wp = $wp; $this->formsRepository = $formsRepository; $this->formRenderer = $formRenderer; $this->assetsController = $assetsController; $this->templateRenderer = $templateRenderer; $this->subscriberSubscribeController = $subscriberSubscribeController; $this->subscribersRepository = $subscribersRepository; $this->woocommerceHelper = $woocommerceHelper; } private function getFormMarkup(): string { $formMarkup = ''; $forms = $this->getForms(); if (count($forms) === 0) { return $formMarkup; } foreach ($forms as $displayType => $form) { $formMarkup .= $this->getContentBellow($form, $displayType); } return $formMarkup; } /** * Hooked to the_content filter */ public function contentDisplay($content = null) { $this->inWooProductLoop = false; return $this->getContentWithFormMarkup($content); } /** * Hooked to woocommerce_product_loop_end filter */ public function wooProductListDisplay($content = null) { $this->inWooProductLoop = true; return $this->getContentWithFormMarkup($content); } private function getContentWithFormMarkup($content = null) { if (!is_string($content) || !$this->shouldDisplay()) { return $content; } $formsMarkup = $this->getFormMarkup(); if ($formsMarkup === '') { return $content; } $this->assetsController->setupFrontEndDependencies(); return $content . $formsMarkup; } /** * Hooked to wp_footer action. * * @return void */ public function maybeRenderFormsInFooter(): void { if ($this->wp->isArchive() || $this->wp->isFrontPage() || $this->wp->isHome()) { $formMarkup = $this->getFormMarkup(); if (!empty($formMarkup)) { $this->assetsController->setupFrontEndDependencies(); // We are in control of the template and the data can be considered safe at this point // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped, WordPressDotOrg.sniffs.OutputEscaping.UnescapedOutputParameter echo $formMarkup; } } } private function shouldDisplay(): bool { $result = true; // This is a fix Yoast plugin and Shapely theme compatibility // This is to make sure we only display once for each page // Yoast plugin calls `get_the_excerpt` which also triggers hook `the_content` we don't want to include our form in that // Shapely calls the hook `the_content` multiple times on the page as well and we would display popup multiple times - not ideal if (!$this->wp->inTheLoop() || !$this->wp->isMainQuery()) { $result = $this->wp->applyFilters('mailpoet_display_form_is_main_loop', false); } // this code ensures that we display the form only on a page which is related to single post if (!$this->wp->isSingle() && !$this->wp->isPage()) $result = $this->wp->applyFilters('mailpoet_display_form_is_single', false); // Ensure form does not show up multiple times when called from the woocommerce_product_loop_end filter if ($this->inWooProductLoop) $result = $this->displayFormInProductListPage(); $noFormsCache = $this->wp->getTransient(DisplayFormInWPContent::NO_FORM_TRANSIENT_KEY); if ($noFormsCache === '1') $result = false; return $result; } private function displayFormInProductListPage(): bool { $displayCheck = $this->wp->applyFilters('mailpoet_display_form_in_product_listing', true); $shopPageId = $this->woocommerceHelper->wcGetPageId('shop'); $this->wooShopPageId = $shopPageId && $shopPageId > 0 ? $shopPageId : null; if ($displayCheck && !is_null($this->wooShopPageId) && $this->wp->isPage($this->wooShopPageId)) { return true; } return $displayCheck && $this->wp->isArchive() && $this->wp->isPostTypeArchive('product'); } private function saveNoForms() { $this->wp->setTransient(DisplayFormInWPContent::NO_FORM_TRANSIENT_KEY, '1'); } /** * @return array */ private function getForms(): array { $forms = $this->formsRepository->findBy([ 'deletedAt' => null, 'status' => FormEntity::STATUS_ENABLED, ], ['updatedAt' => 'ASC']); if (count($forms) === 0) { $this->saveNoForms(); } $forms = $this->filterOneFormInEachDisplayType($forms); return $forms; } /** * @param FormEntity[] $forms * @return array */ private function filterOneFormInEachDisplayType($forms): array { $formsFiltered = []; foreach ($forms as $form) { foreach (self::TYPES as $displayType) { if ($this->shouldDisplayFormType($form, $displayType)) { $formsFiltered[$displayType] = $form; } } } return $formsFiltered; } private function getContentBellow(FormEntity $form, string $displayType): string { if (!$this->shouldDisplayFormType($form, $displayType)) return ''; $formSettings = $form->getSettings(); if (!is_array($formSettings)) return ''; $htmlId = 'mp_form_' . $displayType . $form->getId(); $templateData = [ 'form_html_id' => $htmlId, 'form_id' => $form->getId(), 'form_success_message' => $formSettings['success_message'] ?? null, 'form_type' => $displayType, 'styles' => $this->formRenderer->renderStyles($form, '#' . $htmlId, $displayType), 'html' => $this->formRenderer->renderHTML($form), 'close_button_icon' => $formSettings['close_button'] ?? 'round_white', ]; // (POST) non ajax success/error variables $templateData['success'] = ( (isset($_GET['mailpoet_success'])) && ((int)$_GET['mailpoet_success'] === $form->getId()) ); $templateData['error'] = ( (isset($_GET['mailpoet_error'])) && ((int)$_GET['mailpoet_error'] === $form->getId()) ); $templateData['delay'] = $formSettings['form_placement'][$displayType]['delay'] ?? 0; $templateData['position'] = $formSettings['form_placement'][$displayType]['position'] ?? ''; $templateData['animation'] = $formSettings['form_placement'][$displayType]['animation'] ?? ''; $templateData['fontFamily'] = $formSettings['font_family'] ?? ''; $templateData['enableExitIntent'] = false; // Set default value for cookie expiration for backward compatibility with forms without this value $templateData['cookieFormExpirationTime'] = $formSettings['form_placement'][$displayType]['cookieExpiration'] ?? 7; if ( isset($formSettings['form_placement'][$displayType]['exit_intent_enabled']) && ($formSettings['form_placement'][$displayType]['exit_intent_enabled'] === '1') ) { $templateData['enableExitIntent'] = true; } // generate security token $templateData['token'] = $this->wp->wpCreateNonce('mailpoet_token'); // add API version $templateData['api_version'] = API::CURRENT_VERSION; $this->renderedDisplayTypes[] = $displayType; return $this->templateRenderer->render('form/front_end_form.html', $templateData); } /** * Checks if the form should be displayed for current WordPress user * * @param FormEntity $form The form to check * @param string $formType Display type of the current form, from self::TYPES * @return bool False if form can be dismissed and user is subscribed to any of the form's lists */ private function shouldDisplayFormForWPUser(FormEntity $form, string $formType): bool { if (!in_array($formType, self::WITH_COOKIE_TYPES, true)) return true; $subscriber = $this->subscribersRepository->getCurrentWPUser(); if (!$subscriber) return true; if ($this->subscriberSubscribeController->isSubscribedToAnyFormSegments($form, $subscriber)) { return false; } return true; } private function shouldDisplayFormType(FormEntity $form, string $formType): bool { if ($this->wasDisplayTypeAlreadyRendered($formType)) { return false; } $settings = $form->getSettings(); // check the structure just to be sure if ( !is_array($settings) || !isset($settings['form_placement'][$formType]) || !is_array($settings['form_placement'][$formType]) ) return false; $setup = $settings['form_placement'][$formType]; if ($setup['enabled'] !== '1') { return false; } if (!$this->shouldDisplayFormForWPUser($form, $formType)) return false; if ($this->wp->isFrontPage() && $this->shouldDisplayFormOnFrontPage($setup)) { return true; } /** * This is a special case when a site is configured with a specific "Posts page" in the Settings > Reading * WordPress settings. In that case, the only conditional function that returns true is is_home. */ if ((!$this->wp->isFrontPage() && $this->wp->isHome()) && $this->shouldDisplayFormOnHome($setup)) { return true; } if ($this->wp->isSingular($this->wp->applyFilters('mailpoet_display_form_supported_post_types', self::SUPPORTED_POST_TYPES))) { if ($this->shouldDisplayFormOnPost($setup, 'posts')) return true; if ($this->shouldDisplayFormOnCategory($setup)) return true; if ($this->shouldDisplayFormOnTag($setup)) return true; return false; } if ($this->wp->isPage() && $this->shouldDisplayFormOnPost($setup, 'pages')) { return true; } if ($this->wp->isTag() || $this->wp->isTax('product_tag')) { if ($this->shouldDisplayFormOnTagArchive($setup)) return true; } if ($this->wp->isCategory() || $this->wp->isTax('product_cat')) { if ($this->shouldDisplayFormOnCategoryArchive($setup)) return true; } if ($this->displayFormInProductListPage()) { // Allow form display on Woo Shop listing page if (is_null($this->wooShopPageId)) return false; if ($this->shouldDisplayFormOnPost($setup, 'pages', $this->wooShopPageId)) return true; } return false; } private function shouldDisplayFormOnPost(array $setup, string $postsKey, $postId = null): bool { if (!isset($setup[$postsKey])) { return false; } if (isset($setup[$postsKey]['all']) && $setup[$postsKey]['all'] === '1') { return true; } $post = $this->wp->getPost($postId, ARRAY_A); if (isset($setup[$postsKey]['selected']) && in_array($post['ID'], $setup[$postsKey]['selected'])) { return true; } return false; } private function shouldDisplayFormOnCategory(array $setup): bool { if (!isset($setup['categories'])) return false; if ($this->wp->hasCategory($setup['categories'])) return true; if ($this->wp->hasTerm($setup['categories'], 'product_cat')) return true; return false; } private function shouldDisplayFormOnTag(array $setup): bool { if (!isset($setup['tags'])) return false; if ($this->wp->hasTag($setup['tags'])) return true; if ($this->wp->hasTerm($setup['tags'], 'product_tag')) return true; return false; } private function shouldDisplayFormOnFrontPage(array $setup): bool { if (($setup['homepage'] ?? false) === '1') { return true; } return false; } private function shouldDisplayFormOnHome($setup) { if (($setup['pages']['all'] ?? false) === '1') { return true; } $selectedPages = $setup['pages']['selected'] ?? []; if (in_array((string)$this->wp->getQueriedObjectId(), $selectedPages)) { return true; } return false; } private function shouldDisplayFormOnCategoryArchive($setup): bool { if (!isset($setup['categoryArchives'])) return false; if (($setup['categoryArchives']['all'] ?? false) === '1') return true; $selectedCategories = $setup['categoryArchives']['selected'] ?? []; if ($selectedCategories === []) return false; return $this->wp->hasCategory($selectedCategories) || $this->wp->hasTerm($selectedCategories, 'product_cat'); } private function shouldDisplayFormOnTagArchive($setup): bool { if (!isset($setup['tagArchives'])) return false; if (($setup['tagArchives']['all'] ?? false) === '1') return true; $selectedTags = $setup['tagArchives']['selected'] ?? []; if ($selectedTags === []) return false; return $this->wp->hasTag($selectedTags) || $this->wp->hasTerm($selectedTags, 'product_tag'); } private function wasDisplayTypeAlreadyRendered(string $displayType): bool { return in_array($displayType, $this->renderedDisplayTypes); } }