(function (wp) { if (!wp) { return; } if ('undefined' == typeof (wp.blocks)) { return; } if ('undefined' == typeof (wp.element)) { return; } const {getCategories, registerBlockType, setCategories} = wp.blocks; var el = wp.element.createElement; var __ = wp.i18n.__; const TinvWLButton = (props) => { return el('div', {'class': 'wp-block-button wc-block-components-product-button wc-block-button-tinvwl'}, el('a', { 'javascript': 'void(0)', 'data-product_id': props.product.id, 'class': 'single-product button wp-block-button__link', 'title': __('Add to Wishlist', 'ti-woocommerce-wishlist') }, el('span', {'class': ''}, __('Add to Wishlist', 'ti-woocommerce-wishlist')), )); }; const blockConfig = { category: 'woocommerce-product-elements', keywords: [__('WooCommerce', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block')], supports: { html: false }, parent: [ 'woocommerce/all-products', 'woocommerce/single-product', 'core/post-template', 'woocommerce/product-template', ], icon: el('img', { 'class': 'tinvwl-component-icon', 'src': tinvwl_add_to_wishlist.plugin_url + '/assets/img/logo_heart.png' }), title: __('Add to Wishlist', 'ti-woocommerce-wishlist'), description: __('Display an add to wishlist button for the product.', 'ti-woocommerce-wishlist'), edit: function (props) { return el(TinvWLButton, {product: {}}); } }; registerBlockType('tinvwl/add-to-wishlist', blockConfig); }( window.wp ));