checkout_field_actions(); } } /** * Trigger action on wp. */ public function wp_actions() { if ( _is_wcf_checkout_type() ) { $this->checkout_field_actions(); } } /** * Add frontend scripts. */ public function add_frontend_scripts() { if ( ! _is_wcf_checkout_type() ) { return; } global $post; $checkout_id = $post->ID; $this->add_frontend_localize_optimized_scripts( $checkout_id ); } /** * Add localize variables. * * @param int $checkout_id Checkout id. */ public function add_frontend_localize_optimized_scripts( $checkout_id ) { $is_custom_fields_enabled = get_post_meta( $checkout_id, 'wcf-custom-checkout-fields', true ); $localize = array(); if ( 'yes' === $is_custom_fields_enabled ) { $get_ordered_billing_fields = wcf()->options->get_checkout_meta_value( $checkout_id, 'wcf_field_order_billing' ); $get_ordered_shipping_fields = wcf()->options->get_checkout_meta_value( $checkout_id, 'wcf_field_order_shipping' ); if ( ! is_array( $get_ordered_billing_fields ) ) { $get_ordered_billing_fields = array(); } if ( ! is_array( $get_ordered_shipping_fields ) ) { $get_ordered_shipping_fields = array(); } $order_checkout_fields = array_merge( $get_ordered_billing_fields, $get_ordered_shipping_fields ); foreach ( $order_checkout_fields as $field_key => $order_checkout_field ) { $is_enabled = isset( $order_checkout_field['enabled'] ) ? $order_checkout_field['enabled'] : false; $is_required = isset( $order_checkout_field['required'] ) ? $order_checkout_field['required'] : false; $is_optimized = isset( $order_checkout_field['optimized'] ) ? $order_checkout_field['optimized'] : false; $localize[ $field_key . '_field' ] = array( 'is_optimized' => ( $is_enabled && ! $is_required && $is_optimized ), /* Translators: %1$s & %2$s is replaced with Field Name */ 'field_label' => sprintf( __( '%1$s Add %2$s', 'cartflows' ), '
', $order_checkout_field['label'] ), ); } } $show_coupon_field = wcf()->options->get_checkout_meta_value( $checkout_id, 'wcf-show-coupon-field' ); $optimize_coupon_field = wcf()->options->get_checkout_meta_value( $checkout_id, 'wcf-optimize-coupon-field' ); $localize['wcf_custom_coupon_field'] = array( 'is_optimized' => ( 'yes' === $show_coupon_field && 'yes' === $optimize_coupon_field ? true : false ), /* Translators: %s is replaced with Field Icon */ 'field_label' => sprintf( __( '%s Have a coupon?', 'cartflows' ), '
' ), ); $show_order_field = wcf()->options->get_checkout_meta_value( $checkout_id, 'wcf-checkout-additional-fields' ); $optimize_order_field = wcf()->options->get_checkout_meta_value( $checkout_id, 'wcf-optimize-order-note-field' ); $localize['order_comments_field'] = array( 'is_optimized' => ( 'yes' === $show_order_field && 'yes' === $optimize_order_field ? true : false ), /* Translators: %s is replaced with Field Icon */ 'field_label' => sprintf( __( '%s Add Order Notes', 'cartflows' ), '
' ), ); $localize = apply_filters( 'cartflows_checkout_optimized_fields', $localize, $checkout_id ); $localize_script = ''; $localize_script .= ''; echo $localize_script; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped } /** * Trigger actions. */ public function checkout_field_actions() { add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_fields', array( $this, 'add_three_column_layout_fields' ) ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_fields', array( $this, 'label_skins_fields_customization' ), 1000 ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_fields', array( $this, 'additional_fields_customization' ), 1000 ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_billing_fields', array( $this, 'billing_fields_customization' ), 1000, 2 ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_shipping_fields', array( $this, 'shipping_fields_customization' ), 1000, 2 ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_country_locale_default', array( $this, 'prepare_country_locale' ) ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_default_address_fields', array( $this, 'woo_default_address_fields' ), 1000 ); } /** * Prepare default country locale. * * @param array $fields country locale fields. * @return array */ public function woo_default_address_fields( $fields ) { $checkout_id = $this->get_conditional_checkout_id(); if ( ! $checkout_id ) { return $fields; } $is_custom_fields_enabled = get_post_meta( $checkout_id, 'wcf-custom-checkout-fields', true ); if ( 'yes' === $is_custom_fields_enabled ) { $sname = apply_filters( 'wcf_address_field_override_with', 'billing' ); if ( 'billing' === $sname || 'shipping' === $sname ) { $address_fields = wcf()->options->get_checkout_meta_value( $checkout_id, 'wcf_field_order_billing' ); if ( '' === $address_fields ) { $address_fields = Cartflows_Helper::get_checkout_fields( $sname, $checkout_id ); } if ( is_array( $address_fields ) && ! empty( $address_fields ) && ! empty( $fields ) ) { $override_required = apply_filters( 'wcf_address_field_override_required', true ); foreach ( $fields as $name => $field ) { $fname = $sname . '_' . $name; if ( $this->is_locale_field( $fname ) && $override_required ) { $custom_field = isset( $address_fields[ $fname ] ) ? $address_fields[ $fname ] : false; if ( $custom_field && ! ( isset( $custom_field['enabled'] ) && false == $custom_field['enabled'] ) ) { $fields[ $name ]['required'] = isset( $custom_field['required'] ) && $custom_field['required'] ? true : false; } } } } } } return $fields; } /** * Set locale fields. * * @param string $field_name field name. * @return bool */ public function is_locale_field( $field_name ) { if ( ! empty( $field_name ) && in_array( $field_name, array( 'billing_country', 'billing_address_1', 'billing_address_2', 'billing_state', 'billing_postcode', 'billing_city', 'shipping_country', 'shipping_address_1', 'shipping_address_2', 'shipping_state', 'shipping_postcode', 'shipping_city', ), true ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Additional fields customization. * * @param array $fields fields. * * @return array fields */ public function additional_fields_customization( $fields ) { $checkout_id = $this->get_conditional_checkout_id(); if ( ! $checkout_id ) { return $fields; } $show_shipto_diff_addr = wcf()->options->get_checkout_meta_value( $checkout_id, 'wcf-shipto-diff-addr-fields' ); $show_order_field = wcf()->options->get_checkout_meta_value( $checkout_id, 'wcf-checkout-additional-fields' ); if ( isset( $fields['order']['order_comments'] ) ) { if ( 'no' === $show_order_field ) { unset( $fields['order']['order_comments'] ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_enable_order_notes_field', '__return_false' ); } else { $is_order_note_optimized = wcf()->options->get_checkout_meta_value( $checkout_id, 'wcf-optimize-order-note-field' ); if ( 'yes' === $is_order_note_optimized ) { $fields['order']['order_comments']['class'][] = 'wcf-hide-field'; add_filter( 'cartflows_show_additional_field', '__return_true' ); } } } if ( 'no' === $show_shipto_diff_addr ) { add_filter( 'woocommerce_cart_needs_shipping_address', '__return_false' ); } return $fields; } /** * Prepare country locale. * * @param array $fields country locale fields. * @return array */ public function prepare_country_locale( $fields ) { $checkout_id = $this->get_conditional_checkout_id(); if ( ! $checkout_id ) { return $fields; } if ( is_array( $fields ) ) { $is_custom_fields_enabled = get_post_meta( $checkout_id, 'wcf-custom-checkout-fields', true ); $override_placeholder = apply_filters( 'wcf_field_override_placeholder', true ); $override_label = apply_filters( 'wcf_field_override_label', true ); if ( 'yes' === $is_custom_fields_enabled ) { foreach ( $fields as $key => $props ) { if ( isset( $props['priority'] ) ) { unset( $fields[ $key ]['priority'] ); } if ( $override_placeholder && isset( $props['placeholder'] ) ) { unset( $fields[ $key ]['placeholder'] ); } if ( $override_label && isset( $props['label'] ) ) { unset( $fields[ $key ]['label'] ); } } } else { $fields_skins = wcf()->options->get_checkout_meta_value( $checkout_id, 'wcf-fields-skins' ); // Change the field style to modern labels for older users who are using style one i:e floating labels. if ( 'style-one' === $fields_skins ) { $fields_skins = 'modern-label'; } if ( 'modern-label' === $fields_skins ) { foreach ( $fields as $key => $props ) { // Add label as placeholder if the placeholder value is empty. if ( empty( $fields[ $key ]['placeholder'] ) && ! empty( $fields[ $key ]['label'] ) ) { $fields[ $key ]['placeholder'] = $fields[ $key ]['label']; } if ( isset( $fields[ $key ]['label_class'] ) ) { $fields[ $key ]['label_class'] = array_diff( $fields[ $key ]['label_class'], array( 'screen-reader-text' ) ); } // Add Asterisk mark to the placeholder text if the field is required. if ( ! empty( $fields[ $key ]['placeholder'] ) && ( isset( $fields[ $key ]['required'] ) && $fields[ $key ]['required'] ) ) { $fields[ $key ]['placeholder'] = $fields[ $key ]['placeholder'] . ' *'; } } } } } return $fields; } /** * Billing field customization. * * @param array $fields fields data. * @param string $country country name. * @return array */ public function billing_fields_customization( $fields, $country ) { $checkout_id = $this->get_conditional_checkout_id(); if ( ! $checkout_id ) { return $fields; } if ( ! _is_wcf_meta_custom_checkout( $checkout_id ) || is_wc_endpoint_url( 'edit-address' ) ) { return $fields; } $saved_fields = wcf()->options->get_checkout_meta_value( $checkout_id, 'wcf_field_order_billing' ); if ( '' === $saved_fields ) { $saved_fields = Cartflows_Helper::get_checkout_fields( 'billing', $checkout_id ); } return $this->prepare_address_fields( $saved_fields, $country, $checkout_id, $fields, 'billing' ); } /** * Shipping field customization. * * @param array $fields fields data. * @param string $country country name. * @return array */ public function shipping_fields_customization( $fields, $country ) { $checkout_id = $this->get_conditional_checkout_id(); if ( ! $checkout_id ) { return $fields; } if ( ! _is_wcf_meta_custom_checkout( $checkout_id ) || is_wc_endpoint_url( 'edit-address' ) ) { return $fields; } $saved_fields = wcf()->options->get_checkout_meta_value( $checkout_id, 'wcf_field_order_shipping' ); if ( '' === $saved_fields ) { $saved_fields = Cartflows_Helper::get_checkout_fields( 'shipping', $checkout_id ); } return $this->prepare_address_fields( $saved_fields, $country, $checkout_id, $fields, 'shipping' ); } /** * Prepare address fields. * * @param array $fieldset fieldset data. * @param string $country country name. * @param int $checkout_id checkout ID. * @param bool $original_fieldset is original fieldset. * @param string $type address type. * * @return array */ public function prepare_address_fields( $fieldset, $country, $checkout_id, $original_fieldset = false, $type = 'billing' ) { if ( is_array( $fieldset ) && ! empty( $fieldset ) ) { $priority = 0; $locale = WC()->countries->get_country_locale(); if ( isset( $locale[ $country ] ) && is_array( $locale[ $country ] ) ) { foreach ( $locale[ $country ] as $key => $value ) { if ( is_array( $value ) && isset( $fieldset[ $type . '_' . $key ] ) ) { if ( isset( $value['required'] ) ) { $fieldset[ $type . '_' . $key ]['required'] = $value['required']; } } } } $all_original_fields = array_merge( $original_fieldset, $fieldset ); $original_fieldset = $this->prepare_checkout_fields_lite( $fieldset, $all_original_fields, $checkout_id ); if ( ! empty( $original_fieldset ) ) { foreach ( $original_fieldset as $fieldset_key => $fieldset_value ) { if ( ! isset( $fieldset_value['priority'] ) ) { $new_priority = $priority + 10; $original_fieldset[ $fieldset_key ]['priority'] = $new_priority; $priority = $new_priority; } else { $priority = $fieldset_value['priority']; } if ( isset( $fieldset_value['optimized'] ) && $fieldset_value['optimized'] && ! $fieldset_value['required'] ) { $original_fieldset[ $fieldset_key ]['class'][] = 'wcf-hide-field'; } if ( isset( $fieldset_value['type'] ) && 'radio' === $fieldset_value['type'] ) { $original_fieldset[ $fieldset_key ]['label_class'][] = 'input-radio'; $original_fieldset[ $fieldset_key ]['class'][] = 'wcf-input-radio-field-wrapper'; } } } } return $original_fieldset; } /** * Prepare checkout fields. * * @param array $fields fields data. * @param bool $original_fields is original fields. * @param int $checkout_id checkout ID. * @return array */ public function prepare_checkout_fields_lite( $fields, $original_fields, $checkout_id ) { if ( is_array( $fields ) && ! empty( $fields ) ) { $get_ordered_billing_fields = wcf()->options->get_checkout_meta_value( $checkout_id, 'wcf_field_order_billing' ); $get_ordered_shipping_fields = wcf()->options->get_checkout_meta_value( $checkout_id, 'wcf_field_order_shipping' ); /* Check for array before merged. */ $order_checkout_fields = array_merge( $get_ordered_billing_fields, $get_ordered_shipping_fields ); foreach ( $fields as $name => $field ) { // Backword compatibility with field enabled. if ( isset( $order_checkout_fields[ $name ]['enabled'] ) ) { $is_enabled = $order_checkout_fields[ $name ]['enabled']; } else { $is_enabled = get_post_meta( $checkout_id, 'wcf-' . $name, true ); $is_enabled = 'yes' === $is_enabled ? true : false; } // Backword compatibility with field width. if ( isset( $order_checkout_fields[ $name ]['width'] ) ) { $field_widths = $order_checkout_fields[ $name ]['width']; } else { $field_widths = get_post_meta( $checkout_id, 'wcf-field-width_' . $name, true ); } // Set/Unset field if checked/unchecked. if ( ! $is_enabled ) { unset( $original_fields[ $name ] ); unset( $fields[ $name ] ); } else { if ( ! isset( $original_fields[ $name ] ) ) { $original_fields[ $name ] = $field; } $field_widths = apply_filters( 'cartflows_checkout_fields_width', $field_widths, $name ); // Add Custom class if set. if ( '' !== $field_widths ) { $original_fields[ $name ]['class'][] = 'wcf-column-' . $field_widths; } } } } return $original_fields; } /** * Get checkout id based on condition. * * @return int|bool */ public function get_conditional_checkout_id() { //phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification if ( empty( self::$cached_checkout_id ) ) { self::$cached_checkout_id = false; if ( _is_wcf_checkout_type() ) { global $post; self::$cached_checkout_id = $post->ID; } elseif ( wp_doing_ajax() ) { if ( isset( $_GET['wcf_checkout_id'] ) ) { self::$cached_checkout_id = intval( wp_unslash( $_GET['wcf_checkout_id'] ) ); } elseif ( isset( $_POST['id'] ) ) { $is_checkout = wcf()->utils->check_is_checkout_page( intval( wp_unslash( $_POST['id'] ) ) ); if ( $is_checkout ) { self::$cached_checkout_id = intval( wp_unslash( $_POST['id'] ) ); } } } } //phpcs:enable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification return self::$cached_checkout_id; } /** * Change order comments placeholder and label, and set billing phone number to not required. * * @param array $fields checkout fields. * @return array */ public function label_skins_fields_customization( $fields ) { $checkout_id = $this->get_conditional_checkout_id(); if ( ! $checkout_id ) { return $fields; } $fields_skins = wcf()->options->get_checkout_meta_value( $checkout_id, 'wcf-fields-skins' ); // Change the field style to modern labels for older users who are using style one i:e floating labels. if ( 'style-one' === $fields_skins ) { $fields_skins = 'modern-label'; } $field_types = array( 'billing', 'shipping', 'account', 'order', ); if ( 'modern-label' === $fields_skins ) { foreach ( $field_types as $type ) { if ( isset( $fields[ $type ] ) && is_array( $fields[ $type ] ) ) { foreach ( $fields[ $type ] as $key => $field ) { // Add label as placeholder if the placeholder value is empty. if ( empty( $fields[ $type ][ $key ]['placeholder'] ) ) { $fields[ $type ][ $key ]['placeholder'] = $fields[ $type ][ $key ]['label']; } // Remove screen-reader-text class from labels. if ( isset( $fields[ $type ][ $key ]['label_class'] ) ) { $fields[ $type ][ $key ]['label_class'] = array_diff( $fields[ $type ][ $key ]['label_class'], array( 'screen-reader-text' ) ); } // Add Asterisk mark to the placeholder text if the field is required. if ( ! empty( $fields[ $type ][ $key ]['placeholder'] ) && ( isset( $fields[ $type ][ $key ]['required'] ) && $fields[ $type ][ $key ]['required'] ) ) { $fields[ $type ][ $key ]['placeholder'] = $fields[ $type ][ $key ]['placeholder'] . ' *'; } } } } } return $fields; } /** * Add custom class to the fields to change the UI to three column. * * @param array $fields fields. * * @return array */ public function add_three_column_layout_fields( $fields ) { $checkout_id = $this->get_conditional_checkout_id(); if ( ! $checkout_id ) { return $fields; } if ( _is_wcf_meta_custom_checkout( $checkout_id ) ) { // Remove screen-reader-text class from the label even if the field style is set to Default. if ( isset( $fields['billing']['billing_address_2'] ) ) { if ( isset( $fields['billing']['billing_address_2']['label_class'] ) ) { $fields['billing']['billing_address_2']['label_class'] = array_diff( $fields['billing']['billing_address_2']['label_class'], array( 'screen-reader-text' ) ); } } if ( isset( $fields['shipping']['shipping_address_2'] ) ) { if ( isset( $fields['shipping']['shipping_address_2']['label_class'] ) ) { $fields['shipping']['shipping_address_2']['label_class'] = array_diff( $fields['shipping']['shipping_address_2']['label_class'], array( 'screen-reader-text' ) ); } } // Remove screen-reader-text class from the label even if the field style is set to Default. return $fields; } if ( empty( $fields['billing']['billing_address_2'] ) ) { if ( isset( $fields['billing']['billing_address_1'] ) && is_array( $fields['billing']['billing_address_1'] ) ) { $fields['billing']['billing_address_1']['class'][] = 'form-row-full'; } } if ( ! empty( $fields['billing']['billing_company'] ) ) { if ( isset( $fields['billing']['billing_company'] ) && is_array( $fields['billing']['billing_company'] ) ) { $fields['billing']['billing_company']['class'][] = 'form-row-full'; } } if ( ! empty( $fields['shipping']['shipping_company'] ) ) { if ( isset( $fields['shipping']['shipping_company'] ) && is_array( $fields['shipping']['shipping_company'] ) ) { $fields['shipping']['shipping_company']['class'][] = 'form-row-full'; } } if ( ! empty( $fields['billing']['billing_country'] ) ) { if ( isset( $fields['billing']['billing_country'] ) && is_array( $fields['billing']['billing_country'] ) ) { $fields['billing']['billing_country']['class'][] = 'form-row-full'; } } if ( ! empty( $fields['shipping']['shipping_country'] ) ) { if ( isset( $fields['shipping']['shipping_country'] ) && is_array( $fields['shipping']['shipping_country'] ) ) { $fields['shipping']['shipping_country']['class'][] = 'form-row-full'; } } if ( ! empty( $fields['billing']['billing_phone'] ) ) { if ( isset( $fields['billing']['billing_phone'] ) && is_array( $fields['billing']['billing_phone'] ) ) { $fields['billing']['billing_phone']['class'][] = 'form-row-full'; } } if ( ! empty( $fields['billing']['billing_email'] ) ) { if ( isset( $fields['billing']['billing_email'] ) && is_array( $fields['billing']['billing_email'] ) ) { $fields['billing']['billing_email']['class'][] = 'form-row-full'; } } if ( empty( $fields['shipping']['shipping_address_2'] ) ) { if ( isset( $fields['shipping']['shipping_address_1'] ) && is_array( $fields['shipping']['shipping_address_1'] ) ) { $fields['shipping']['shipping_address_1']['class'][] = 'form-row-full'; } } /* Billing address classes for 50% width */ if ( isset( $fields['billing']['billing_address_1'] ) && isset( $fields['billing']['billing_address_2'] ) ) { $fields['billing']['billing_address_1']['class'][] = 'wcf-column-50'; $fields['billing']['billing_address_2']['class'][] = 'wcf-column-50'; if ( isset( $fields['billing']['billing_address_2']['label_class'] ) ) { $fields['billing']['billing_address_2']['label_class'] = array_diff( $fields['billing']['billing_address_2']['label_class'], array( 'screen-reader-text' ) ); } } /* Shipping address classes for 50% width */ if ( isset( $fields['shipping']['shipping_address_1'] ) && isset( $fields['shipping']['shipping_address_2'] ) ) { $fields['shipping']['shipping_address_1']['class'][] = 'wcf-column-50'; $fields['shipping']['shipping_address_2']['class'][] = 'wcf-column-50'; if ( isset( $fields['shipping']['shipping_address_2']['label_class'] ) ) { $fields['shipping']['shipping_address_2']['label_class'] = array_diff( $fields['shipping']['shipping_address_2']['label_class'], array( 'screen-reader-text' ) ); } } /* Billing address classes for 33% width */ if ( isset( $fields['billing']['billing_city'] ) && isset( $fields['billing']['billing_state'] ) && isset( $fields['billing']['billing_postcode'] ) ) { $fields['billing']['billing_city']['class'][] = 'wcf-column-33'; $fields['billing']['billing_state']['class'][] = 'wcf-column-33'; $fields['billing']['billing_postcode']['class'][] = 'wcf-column-33'; } /* Billing address classes for 33% width */ if ( isset( $fields['shipping']['shipping_city'] ) && isset( $fields['shipping']['shipping_state'] ) && isset( $fields['shipping']['shipping_postcode'] ) ) { $fields['shipping']['shipping_city']['class'][] = 'wcf-column-33'; $fields['shipping']['shipping_state']['class'][] = 'wcf-column-33'; $fields['shipping']['shipping_postcode']['class'][] = 'wcf-column-33'; } return $fields; } /** * Optimize coupon field. * * @param array $coupon_field coupon fields. * @return mixed */ public function optimize_coupon_field( $coupon_field ) { $coupon_field['class'] = 'wcf-hide-field'; return $coupon_field; } /** * Show/Hide coupon field on checkout page * * @param bool $is_field true. * * @return bool */ public function show_hide_coupon_field_on_checkout( $is_field ) { $checkout_id = $this->get_conditional_checkout_id(); if ( ! $checkout_id ) { return $is_field; } $show_coupon_field = wcf()->options->get_checkout_meta_value( $checkout_id, 'wcf-show-coupon-field' ); $is_field = false; if ( 'yes' === $show_coupon_field ) { $is_field = true; $optimize_coupon_field = wcf()->options->get_checkout_meta_value( $checkout_id, 'wcf-optimize-coupon-field' ); if ( 'yes' === $optimize_coupon_field ) { add_filter( 'cartflows_coupon_field_options', array( $this, 'optimize_coupon_field' ), 10 ); } } return $is_field; } } /** * Prepare if class 'Cartflows_Checkout_Fields' exist. * Kicking this off by calling 'get_instance()' method */ Cartflows_Checkout_Fields::get_instance();