get() ); } // Switch default core markup for search form, comment form, and comments. // to output valid HTML5. // Added a new value in HTML5 array 'navigation-widgets' as this was introduced in WP5.5 for better accessibility. add_theme_support( 'html5', array( 'navigation-widgets', 'search-form', 'gallery', 'caption', 'style', 'script', ) ); // Post formats. add_theme_support( 'post-formats', array( 'gallery', 'image', 'link', 'quote', 'video', 'audio', 'status', 'aside', ) ); // Add theme support for Custom Logo. add_theme_support( 'custom-logo', array( 'width' => 180, 'height' => 60, 'flex-width' => true, 'flex-height' => true, ) ); // Customize Selective Refresh Widgets. add_theme_support( 'customize-selective-refresh-widgets' ); /** * This theme styles the visual editor to resemble the theme style, * specifically font, colors, icons, and column width. */ /* Directory and Extension */ $dir_name = 'minified'; $file_prefix = '.min'; if ( apply_filters( 'astra_theme_editor_style', true ) ) { add_editor_style( 'assets/css/' . $dir_name . '/editor-style' . $file_prefix . '.css' ); } if ( apply_filters( 'astra_fullwidth_oembed', true ) ) { // Filters the oEmbed process to run the responsive_oembed_wrapper() function. add_filter( 'embed_oembed_html', array( $this, 'responsive_oembed_wrapper' ), 10, 3 ); } // WooCommerce. add_theme_support( 'woocommerce' ); // Rank Math Breadcrumb. if ( true === apply_filters( 'astra_rank_math_theme_support', true ) ) { add_theme_support( 'rank-math-breadcrumbs' ); } // Native AMP Support. if ( true === apply_filters( 'astra_amp_support', true ) ) { add_theme_support( 'amp', apply_filters( 'astra_amp_theme_features', array( 'paired' => true, ) ) ); } // Remove Template Editor support until WP 5.9 since more Theme Blocks are going to be introduced. remove_theme_support( 'block-templates' ); // Let WooCommerce know, Astra is not compatible with New Product Editor. add_filter( 'option_woocommerce_feature_product_block_editor_enabled', '__return_false' ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_create_pages', array( $this, 'astra_enforce_woo_shortcode_pages' ), 99 ); } /** * Set the $content_width global variable used by WordPress to set image dimennsions. * * @since 1.5.5 * @return void */ public function setup_content_width() { global $content_width; /** * Content Width */ if ( ! isset( $content_width ) ) { if ( is_home() || is_post_type_archive( 'post' ) ) { $blog_width = astra_get_option( 'blog-width' ); if ( 'custom' === $blog_width ) { $content_width = apply_filters( 'astra_content_width', astra_get_option( 'blog-max-width', 1200 ) ); } else { $content_width = apply_filters( 'astra_content_width', astra_get_option( 'site-content-width', 1200 ) ); } } elseif ( is_single() ) { if ( 'post' === get_post_type() ) { $single_post_max = astra_get_option( 'blog-single-width' ); if ( 'custom' === $single_post_max ) { $content_width = apply_filters( 'astra_content_width', astra_get_option( 'blog-single-max-width', 1200 ) ); } else { $content_width = apply_filters( 'astra_content_width', astra_get_option( 'site-content-width', 1200 ) ); } } // For custom post types set the global content width. $content_width = apply_filters( 'astra_content_width', astra_get_option( 'site-content-width', 1200 ) ); } else { $content_width = apply_filters( 'astra_content_width', astra_get_option( 'site-content-width', 1200 ) ); } } } /** * Adds a responsive embed wrapper around oEmbed content * * @param string $html The oEmbed markup. * @param string $url The URL being embedded. * @param array $attr An array of attributes. * @param bool $core_yt_block Whether the oEmbed is being rendered by the core YouTube block. * * @return string Updated embed markup. */ public function responsive_oembed_wrapper( $html, $url, $attr, $core_yt_block = false ) { $add_astra_oembed_wrapper = apply_filters( 'astra_responsive_oembed_wrapper_enable', true ); $ast_embed_wrapper_class = apply_filters( 'astra_embed_wrapper_class', '' ); $allowed_providers = apply_filters( 'astra_allowed_fullwidth_oembed_providers', array( '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ) ); if ( $core_yt_block ) { if ( astra_strposa( $url, $allowed_providers ) && $add_astra_oembed_wrapper ) { $embed_html = wp_oembed_get( $url ); $html = false !== $embed_html ? '
' : ''; } } else { if ( astra_strposa( $url, $allowed_providers ) && $add_astra_oembed_wrapper ) { $html = ( '' !== $html ) ? ' ' : ''; } } return $html; } /** * Enforce WooCommerce shortcode pages due to following reasons. * * 1. In WooCommerce 8.3 version cart & checkout pages are directly added with blocks and not with shortcodes. * 2. Due to which most of Astra extended features are not working on cart & checkout pages. * * This is temporary workaround, once Astra ready with WooCommerce 8.3 version, this will be removed. * * @since 4.5.1 * @param array $pages_data Array of WooCommerce pages. * * @return array */ public function astra_enforce_woo_shortcode_pages( $pages_data ) { $pages_data['cart']['content'] = '[woocommerce_cart]'; $pages_data['checkout']['content'] = '[woocommerce_checkout]'; return $pages_data; } } } /** * Kicking this off by calling 'get_instance()' method */ Astra_After_Setup_Theme::get_instance();