugin-upgrade-page"), "html", null, true); echo "\" "; } else { // line 74 echo " href=\""; echo \MailPoetVendor\twig_escape_filter($this->env, (((("" . ($context["subscriber_count"] ?? null)) . "&g=business&billing=monthly&email=") . \MailPoetVendor\twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["current_wp_user"] ?? null), "user_email", [], "any", false, false, false, 74)) . "&utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=premium&utm_campaign=purchase&ref=plugin-upgrade-page"), "html", null, true); echo "\" "; } // line 76 echo " class=\"mailpoet-button button button-primary button-hero mailpoet-premium-shop-link\" > "; // line 78 echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("Get started", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"); echo "

"; // line 84 echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("Creator", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"); echo "

"; // line 87 echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("From \$8/month
for 500 contacts", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"); echo "

"; // line 91 echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("Want to manage your own email sending? Our Creator plan offers all the features of the Business plan without the MailPoet Sending Service.", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"); echo "

env, (("" . ($context["plugin_partial_key"] ?? null)) . "?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=premium&utm_campaign=upgrade&ref=plugin-upgrade-page"), "html", null, true); echo "\" "; } else { // line 99 echo " href=\""; echo \MailPoetVendor\twig_escape_filter($this->env, (((("" . ($context["subscriber_count"] ?? null)) . "&g=creator&billing=monthly&email=") . \MailPoetVendor\twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["current_wp_user"] ?? null), "user_email", [], "any", false, false, false, 99)) . "&utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=premium&utm_campaign=purchase&ref=plugin-upgrade-page"), "html", null, true); echo "\" "; } // line 101 echo " class=\"mailpoet-button button button-primary button-hero mailpoet-premium-shop-link\" > "; // line 103 echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("Get started", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"); echo "

"; // line 113 echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("Get started today!", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"); echo "

"; // line 116 echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("Over 700,000 people trust MailPoet to power their email marketing campaigns – why not join them?!", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"); echo " "; // line 117 echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("Upgrade now to grow your business and achieve your business goals.", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"); echo "

env, (("" . ($context["plugin_partial_key"] ?? null)) . "?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=premium&utm_campaign=upgrade&ref=plugin-upgrade-page"), "html", null, true); echo "\" "; } else { // line 124 echo " href=\""; echo \MailPoetVendor\twig_escape_filter($this->env, (((("" . ($context["subscriber_count"] ?? null)) . "&g=business&billing=monthly&email=") . \MailPoetVendor\twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["current_wp_user"] ?? null), "user_email", [], "any", false, false, false, 124)) . "&utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=premium&utm_campaign=purchase&ref=plugin-upgrade-page"), "html", null, true); echo "\" "; } // line 126 echo " class=\"mailpoet-button button button-primary button-hero mailpoet-premium-shop-link\" > "; // line 128 echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("Get started", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"); echo "

"; // line 131 $context["allowedHtml"] = ["a" => ["href" => [], "target" => []]]; // line 132 echo " "; echo $this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\Filters']->wpKses(MailPoet\Util\Helpers::replaceLinkTags($this->extensions['MailPoet\Twig\I18n']->translateWithContext("And if you’re not sure which plan is the right one for you, our [link]Customer Support team[/link] are on hand to help you decide.", "This text resides in the Upgrade page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpoet-upgrade"), "", ["target" => "_blank"]), // line 135 ($context["allowedHtml"] ?? null)); // line 136 echo "

"; } // line 149 public function block_after_javascript($context, array $blocks = []) { $macros = $this->macros; // line 150 echo " "; } public function getTemplateName() { return "upgrade.html"; } public function isTraitable() { return false; } public function getDebugInfo() { return array ( 330 => 150, 326 => 149, 318 => 144, 314 => 143, 305 => 136, 303 => 135, 301 => 132, 299 => 131, 293 => 128, 289 => 126, 283 => 124, 277 => 122, 275 => 121, 268 => 117, 264 => 116, 258 => 113, 245 => 103, 241 => 101, 235 => 99, 229 => 97, 227 => 96, 219 => 91, 212 => 87, 206 => 84, 197 => 78, 193 => 76, 187 => 74, 181 => 72, 179 => 71, 172 => 67, 168 => 66, 164 => 65, 160 => 64, 156 => 63, 152 => 62, 148 => 61, 142 => 58, 136 => 55, 129 => 51, 120 => 45, 116 => 44, 110 => 41, 105 => 38, 96 => 32, 90 => 29, 83 => 25, 77 => 22, 73 => 20, 71 => 19, 58 => 9, 51 => 4, 47 => 3, 36 => 1,); } public function getSourceContext() { return new Source("", "upgrade.html", "/home/circleci/mailpoet/mailpoet/views/upgrade.html"); } }