362 lines
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362 lines
11 KiB
<?php // phpcs:ignore SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.DeclareStrictTypes.DeclareStrictTypesMissing
namespace MailPoet\API\JSON\v1;
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;
use Exception;
use MailPoet\API\JSON\Endpoint as APIEndpoint;
use MailPoet\API\JSON\Error;
use MailPoet\API\JSON\Error as APIError;
use MailPoet\API\JSON\Response;
use MailPoet\API\JSON\ResponseBuilders\FormsResponseBuilder;
use MailPoet\API\JSON\SuccessResponse;
use MailPoet\Config\AccessControl;
use MailPoet\Entities\FormEntity;
use MailPoet\Form\ApiDataSanitizer;
use MailPoet\Form\DisplayFormInWPContent;
use MailPoet\Form\FormSaveController;
use MailPoet\Form\FormsRepository;
use MailPoet\Form\Listing\FormListingRepository;
use MailPoet\Form\PreviewPage;
use MailPoet\Form\Templates\TemplateRepository;
use MailPoet\Listing;
use MailPoet\Settings\UserFlagsController;
use MailPoet\Tags\TagRepository;
use MailPoet\UnexpectedValueException;
use MailPoet\WP\Emoji;
use MailPoet\WP\Functions as WPFunctions;
class Forms extends APIEndpoint {
public $permissions = [
'global' => AccessControl::PERMISSION_MANAGE_FORMS,
/** @var Listing\Handler */
private $listingHandler;
/** @var UserFlagsController */
private $userFlags;
/** @var FormsResponseBuilder */
private $formsResponseBuilder;
/** @var WPFunctions */
private $wp;
/** @var FormsRepository */
private $formsRepository;
/** @var TemplateRepository */
private $templateRepository;
/** @var FormListingRepository */
private $formListingRepository;
/** @var Emoji */
private $emoji;
/** @var ApiDataSanitizer */
private $dataSanitizer;
/** @var TagRepository */
private $tagRepository;
/** @var FormSaveController */
private $formSaveController;
public function __construct(
Listing\Handler $listingHandler,
UserFlagsController $userFlags,
FormsRepository $formsRepository,
TemplateRepository $templateRepository,
FormListingRepository $formListingRepository,
FormsResponseBuilder $formsResponseBuilder,
WPFunctions $wp,
Emoji $emoji,
ApiDataSanitizer $dataSanitizer,
TagRepository $tagRepository,
FormSaveController $formSaveController
) {
$this->listingHandler = $listingHandler;
$this->userFlags = $userFlags;
$this->wp = $wp;
$this->formsRepository = $formsRepository;
$this->templateRepository = $templateRepository;
$this->formListingRepository = $formListingRepository;
$this->formsResponseBuilder = $formsResponseBuilder;
$this->emoji = $emoji;
$this->dataSanitizer = $dataSanitizer;
$this->tagRepository = $tagRepository;
$this->formSaveController = $formSaveController;
public function get($data = []) {
$id = (isset($data['id']) ? (int)$data['id'] : false);
$form = $this->formsRepository->findOneById($id);
if ($form instanceof FormEntity) {
return $this->successResponse($this->formsResponseBuilder->build($form));
return $this->errorResponse([
APIError::NOT_FOUND => __('This form does not exist.', 'mailpoet'),
public function setStatus($data = []) {
$status = (isset($data['status']) ? $data['status'] : null);
if (!$status) {
return $this->badRequest([
APIError::BAD_REQUEST => __('You need to specify a status.', 'mailpoet'),
$id = (isset($data['id'])) ? (int)$data['id'] : false;
$form = $this->formsRepository->findOneById($id);
if (!$form instanceof FormEntity) {
return $this->errorResponse([
APIError::NOT_FOUND => __('This form does not exist.', 'mailpoet'),
if (!in_array($status, [FormEntity::STATUS_ENABLED, FormEntity::STATUS_DISABLED])) {
return $this->badRequest([
// translators: %1$s is a comma-seperated list of allowed values, %2$s the status the user specified.
__('Invalid status. Allowed values are (%1$s), you specified %2$s', 'mailpoet'),
join(', ', [FormEntity::STATUS_ENABLED, FormEntity::STATUS_DISABLED]),
if ($status === FormEntity::STATUS_ENABLED) {
$form = $this->formsRepository->findOneById($id);
if (!$form instanceof FormEntity) return $this->errorResponse();
return $this->successResponse(
public function listing($data = []) {
$data['sort_order'] = $data['sort_order'] ?? 'desc';
$data['sort_by'] = $data['sort_by'] ?? 'updatedAt';
$definition = $this->listingHandler->getListingDefinition($data);
$items = $this->formListingRepository->getData($definition);
$count = $this->formListingRepository->getCount($definition);
$filters = $this->formListingRepository->getFilters($definition);
$groups = $this->formListingRepository->getGroups($definition);
return $this->successResponse($this->formsResponseBuilder->buildForListing($items), [
'count' => $count,
'filters' => $filters,
'groups' => $groups,
public function previewEditor($data = []) {
// We want to allow preview for unsaved forms
$formId = $data['id'] ?? 0;
$this->wp->setTransient(PreviewPage::PREVIEW_DATA_TRANSIENT_PREFIX . $formId, $data, PreviewPage::PREVIEW_DATA_EXPIRATION);
return $this->successResponse();
public function saveEditor($data = []) {
$formId = (isset($data['id']) ? (int)$data['id'] : 0);
$initialForm = $this->getFormTemplateData(TemplateRepository::INITIAL_FORM_TEMPLATE);
$name = ($data['name'] ?? __('New form', 'mailpoet'));
$body = ($data['body'] ?? $initialForm['body']);
$body = $this->dataSanitizer->sanitizeBody($body);
$settings = ($data['settings'] ?? $initialForm['settings']);
$styles = ($data['styles'] ?? $initialForm['styles']);
$status = ($data['status'] ?? FormEntity::STATUS_ENABLED);
// check if the form is used as a widget
$isWidget = false;
$widgets = $this->wp->getOption('widget_mailpoet_form');
if (!empty($widgets)) {
foreach ($widgets as $widget) {
if (isset($widget['form']) && (int)$widget['form'] === $formId) {
$isWidget = true;
// Reset no form cache
// check if the user gets to pick his own lists
// or if it's selected by the admin
$formEntity = new FormEntity($name);
$listSelection = $formEntity->getSegmentBlocksSegmentIds();
// check list selection
if (count($listSelection)) {
$settings['segments_selected_by'] = 'user';
$settings['segments'] = $listSelection;
} else {
$settings['segments_selected_by'] = 'admin';
// check tags and create them if they don't exist
if (isset($settings['tags'])) {
// Check Custom HTML block permissions
$customHtmlBlocks = $formEntity->getBlocksByTypes([FormEntity::HTML_BLOCK_TYPE]);
if (count($customHtmlBlocks) && !$this->wp->currentUserCan('administrator')) {
return $this->errorResponse([
Error::FORBIDDEN => __('Only administrator can edit forms containing Custom HTML block.', 'mailpoet'),
], [], Response::STATUS_FORBIDDEN);
if ($body !== null) {
$body = $this->emoji->sanitizeEmojisInFormBody($body);
$form = $this->getForm($data);
if (!$form instanceof FormEntity) {
$form = new FormEntity($name);
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return $this->badRequest();
if (isset($data['editor_version']) && $data['editor_version'] === "2") {
$this->userFlags->set('display_new_form_editor_nps_survey', true);
$form = $this->getForm(['id' => $form->getId()]);
if(!$form instanceof FormEntity) return $this->errorResponse();
return $this->successResponse(
['is_widget' => $isWidget]
public function restore($data = []) {
$form = $this->getForm($data);
if ($form instanceof FormEntity) {
return $this->successResponse(
['count' => 1]
} else {
return $this->errorResponse([
APIError::NOT_FOUND => __('This form does not exist.', 'mailpoet'),
public function trash($data = []) {
$form = $this->getForm($data);
if ($form instanceof FormEntity) {
return $this->successResponse(
['count' => 1]
} else {
return $this->errorResponse([
APIError::NOT_FOUND => __('This form does not exist.', 'mailpoet'),
public function delete($data = []) {
$form = $this->getForm($data);
if ($form instanceof FormEntity) {
return $this->successResponse(null, ['count' => 1]);
} else {
return $this->errorResponse([
APIError::NOT_FOUND => __('This form does not exist.', 'mailpoet'),
public function duplicate($data = []) {
$form = $this->getForm($data);
if ($form instanceof FormEntity) {
try {
$duplicate = $this->formSaveController->duplicate($form);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $this->errorResponse([
APIError::UNKNOWN => __('Duplicating form failed.', 'mailpoet'),
], [], Response::STATUS_UNKNOWN);
return $this->successResponse(
['count' => 1]
} else {
return $this->errorResponse([
APIError::NOT_FOUND => __('This form does not exist.', 'mailpoet'),
public function bulkAction($data = []): SuccessResponse {
$definition = $this->listingHandler->getListingDefinition($data['listing']);
$ids = $this->formListingRepository->getActionableIds($definition);
if ($data['action'] === 'trash') {
} elseif ($data['action'] === 'restore') {
} elseif ($data['action'] === 'delete') {
} else {
throw UnexpectedValueException::create()
->withErrors([APIError::BAD_REQUEST => "Invalid bulk action '{$data['action']}' provided."]);
return $this->successResponse(null, ['count' => count($ids)]);
private function getForm(array $data): ?FormEntity {
return isset($data['id'])
? $this->formsRepository->findOneById((int)$data['id'])
: null;
private function getFormTemplateData(string $templateId): array {
$formTemplate = $this->templateRepository->getFormTemplate($templateId);
$form = $formTemplate->toFormEntity();
return $form->toArray();
private function createTagsIfDoNotExist(array $tagNames): void {
foreach ($tagNames as $tagName) {
$this->tagRepository->createOrUpdate(['name' => $tagName]);