bridge = $bridge; $this->dmarcPolicyChecker = $dmarcPolicyChecker; } /** * Get record of Bridge::getAuthorizedSenderDomains */ public function getDomainRecords(string $domain = ''): array { $records = $this->getAllRecords(); if ($domain) { return $records[$domain] ?? []; } return $records; } /** * Get all Authorized Sender Domains * * Note: This includes both verified and unverified domains */ public function getAllSenderDomains(): array { return $this->returnAllDomains($this->getAllRecords()); } public function getAllSenderDomainsIgnoringCache(): array { $this->currentRecords = null; return $this->getAllSenderDomains(); } /** * Get all Verified Sender Domains */ public function getVerifiedSenderDomains(): array { return $this->returnVerifiedDomains($this->getAllRecords()); } public function getVerifiedSenderDomainsIgnoringCache(): array { $this->currentRecords = null; return $this->getVerifiedSenderDomains(); } /** * Create new Sender Domain * * Throws an InvalidArgumentException if domain already exist * * returns an Array of DNS response or array of error */ public function createAuthorizedSenderDomain(string $domain): array { $allDomains = $this->getAllSenderDomains(); $alreadyExist = in_array($domain, $allDomains); if ($alreadyExist) { // sender domain already created. skip making new request throw new \InvalidArgumentException(self::AUTHORIZED_SENDER_DOMAIN_ERROR_ALREADY_CREATED); } $response = $this->bridge->createAuthorizedSenderDomain($domain); if ($response['status'] === API::RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($response['message']); } // Reset cached value since a new domain was added $this->currentRecords = null; return $response; } /** * Verify Sender Domain * * Throws an InvalidArgumentException if domain does not exist or domain is already verified * * * returns [ok: bool, dns: array] if domain verification is successful * * or [ok: bool, error: string, dns: array] if domain verification failed * * or [error: string, status: bool] for other errors */ public function verifyAuthorizedSenderDomain(string $domain): array { $records = $this->bridge->getAuthorizedSenderDomains(); $allDomains = $this->returnAllDomains($records); $verifiedDomains = $this->returnVerifiedDomains($records); $alreadyExist = in_array($domain, $allDomains); if (!$alreadyExist) { // can't verify a domain that does not exist throw new \InvalidArgumentException(self::AUTHORIZED_SENDER_DOMAIN_ERROR_NOT_CREATED); } $alreadyVerified = in_array($domain, $verifiedDomains); if ($alreadyVerified) { // no need to reverify an already verified domain throw new \InvalidArgumentException(self::AUTHORIZED_SENDER_DOMAIN_ERROR_ALREADY_VERIFIED); } $response = $this->bridge->verifyAuthorizedSenderDomain($domain); // API response contains status, but we need to check that dns array is not included if ($response['status'] === API::RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR && !isset($response['dns'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($response['message']); } return $response; } /** * Check Domain DMARC Policy * * returns `true` if domain has Restricted policy e.g. policy === reject or quarantine * otherwise returns `false` */ public function isDomainDmarcRestricted(string $domain): bool { $result = $this->getDmarcPolicyForDomain($domain); return $result !== DmarcPolicyChecker::POLICY_NONE; } /** * Fetch Domain DMARC Policy * * returns reject or quarantine or none */ public function getDmarcPolicyForDomain(string $domain): string { return $this->dmarcPolicyChecker->getDomainDmarcPolicy($domain); } /** * Little helper function to return All Domains. alias to `array_keys` * * The domain is the key returned from the Bridge::getAuthorizedSenderDomains */ private function returnAllDomains(array $records): array { $domains = array_keys($records); return $domains; } /** * Little helper function to return All verified domains */ private function returnVerifiedDomains(array $records): array { $verifiedDomains = []; foreach ($records as $key => $value) { if (count($value) < 3) continue; [$domainKey1, $domainKey2, $secretRecord] = $value; if ( $domainKey1['status'] === self::DOMAIN_VERIFICATION_STATUS_VALID && $domainKey2['status'] === self::DOMAIN_VERIFICATION_STATUS_VALID && $secretRecord['status'] === self::DOMAIN_VERIFICATION_STATUS_VALID ) { $verifiedDomains[] = $key; } } return $verifiedDomains; } private function getAllRecords(): array { if ($this->currentRecords === null) { $this->currentRecords = $this->bridge->getAuthorizedSenderDomains(); } return $this->currentRecords; } }