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117 lines
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<?php // phpcs:ignore SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.DeclareStrictTypes.DeclareStrictTypesMissing
namespace MailPoet\SystemReport;
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;
use MailPoet\Cron\CronHelper;
use MailPoet\DI\ContainerWrapper;
use MailPoet\Router\Endpoints\CronDaemon;
use MailPoet\Services\Bridge;
use MailPoet\Settings\SettingsController;
use MailPoet\Util\License\Features\Subscribers as SubscribersFeature;
use MailPoet\WooCommerce\Helper as WooCommerceHelper;
use MailPoet\WP\Functions as WPFunctions;
class SystemReportCollector {
/** @var SettingsController */
private $settings;
/** @var WPFunctions */
private $wp;
/** @var SubscribersFeature */
private $subscribersFeature;
/** @var WooCommerceHelper */
private $wooCommerceHelper;
public function __construct(
SettingsController $settings,
WPFunctions $wp,
SubscribersFeature $subscribersFeature,
WooCommerceHelper $wooCommerceHelper
) {
$this->settings = $settings;
$this->wp = $wp;
$this->subscribersFeature = $subscribersFeature;
$this->wooCommerceHelper = $wooCommerceHelper;
public function getData($maskApiKey = false) {
return array_merge($this->getUserData(), $this->getSiteData($maskApiKey));
public function getUserData() {
$currentUser = WPFunctions::get()->wpGetCurrentUser();
$sender = $this->settings->get('sender', ['address' => null]);
return [
'name' => $currentUser->display_name, // phpcs:ignore Squiz.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.MemberNotCamelCaps
'email' => $sender['address'],
public function getSiteData($maskApiKey = false) {
global $wpdb;
$dbVersion = $wpdb->get_var('SELECT @@VERSION');
$mta = $this->settings->get('mta');
$currentTheme = WPFunctions::get()->wpGetTheme();
$premiumKey = $this->settings->get(Bridge::PREMIUM_KEY_SETTING_NAME) ?: $this->settings->get(Bridge::API_KEY_SETTING_NAME);
if ($maskApiKey) {
$premiumKey = $this->maskApiKey($premiumKey);
$cronHelper = ContainerWrapper::getInstance()->get(CronHelper::class);
try {
$cronPingUrl = $cronHelper->getCronUrl(
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$cronPingUrl = __('Can‘t generate cron URL.', 'mailpoet') . ' (' . $e->getMessage() . ')';
// the HelpScout Beacon API has a limit of 20 attribute-value pairs (https://developer.helpscout.com/beacon-2/web/javascript-api/#beacon-session-data)
return [
'PHP version' => PHP_VERSION,
'MailPoet Free version' => MAILPOET_VERSION,
'MailPoet Premium version' => (defined('MAILPOET_PREMIUM_VERSION')) ? MAILPOET_PREMIUM_VERSION : 'N/A',
'MailPoet Premium/MSS key' => $premiumKey,
'WordPress version' => $this->wp->getBloginfo('version'),
'Database version' => $dbVersion,
'Web server' => (!empty($_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"])) ? sanitize_text_field(wp_unslash($_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"])) : 'N/A',
'Server OS' => (function_exists('php_uname')) ? php_uname() : 'N/A',
' - WordPress language: ' . $this->wp->getLocale(),
'PHP info' => 'PHP max_execution_time: ' . ini_get('max_execution_time') . ' - PHP memory_limit: ' . ini_get('memory_limit') .
' - PHP upload_max_filesize: ' . ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . ' - PHP post_max_size: ' . ini_get('post_max_size'),
'Multisite environment?' => (is_multisite() ? 'Yes' : 'No'),
'Current Theme' => $currentTheme->get('Name') .
' (version ' . $currentTheme->get('Version') . ')',
'Active Plugin names' => join(", ", $this->wp->getOption('active_plugins')),
'Sending Method' => $mta['method'],
'Sending Frequency' => sprintf('%d emails every %d minutes',
'MailPoet sending info' => "Send all site's emails with: " . ($this->settings->get('send_transactional_emails') ? 'current sending method' : 'default WordPress sending method') .
' - Task Scheduler method: ' . $this->settings->get('cron_trigger.method') . ' - Cron ping URL: ' . $cronPingUrl . ' - Default FROM address: ' . $this->settings->get('sender.address') .
' - Default Reply-To address: ' . $this->settings->get('reply_to.address') . ' - Bounce Email Address: ' . $this->settings->get('bounce.address'),
'Total number of subscribers' => $this->subscribersFeature->getSubscribersCount(),
'Plugin installed at' => $this->settings->get('installed_at'),
'Installed via WooCommerce onboarding wizard' => $this->wooCommerceHelper->wasMailPoetInstalledViaWooCommerceOnboardingWizard(),
protected function maskApiKey($key) {
// the length of this particular key is an even number.
// for odd lengths this method will change the total number of characters (which shouldn't be a problem in this context).
$halfKeyLength = (int)(strlen($key) / 2);
return substr($key, 0, $halfKeyLength) . str_repeat('*', $halfKeyLength);