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2024-02-01 11:54:18 +00:00
namespace Elementor;
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly.
* Elementor animation control.
* A base control for creating entrance animation control. Displays a select box
* with the available entrance animation effects @see Control_Animation::get_animations() .
* @since 1.0.0
class Control_Animation extends Base_Data_Control {
* Get control type.
* Retrieve the animation control type.
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
* @return string Control type.
public function get_type() {
return 'animation';
* Retrieve default control settings.
* Get the default settings of the control. Used to return the default
* settings while initializing the control.
* @since 2.5.0
* @access protected
* @return array Control default settings.
protected function get_default_settings() {
$default_settings['label_block'] = true;
$default_settings['render_type'] = 'none';
return $default_settings;
* Get animations list.
* Retrieve the list of all the available animations.
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
* @static
* @return array Control type.
public static function get_animations() {
$animations = [
'Fading' => [
'fadeIn' => 'Fade In',
'fadeInDown' => 'Fade In Down',
'fadeInLeft' => 'Fade In Left',
'fadeInRight' => 'Fade In Right',
'fadeInUp' => 'Fade In Up',
'Zooming' => [
'zoomIn' => 'Zoom In',
'zoomInDown' => 'Zoom In Down',
'zoomInLeft' => 'Zoom In Left',
'zoomInRight' => 'Zoom In Right',
'zoomInUp' => 'Zoom In Up',
'Bouncing' => [
'bounceIn' => 'Bounce In',
'bounceInDown' => 'Bounce In Down',
'bounceInLeft' => 'Bounce In Left',
'bounceInRight' => 'Bounce In Right',
'bounceInUp' => 'Bounce In Up',
'Sliding' => [
'slideInDown' => 'Slide In Down',
'slideInLeft' => 'Slide In Left',
'slideInRight' => 'Slide In Right',
'slideInUp' => 'Slide In Up',
'Rotating' => [
'rotateIn' => 'Rotate In',
'rotateInDownLeft' => 'Rotate In Down Left',
'rotateInDownRight' => 'Rotate In Down Right',
'rotateInUpLeft' => 'Rotate In Up Left',
'rotateInUpRight' => 'Rotate In Up Right',
'Attention Seekers' => [
'bounce' => 'Bounce',
'flash' => 'Flash',
'pulse' => 'Pulse',
'rubberBand' => 'Rubber Band',
'shake' => 'Shake',
'headShake' => 'Head Shake',
'swing' => 'Swing',
'tada' => 'Tada',
'wobble' => 'Wobble',
'jello' => 'Jello',
'Light Speed' => [
'lightSpeedIn' => 'Light Speed In',
'Specials' => [
'rollIn' => 'Roll In',
$additional_animations = [];
* Entrance animations.
* Filters the animations list displayed in the animations control.
* This hook can be used to register animations in addition to the
* basic Elementor animations.
* @since 2.4.0
* @param array $additional_animations Additional animations array.
$additional_animations = apply_filters( 'elementor/controls/animations/additional_animations', $additional_animations );
return array_merge( $animations, $additional_animations );
* Render animations control template.
* Used to generate the control HTML in the editor using Underscore JS
* template. The variables for the class are available using `data` JS
* object.
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
public function content_template() {
<div class="elementor-control-field">
<label for="<?php $this->print_control_uid(); ?>" class="elementor-control-title">{{{ data.label }}}</label>
<div class="elementor-control-input-wrapper">
<select id="<?php $this->print_control_uid(); ?>" data-setting="{{ }}">
<option value=""><?php echo esc_html__( 'Default', 'elementor' ); ?></option>
<option value="none"><?php echo esc_html__( 'None', 'elementor' ); ?></option>
<?php foreach ( static::get_animations() as $animations_group_name => $animations_group ) : ?>
<optgroup label="<?php echo esc_attr( $animations_group_name ); ?>">
<?php foreach ( $animations_group as $animation_name => $animation_title ) : ?>
<option value="<?php echo esc_attr( $animation_name ); ?>"><?php echo esc_html( $animation_title ); ?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<# if ( data.description ) { #>
<div class="elementor-control-field-description">{{{ data.description }}}</div>
<# } #>
public static function get_assets( $setting ) {
if ( ! $setting || 'none' === $setting ) {
return [];
return [
'styles' => [ 'e-animations' ],