775 lines
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775 lines
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* Optin post meta fields
* @package CartFlows
// Exit if accessed directly.
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
* Meta Boxes setup
class Cartflows_Optin_Meta_Data extends Cartflows_Step_Meta_Base {
* Instance
* @var $instance
private static $instance;
* Initiator
public static function get_instance() {
if ( ! isset( self::$instance ) ) {
self::$instance = new self();
return self::$instance;
* Constructor
public function __construct() {
add_filter( 'cartflows_admin_optin_step_meta_fields', array( $this, 'filter_values' ), 10, 2 );
// Step API data.
add_filter( 'cartflows_admin_optin_step_data', array( $this, 'add_optin_step_api_data' ), 10, 2 );
* Add required data to api.
* @param array $api_data data.
* @param int $step_id step id.
* @since 1.10.0
public function add_optin_step_api_data( $api_data, $step_id ) {
$field_data = $this->custom_fields_data( $step_id );
$api_data['custom_fields'] = $field_data;
$api_data['billing_fields'] = $field_data['billing_fields'];
return $api_data;
* Add custom meta fields
* @param array $post_id post id.
public function custom_fields_data( $post_id ) {
$billing_fields = $this->get_field_settings( $post_id, 'billing', '' );
$custom_fields = array(
'extra_fields' => array(
'fields' => array(
'enable-optin-field-editor' => array(
'type' => 'checkbox',
'label' => __( 'Enable Custom Field Editor', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-optin-enable-custom-fields',
'is_fullwidth' => true,
'billing_fields' => array(
'fields' => $billing_fields,
return $custom_fields;
* Add custom meta fields
* @param string $post_id post id.
* @param array $fields fields.
* @param array $new_fields new fields.
public function get_field_settings( $post_id, $fields, $new_fields ) {
$ordered_billing_fields = wcf()->options->get_optin_meta_value( $post_id, 'wcf-optin-fields-billing' );
if ( isset( $ordered_billing_fields ) && ! empty( $ordered_billing_fields ) ) {
$billing_fields = $ordered_billing_fields;
} else {
$billing_fields = Cartflows_Helper::get_optin_fields( 'billing', $post_id );
if ( isset( $billing_fields ) && ! empty( $billing_fields ) ) {
$data_array = $billing_fields;
if ( isset( $new_fields ) && ! empty( $new_fields ) && is_array( $new_fields ) ) {
$data_array = $new_fields;
$field_args = array();
foreach ( $data_array as $key => $value ) {
$field_args = $this->prepare_field_arguments( $key, $value, $post_id, $fields );
foreach ( $field_args as $arg_key => $arg_val ) {
if ( ! in_array( $arg_key, $value, true ) ) {
$data_array[ $key ][ $arg_key ] = $arg_val;
$data_array[ $key ] = Cartflows_Helper::get_instance()->prepare_custom_field_settings( $data_array[ $key ], $key, $field_args, $fields, 'optin' );
return $data_array;
* Filter checkout values
* @param array $options options.
* @param int $step_id post id.
public function filter_values( $options, $step_id ) {
if ( ! empty( $options['wcf-optin-product'][0] ) ) {
$product_id = intval( $options['wcf-optin-product'][0] );
$product_obj = wc_get_product( $product_id );
if ( $product_obj ) {
$options['wcf-optin-product'] = array(
'value' => $product_id,
'label' => $product_obj->get_name() . ' (#' . $product_obj->get_id() . ')',
if ( isset( $options['wcf-optin-fields-billing'] ) ) {
$options['wcf-optin-fields-billing'] = $this->get_field_settings( $step_id, 'billing', '' );
return $options;
* Page Header Tabs
* @param int $step_id Post meta.
* @param array $options options.
public function get_settings( $step_id, $options = array() ) {
$common_tabs = $this->common_tabs();
$add_tabs = array(
'products' => array(
'title' => __( 'Products', 'cartflows' ),
'id' => 'products',
'class' => '',
'icon' => 'dashicons-format-aside',
'priority' => 20,
'optin_form_fields' => array(
'title' => __( 'Optin Form', 'cartflows' ),
'id' => 'optin_form_fields',
'class' => '',
'icon' => 'dashicons-format-aside',
'priority' => 30,
'settings' => array(
'title' => __( 'Settings', 'cartflows' ),
'id' => 'settings',
'class' => '',
'icon' => 'dashicons-format-aside',
'priority' => 40,
$options = $this->get_data( $step_id );
$tabs = array_merge( $common_tabs, $add_tabs );
$settings = $this->get_settings_fields( $step_id );
$design_settings = $this->get_design_fields( $step_id );
$settings_data = array(
'tabs' => $tabs,
'settings' => $settings,
'page_settings' => $this->get_page_settings( $step_id ),
'design_settings' => $design_settings,
return $settings_data;
* Get Page Settings Options
* @param int $step_id Step ID.
public function get_page_settings( $step_id ) {
$options = $this->get_data( $step_id );
$settings = array(
'settings' => array(
'product' => array(
'title' => __( 'Product', 'cartflows' ),
'priority' => 30,
'fields' => array(
'optin-product' => array(
'type' => 'product',
'name' => 'wcf-optin-product',
'label' => __( 'Select Free Product', 'cartflows' ),
'help' => __( 'Select Free and Virtual product only.', 'cartflows' ),
'allowed_product_types' => array( 'simple' ),
'placeholder' => __( 'Type to search for a product...', 'cartflows' ),
'excluded_product_types' => array(),
'include_product_types' => array(),
'optin-doc' => array(
'type' => 'doc',
/* translators: %1$1s: link html start, %2$12: link html end*/
'content' => sprintf( __( 'For more information about the CartFlows Optin step please %1$sClick here.%2$s', 'cartflows' ), '<a href="https://cartflows.com/docs/introducing-cartflows-optin-feature/?utm_source=dashboard&utm_medium=free-cartflows&utm_campaign=docs" target="_blank">', '</a>' ),
return $settings;
* Get design settings data.
* @param int $step_id Post ID.
public function get_design_fields( $step_id ) {
$options = $this->get_data( $step_id );
$settings = array(
'settings' => array(
'shortcode' => array(
'title' => __( 'Shortcode', 'cartflows' ),
'slug' => 'shortcodes',
'priority' => 10,
'fields' => array(
'optin-shortcode' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'name' => 'optin-shortcode',
'label' => __( 'Optin Form', 'cartflows' ),
'value' => '[cartflows_optin]',
'help' => esc_html__( 'Add this shortcode to your optin page', 'cartflows' ),
'readonly' => true,
'display_align' => 'vertical',
'global' => array(
'title' => __( 'Global Settings', 'cartflows' ),
'slug' => 'global_settings',
'priority' => 20,
'fields' => array(
'primary-color' => array(
'type' => 'color-picker',
'name' => 'wcf-primary-color',
'label' => __( 'Primary Color', 'cartflows' ),
'value' => $options['wcf-primary-color'],
'withBg' => true,
'heading-font-family' => array(
'type' => 'font-family',
'name' => 'wcf-base-font-family',
'label' => __( 'Font Family', 'cartflows' ),
'value' => $options['wcf-base-font-family'],
'display_align' => 'vertical',
'input-fields' => array(
'title' => __( 'Input Fields', 'cartflows' ),
'slug' => 'input_fields',
'priority' => 30,
'fields' => array(
'style' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'label' => __( 'Style', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-input-fields-skins',
'value' => $options['wcf-input-fields-skins'],
'display_align' => 'vertical',
'options' => array(
'value' => 'default',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Default', 'cartflows' ),
'value' => 'floating-labels',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Floating Labels', 'cartflows' ),
'input-font-family' => array(
'type' => 'font-family',
'for' => 'wcf-input',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Family', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-input-font-family',
'value' => $options['wcf-input-font-family'],
'font_weight_name' => 'wcf-input-font-weight',
'font_weight_value' => $options['wcf-input-font-weight'],
'font_weight_for' => 'wcf-input',
'display_align' => 'vertical',
'input-font-size' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'label' => __( 'Size', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-input-field-size',
'value' => $options['wcf-input-field-size'],
'display_align' => 'vertical',
'options' => array(
'value' => '33px',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Extra Small', 'cartflows' ),
'value' => '38px',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Small', 'cartflows' ),
'value' => '44px',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Medium', 'cartflows' ),
'value' => '58px',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Large', 'cartflows' ),
'value' => '68px',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Extra Large', 'cartflows' ),
'value' => 'custom',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Custom', 'cartflows' ),
'input-bottom-space' => array(
'type' => 'number',
'label' => __( 'Top Bottom Spacing', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-field-tb-padding',
'value' => $options['wcf-field-tb-padding'],
'display_align' => 'vertical',
'input-left-space' => array(
'type' => 'number',
'label' => __( 'Left Right Spacing', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-field-lr-padding',
'value' => $options['wcf-field-lr-padding'],
'display_align' => 'vertical',
'input-label-color' => array(
'type' => 'color-picker',
'label' => __( 'Label Color', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-field-label-color',
'value' => $options['wcf-field-label-color'],
'withBg' => true,
'input-text-color' => array(
'type' => 'color-picker',
'label' => __( 'Text / Placeholder Color', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-field-color',
'value' => $options['wcf-field-color'],
'withBg' => true,
'input-bg-color' => array(
'type' => 'color-picker',
'label' => __( 'Background Color', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-field-bg-color',
'value' => $options['wcf-field-bg-color'],
'withBg' => true,
'input-border-color' => array(
'type' => 'color-picker',
'label' => __( 'Border Color', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-field-border-color',
'value' => $options['wcf-field-border-color'],
'withBg' => true,
'button-options' => array(
'title' => __( 'Submit Button', 'cartflows' ),
'slug' => 'button_options',
'priority' => 40,
'fields' => array(
'button-font-size' => array(
'type' => 'number',
'label' => __( 'Font Size', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-submit-font-size',
'value' => $options['wcf-submit-font-size'],
'display_align' => 'vertical',
'button-font-family' => array(
'type' => 'font-family',
'for' => 'wcf-button',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Family', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-button-font-family',
'value' => $options['wcf-button-font-family'],
'font_weight_name' => 'wcf-button-font-weight',
'font_weight_value' => $options['wcf-button-font-weight'],
'font_weight_for' => 'wcf-button',
'display_align' => 'vertical',
'button-bottom-space' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'label' => __( 'Size', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-submit-button-size',
'value' => $options['wcf-submit-button-size'],
'display_align' => 'vertical',
'options' => array(
'value' => '33px',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Extra Small', 'cartflows' ),
'value' => '38px',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Small', 'cartflows' ),
'value' => '44px',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Medium', 'cartflows' ),
'value' => '58px',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Large', 'cartflows' ),
'value' => '68px',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Extra Large', 'cartflows' ),
'value' => 'custom',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Custom', 'cartflows' ),
'button-top-space' => array(
'type' => 'number',
'label' => __( 'Top Bottom Spacing', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-submit-tb-padding',
'value' => $options['wcf-submit-tb-padding'],
'display_align' => 'vertical',
'button-left-space' => array(
'type' => 'number',
'label' => __( 'Left Right Spacing', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-submit-lr-padding',
'value' => $options['wcf-submit-lr-padding'],
'display_align' => 'vertical',
'button-text-position' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'label' => __( 'Position', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-submit-button-position',
'value' => $options['wcf-submit-button-position'],
'display_align' => 'vertical',
'options' => array(
'value' => 'left',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Left', 'cartflows' ),
'value' => 'center',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Center', 'cartflows' ),
'value' => 'right',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Right', 'cartflows' ),
'button-bg-color' => array(
'type' => 'color-picker',
'label' => __( 'Text Color', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-submit-color',
'value' => $options['wcf-submit-color'],
'withBg' => true,
'button-text-hover-color' => array(
'type' => 'color-picker',
'label' => __( 'Text Hover Color', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-submit-hover-color',
'value' => $options['wcf-submit-hover-color'],
'withBg' => true,
'button-bg-color' => array(
'type' => 'color-picker',
'label' => __( 'Background Color', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-submit-bg-color',
'value' => $options['wcf-submit-bg-color'],
'withBg' => true,
'button-bg-hover-color' => array(
'type' => 'color-picker',
'label' => __( 'Background Hover Color', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-submit-bg-hover-color',
'value' => $options['wcf-submit-bg-hover-color'],
'withBg' => true,
'button-border-color' => array(
'type' => 'color-picker',
'label' => __( 'Border Color', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-submit-border-color',
'value' => $options['wcf-submit-border-color'],
'withBg' => true,
'button-border-hover-color' => array(
'type' => 'color-picker',
'label' => __( 'Border Hover Color', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-submit-border-hover-color',
'value' => $options['wcf-submit-border-hover-color'],
'withBg' => true,
return $settings;
* Get settings data.
* @param int $step_id Post ID.
public function get_settings_fields( $step_id ) {
$options = $this->get_data( $step_id );
$settings = array(
'settings' => array(
'general' => array(
'title' => __( 'General', 'cartflows' ),
'slug' => 'general',
'priority' => 10,
'fields' => array(
'slug' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'name' => 'post_name',
'label' => __( 'Step Slug', 'cartflows' ),
'value' => get_post_field( 'post_name', $step_id ),
'display_align' => 'vertical',
'step-note' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'name' => 'wcf-step-note',
'label' => __( 'Step Note', 'cartflows' ),
'value' => get_post_meta( $step_id, 'wcf-step-note', true ),
'rows' => 2,
'cols' => 38,
'display_align' => 'vertical',
'wcf-optin-custom-script' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'label' => __( 'Custom Script', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-custom-script',
'value' => $options['wcf-custom-script'],
'tooltip' => __( 'Enter custom JS/CSS. Wrap your custom CSS in style tag.', 'cartflows' ),
'display_align' => 'vertical',
'settings' => array(
'title' => __( 'Optin Settings', 'cartflows' ),
'slug' => 'fields_settings',
'priority' => 20,
'fields' => array(
'button-text' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => __( 'Button Text', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-submit-button-text',
'value' => $options['wcf-submit-button-text'],
'placeholder' => __( 'Submit', 'cartflows' ),
'display_align' => 'vertical',
'optin-pass-fields' => array(
'type' => 'toggle',
'label' => __( 'Pass Fields as URL Parameters', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-optin-pass-fields',
'value' => $options['wcf-optin-pass-fields'],
'help' => __( 'You can pass specific fields from the form to next step as URL query parameters.', 'cartflows' ),
'is_fullwidth' => true,
'optin-pass-specific-fields' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => __( 'Enter form field', 'cartflows' ),
'name' => 'wcf-optin-pass-specific-fields',
'value' => $options['wcf-optin-pass-specific-fields'],
'help' => __( 'Enter comma seprated field name. E.g. first_name, last_name', 'cartflows' ),
'placeholder' => __( 'Fields to pass, separated by commas', 'cartflows' ),
/* translators: %s: link */
'desc' => sprintf( __( 'You can pass field value as a URL parameter to the next step. %1$sLearn More >>%2$s', 'cartflows' ), '<a href="https://cartflows.com/docs/pass-variable-as-query-parameters-to-url/" target="_blank">', '</a>' ),
'display_align' => 'vertical',
'conditions' => array(
'fields' => array(
'name' => 'wcf-optin-pass-fields',
'operator' => '===',
'value' => 'yes',
return $settings;
* Fetch default width of checkout fields by key.
* @param string $field_key field key.
* @return int
public function get_default_optin_field_width( $field_key ) {
$default_width = 100;
switch ( $field_key ) {
case 'billing_first_name':
case 'billing_last_name':
$default_width = 50;
$default_width = 100;
return $default_width;
* Prepare HTML data for billing and shipping fields.
* @param string $field checkout field key.
* @param array $field_data checkout field object.
* @param integer $post_id chcekout post id.
* @param string $type checkout field type.
* @return array
public function prepare_field_arguments( $field, $field_data, $post_id, $type ) {
$field_name = '';
if ( isset( $field_data['label'] ) ) {
$field_name = $field_data['label'];
if ( isset( $field_data['width'] ) ) {
$width = $field_data['width'];
} else {
$width = $this->get_default_optin_field_width( $field );
if ( isset( $field_data['enabled'] ) ) {
$is_enabled = true === $field_data['enabled'] ? 'yes' : 'no';
} else {
$is_enabled = 'yes';
$field_args = array(
'type' => ( isset( $field_data['type'] ) && ! empty( $field_data['type'] ) ) ? $field_data['type'] : '',
'label' => $field_name,
'name' => 'wcf-' . $field,
'key' => $field,
'placeholder' => isset( $field_data['placeholder'] ) ? $field_data['placeholder'] : '',
'min' => isset( $field_data['min'] ) ? $field_data['min'] : '',
'max' => isset( $field_data['max'] ) ? $field_data['max'] : '',
'width' => $width,
'enabled' => $is_enabled,
'after' => 'Enable',
'section' => $type,
'custom' => isset( $field_data['custom'] ) ? $field_data['custom'] : false,
'custom_attributes' => isset( $field_data['custom_attributes'] ) ? wc_clean( $field_data['custom_attributes'] ) : array(),
'default' => isset( $field_data['default'] ) ? $field_data['default'] : '',
'required' => ( isset( $field_data['required'] ) && true == $field_data['required'] ) ? 'yes' : 'no',
'optimized' => ( isset( $field_data['optimized'] ) && true == $field_data['optimized'] ) ? 'yes' : 'no',
'options' => ( isset( $field_data['options'] ) && ! empty( $field_data['options'] ) ) ? implode( ',', $field_data['options'] ) : '',
'show_in_email' => ( isset( $field_data['show_in_email'] ) && true == $field_data['show_in_email'] ) ? 'yes' : 'no',
return $field_args;
* Get data.
* @param int $step_id Post ID.
public function get_data( $step_id ) {
$optin_data = array();
// Stored data.
$stored_meta = get_post_meta( $step_id );
// Default.
$default_data = self::get_meta_option( $step_id );
// Set stored and override defaults.
foreach ( $default_data as $key => $value ) {
if ( array_key_exists( $key, $stored_meta ) ) {
$optin_data[ $key ] = ( isset( $stored_meta[ $key ][0] ) ) ? maybe_unserialize( $stored_meta[ $key ][0] ) : '';
} else {
$optin_data[ $key ] = ( isset( $default_data[ $key ]['default'] ) ) ? $default_data[ $key ]['default'] : '';
return $optin_data;
* Get meta.
* @param int $post_id Post ID.
public static function get_meta_option( $post_id ) {
$meta_option = wcf()->options->get_optin_fields( $post_id );
return $meta_option;
* Kicking this off by calling 'get_instance()' method.