options->get_checkout_meta_value( $checkout_id, 'wcf-checkout-layout' ); $fields_skins = wcf()->options->get_checkout_meta_value( $checkout_id, 'wcf-fields-skins' ); $checkout_skin = ''; /** * Added this condition to add backward compatibility of the floating labes styles * * @since 1.9.0 * * @to-do: Remove this condition after 2-3 update. * */ if ( 'style-one' === $fields_skins ) { $fields_skins = 'modern-label'; } if ( 'modern-one-column' === $checkout_layout || 'modern-checkout' === $checkout_layout ) { // Adding a layout specific classes depending on the checkout style modern-checout OR modern-one-Column. $checkout_skin = 'modern-checkout' === $checkout_layout ? 'wcf-modern-skin-two-column' : 'wcf-modern-skin-one-column'; $checkout_layout = 'modern-checkout'; // Keeping the style and a common to modern checkout class for one and two column layouts. } $checkout_layout = apply_filters( 'cartflows_checkout_form_layout', $checkout_layout ); ?>
' ) { do_action( 'cartflows_checkout_cart_empty', $checkout_id ); echo esc_html__( 'Your cart is currently empty.', 'cartflows' ); } else { // Ignoring the escaping rule as we are echoing shortcode. echo $checkout_html; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped } ?>