_name = $plugin_name; if (empty($plugin)) { $this->transient = plugin_basename($root_file); $this->plugin_path = trailingslashit(plugin_dir_path(dirname($root_file))); } else { $this->transient = $plugin; $this->plugin_path = trailingslashit(dirname(TINVWL_PATH)); } $this->dependency = array(); $this->plugin_data = array(); $this->message = array(); } /** * Run hooks dependency */ public function run() { if ('plugins.php' === basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) && !(defined('WP_CLI') && WP_CLI)) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine WordPress.VIP.SuperGlobalInputUsage.AccessDetected add_action('admin_notices', array($this, 'admin_notices')); $plugins = $this->get_dependency_plugins(); foreach (array_keys($plugins) as $plugin) { add_filter('plugin_action_links_' . $plugin, array($this, 'plugin_action_links_maybe_deactivate')); add_filter('network_admin_plugin_action_links_' . $plugin, array( $this, 'plugin_action_links_maybe_deactivate', )); } add_action('after_plugin_row_' . $this->transient, array($this, 'plugin_row'), 10); } else { add_action('update_option_active_sitewide_plugins', array($this, 'maybe_deactivate'), 10, 2); add_action('update_option_active_plugins', array($this, 'maybe_deactivate'), 10, 2); } } /** * Set dependency plugin transient name * * @param string $plugin Plugin transient name. * @param string $nice_name Plugin nice name. * * @return \TInvWL_PluginExtend */ public function set_dependency($plugin, $nice_name) { $this->dependency_current = $plugin; $this->dependency_current_nice_name = $nice_name; return $this; } /** * Reset current dependency plugin transient name * * @return \TInvWL_PluginExtend */ public function reset_dependency() { $this->dependency_current = null; return $this; } /** * Set dependency version by index rules * * @param integer $index Index rules. * 0 Min version. * 1 Max version. * 2 Need plugin verion. * 3 Conflict plugin verion. * @param string $version Version dependency. * * @return boolean */ private function set_dependency_version($index, $version = '1.0.0') { if (empty($this->dependency_current)) { return false; } if (empty($version)) { $this->dependency[$this->dependency_current][$index] = null; } else { $this->dependency[$this->dependency_current][$index] = $version; } $this->dependency[$this->dependency_current]['nice_name'] = $this->dependency_current_nice_name; } /** * Set minimal dependency version * * @param string $version Version dependency. * * @return \TInvWL_PluginExtend */ public function min($version = '1.0.0') { if ('*' === $version) { $version = ''; } $this->set_dependency_version(0, $version); return $this; } /** * Set maximum dependency version * * @param string $version Version dependency. * * @return \TInvWL_PluginExtend */ public function max($version = '1.0.0') { if ('*' === $version) { $version = ''; } $this->set_dependency_version(1, $version); return $this; } /** * Set need plugin dependency version * * @param string $version Version dependency. Can use '*' for check any version. * * @return \TInvWL_PluginExtend */ public function need($version = '*') { $this->set_dependency_version(2, $version); return $this; } /** * Set conflict plugin dependency version * * @param string $version Version dependency. Can use '*' for check any version. * * @return \TInvWL_PluginExtend */ public function conflict($version = '*') { $this->set_dependency_version(3, $version); return $this; } /** * Get dependency array * * @param string $plugin Plugin transient name. * * @return array */ private function get_dependency($plugin) { if (array_key_exists($plugin, $this->dependency)) { return $this->dependency[$plugin]; } return array(); } /** * Get dependency version from array. * * @param string $plugin Plugin transient name. * @param integer $index Index rules. * 0 Min version. * 1 Max version. * 2 Need plugin verion. * 3 Conflict plugin verion. * * @return array */ private function get_dep_ver($plugin, $index) { $dependency = $this->get_dependency($plugin); if (array_key_exists($index, $dependency)) { return $dependency[$index]; } return null; } /** * List dependency plugins * * @return array */ private function get_dependency_plugins() { return $this->dependency; } /** * Check all dependency. * * @return boolean */ public function status_dependency() { $this->message = array(); $plugins = $this->get_dependency_plugins(); $status = true; foreach ($plugins as $plugin => $data) { if (is_plugin_active($plugin) && !$this->is_plugin_at_conflict_version($plugin)) { $status = $this->set_message('conflict', $data['nice_name']); } elseif (!is_plugin_active($plugin) || !$this->is_plugin_at_need_version($plugin)) { $status = $this->set_message('need', $data['nice_name']); } elseif (is_plugin_active($plugin) && !$this->is_plugin_at_min_version($plugin)) { $status = $this->set_message('upgrade', $data['nice_name']); } elseif (is_plugin_active($plugin) && !$this->is_plugin_at_max_version($plugin)) { $status = $this->set_message('downgrade', $plugin); } elseif (!is_plugin_active($plugin)) { $status = $this->set_message('activate', $data['nice_name']); } } return $status; } /** * Check plugin minimal version dependency. * * @param string $plugin Plugin transient name. * * @return boolean */ private function is_plugin_at_min_version($plugin) { return $this->is_plugin_at_version($plugin, 0); } /** * Check plugin maximal version dependency. * * @param string $plugin Plugin transient name. * * @return boolean */ private function is_plugin_at_max_version($plugin) { return $this->is_plugin_at_version($plugin, 1); } /** * Check plugin need version dependency. * * @param string $plugin Plugin transient name. * * @return boolean */ private function is_plugin_at_need_version($plugin) { return $this->is_plugin_at_version($plugin, 2); } /** * Check plugin conflict version dependency. * * @param string $plugin Plugin transient name. * * @return boolean */ private function is_plugin_at_conflict_version($plugin) { return $this->is_plugin_at_version($plugin, 3); } /** * Check plugin version dependency. * * @param string $plugin Plugin transient name. * * @param integer $i Index rules. * 0 Min version. * 1 Max version. * 2 Need plugin verion. * 3 Conflict plugin verion. * * @return boolean */ private function is_plugin_at_version($plugin, $i = 0) { switch ($i) { case 3: $type = 'ne'; $i = 3; break; case 2: $type = 'eq'; $i = 2; break; case 1: $type = 'le'; $i = 1; break; case 0: default: $type = 'ge'; $i = 0; } $version = $this->get_dep_ver($plugin, $i); if (is_null($version)) { return true; } $version_plugin = $this->get_plugin_data($plugin, 'Version'); if ('*' === $version) { if (3 === $i) { return empty($version_plugin); } else { return !empty($version_plugin); } } return version_compare($version_plugin, $version, $type); } /** * Get error messages * * @param boolean $first Get first or all error messages. * * @return string */ public function get_messages($first = false) { if ($first) { $message = array_shift($this->message); $this->message = array(); return $message; } $message = '

' . implode('

', $this->message) . '

'; $this->message = array(); return $message; } /** * Deactivation plugin * * @param string $old_value Not used. * @param string $value Not used. * * @return string */ public function maybe_deactivate($old_value, $value) { if (!$this->status_dependency()) { self::deactivate_self($this->transient); if (defined('WP_CLI') && WP_CLI) { $plugins = $this->get_dependency_plugins(); $this->get_messages(); foreach ($plugins as $plugin => $data) { if (!is_plugin_active($plugin) || !$this->is_plugin_at_need_version($plugin)) { return WP_CLI::error($this->get_message('deactivate', $data['nice_name'])); } elseif (is_plugin_active($plugin) && !$this->is_plugin_at_min_version($plugin)) { return WP_CLI::error($this->get_message('deactivate', $data['nice_name'])); } elseif (is_plugin_active($plugin) && !$this->is_plugin_at_max_version($plugin)) { return WP_CLI::error($this->get_message('deactivate', $data['nice_name'])); } } } } } /** * Deactivation plugin * * @param string $actions Not used. * * @return string */ public function plugin_action_links_maybe_deactivate($actions) { if (!$this->status_dependency()) { self::deactivate_self($this->transient); } return $actions; } /** * Return message in plugin lists table * * @param string $file Plugin file path. */ public function plugin_row($file) { if (!$this->status_dependency()) { $wp_list_table = _get_list_table('WP_Plugins_List_Table'); ?>

get_messages(true); // WPCS: xss ok. ?>

get_plugin_data('current', 'Name') ? $this->get_plugin_data('current', 'Name') : $this->transient; $version = $this->get_plugin_data('current', 'Version'); $plugname = $this->get_plugin_data($plugin, 'Name') ? $this->get_plugin_data($plugin, 'Name') : $plugin; $message = ''; switch ($type) { case 'deactivate': $version = $this->get_dep_ver($plugin, 0); $message = __('%2$s %3$s is required for %1$s. Deactivating %1$s.', 'ti-woocommerce-wishlist'); if (empty($version)) { $version = $this->get_dep_ver($plugin, 1); } if (empty($version)) { $version = $this->get_dep_ver($plugin, 2); } if (empty($version)) { $version = $this->get_dep_ver($plugin, 3); $message = __('%1$s is confilcted with %2$s %3$s. Deactivating %1$s.', 'ti-woocommerce-wishlist'); } if ('*' === $version) { $version = $this->get_plugin_data($plugin, 'Version'); } break; case 'upgrade': case 'update': $version = $this->get_dep_ver($plugin, 0); $message = __('%2$s %3$s is required. Please update it before activating this plugin.', 'ti-woocommerce-wishlist'); break; case 'downgrade': case 'downdate': $version = $this->get_dep_ver($plugin, 1); $message = __('%2$s %3$s is required. Please downgrade it before activating this plugin.', 'ti-woocommerce-wishlist'); break; case 'need': $version = '*' === $this->get_dep_ver($plugin, 2) ? $this->get_plugin_data($plugin, 'Version') : $this->get_dep_ver($plugin, 2); $message = __('%2$s %3$s is required. Please activate it before activating this plugin.', 'ti-woocommerce-wishlist'); break; case 'conflict': $version = '*' === $this->get_dep_ver($plugin, 3) ? $this->get_plugin_data($plugin, 'Version') : $this->get_dep_ver($plugin, 3); $message = __('%1$s is conflicted with %2$s %3$s. Please disable it before activating this plugin.', 'ti-woocommerce-wishlist'); break; case 'activate': $version = $this->get_dep_ver($plugin, 1); $message = __('%1$s %3$s is required. Please activate it before activating this plugin.', 'ti-woocommerce-wishlist'); break; } // End switch(). if (empty($message)) { return true; } if (!empty($version)) { $version = '(v' . $version . ')'; } $message = sprintf($message, $current, $plugname, $version); $this->message[] = $message; return false; } /** * Get message * * @param string $type Type error message. * @param string $plugin Plugin transient name. * * @return boolean */ private function get_message($type, $plugin) { $current = $this->get_plugin_data('current', 'Name') ? $this->get_plugin_data('current', 'Name') : $this->transient; $version = $this->get_plugin_data('current', 'Version'); $plugname = $this->get_plugin_data($plugin, 'Name') ? $this->get_plugin_data($plugin, 'Name') : $plugin; $message = ''; switch ($type) { case 'deactivate': $version = $this->get_dep_ver($plugin, 0); $message = __('%2$s %3$s is required for %1$s. Deactivating %1$s.', 'ti-woocommerce-wishlist'); if (empty($version)) { $version = $this->get_dep_ver($plugin, 1); } if (empty($version)) { $version = $this->get_dep_ver($plugin, 2); } if (empty($version)) { $version = $this->get_dep_ver($plugin, 3); $message = __('%1$s is conflicted with %2$s %3$s. Deactivating %1$s.', 'ti-woocommerce-wishlist'); } if ('*' === $version) { $version = $this->get_plugin_data($plugin, 'Version'); } break; case 'upgrade': case 'update': $version = $this->get_dep_ver($plugin, 0); $message = __('%2$s %3$s is required. Please update it before activating this plugin.', 'ti-woocommerce-wishlist'); break; case 'downgrade': case 'downdate': $version = $this->get_dep_ver($plugin, 1); $message = __('%2$s %3$s is required. Please downgrade it before activating this plugin.', 'ti-woocommerce-wishlist'); break; case 'need': $version = '*' === $this->get_dep_ver($plugin, 2) ? $this->get_plugin_data($plugin, 'Version') : $this->get_dep_ver($plugin, 2); $message = __('%2$s %3$s is required. Please activate it before activating this plugin.', 'ti-woocommerce-wishlist'); break; case 'conflict': $version = '*' === $this->get_dep_ver($plugin, 3) ? $this->get_plugin_data($plugin, 'Version') : $this->get_dep_ver($plugin, 3); $message = __('%1$s is conflicted with %2$s %3$s. Please disable it before activating this plugin.', 'ti-woocommerce-wishlist'); break; case 'activate': $version = $this->get_dep_ver($plugin, 1); $message = __('%1$s %3$s is required. Please activate it before activating this plugin.', 'ti-woocommerce-wishlist'); break; } // End switch(). if (!empty($version)) { $version = '(v' . $version . ')'; } return sprintf($message, $current, $plugname, $version); } /** * Add error admin notice */ public function admin_notices() { if (!$this->status_dependency()) { printf('
', $this->get_messages()); // WPCS: xss ok. } } /** * Get plugin info * * @param string $plugin Plugin transient name. * @param string $attr Plugin attribute name. * * @return mixed */ public function get_plugin_data($plugin, $attr = null) { if ('current' === $plugin) { $plugin = $this->transient; } $plugin_path = $this->plugin_path . $plugin; if (!array_key_exists($plugin, $this->plugin_data)) { require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'); $plugin_data = array_filter(@get_plugin_data($plugin_path, false, false)); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine Generic.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged if (empty($plugin_data)) { $plugin_data = null; } $this->plugin_data[$plugin] = $plugin_data; } if (empty($attr)) { return $this->plugin_data[$plugin]; } if (array_key_exists($attr, (array)$this->plugin_data[$plugin])) { return $this->plugin_data[$plugin][$attr]; } return null; } }