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2024-02-01 17:24:18 +05:30
namespace Essential_Addons_Elementor\Classes;
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
} // Exit if accessed directly.
use Essential_Addons_Elementor\Classes\Helper;
use Essential_Addons_Elementor\Classes\WPDeveloper_Core_Installer;
class WPDeveloper_Notice {
* Admin Notice Key
* @var array
const ADMIN_UPDATE_NOTICE_KEY = 'wpdeveloper_notices_seen';
* All Data
* @var array
private $data = array();
private $properties = array(
'links', 'message', 'thumbnail',
private $methods = array(
'message', 'thumbnail', 'classes'
* cne_day == current_notice_end_day
* @var integer
public $cne_time = '2 day';
public $maybe_later_time = '7 day';
public $finish_time = [];
* Plugin Name
* @var string
private $plugin_name;
* Plugin File Name
* @var string
private $plugin_file;
* First Install Version Of The Plugin
* @var string
private $version;
* Saved Data in DB
* @var array
private $options_data;
* Current Timestamp
* @var integer
public $timestamp;
* Primary Notice Action
* @var string
private $do_notice_action;
* Default Options Set
* @var array
public $options_args = array(
* Notice ID for users.
* @var string
private $notice_id;
* Upsale Notice Arguments
* @var array
public $upsale_args;
* Revoke this function when the object is created.
* @param string $plugin_name
* @param string $version
public function __construct( $plugin_file = '', $version = '' ) {
$this->plugin_file = $plugin_file;
$this->plugin_name = basename( $plugin_file, '.php' );
$this->version = $version;
$this->timestamp = intval( current_time( 'timestamp' ) );
$this->notice_id = 'wpdeveloper_notice_' . str_replace( '.', '_', $this->version );
$this->do_notice_action = 'wpdeveloper_notices_for_' . $this->plugin_name;
new WPDeveloper_Core_Installer( $this->plugin_name );
* Initiate The Plugin
* @return void
public function init(){
add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'first_install_track') );
add_action( 'deactivate_' . $this->plugin_file, array( $this, 'first_install_end' ) );
add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'hooks' ) );
public function migration(){
$user_notices = $this->get_user_notices();
if( \version_compare( get_option( 'eael_version', false ), '3.7.2', '==' ) && ! get_option( 'eael_notice_migration', false ) ) {
if( is_array( $user_notices ) ) {
array_walk( $user_notices, function( $value, $key ){
array_walk( $value, function( $v, $k ){
array_walk( $v, function( $vv, $kk ){
update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), $this->plugin_name . '_' . $vv, true );
} );
} );
} );
update_option( 'eael_notice_migration', true );
* All Hooks
* @return void
public function hooks(){
add_action( 'wpdeveloper_notice_clicked_for_' . $this->plugin_name, array( $this, 'clicked' ) );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_wpdeveloper_upsale_notice_dissmiss_for_' . $this->plugin_name, array( $this, 'upsale_notice_dissmiss' ) );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_wpdeveloper_notice_dissmiss_for_' . $this->plugin_name, array( $this, 'notice_dissmiss' ) );
add_action( 'wpdeveloper_before_notice_for_' . $this->plugin_name, array( $this, 'before' ) );
add_action( 'wpdeveloper_after_notice_for_' . $this->plugin_name, array( $this, 'after' ) );
add_action( 'wpdeveloper_before_upsale_notice_for_' . $this->plugin_name, array( $this, 'before_upsale' ) );
add_action( 'wpdeveloper_after_upsale_notice_for_' . $this->plugin_name, array( $this, 'after' ) );
add_action( $this->do_notice_action, array( $this, 'content' ) );
// if( current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) ) {
if( isset( $_GET['plugin'] ) && $_GET['plugin'] == $this->plugin_name ) {
do_action( 'wpdeveloper_notice_clicked_for_' . $this->plugin_name );
* Redirect User To the Current URL, but without set query arguments.
wp_safe_redirect( $this->redirect_to() );
$return_notice = $this->next_notice();
$current_notice = current( $return_notice );
$next_notice = next( $return_notice );
$deserve_notice = $this->deserve_notice( $current_notice );
$options_data = $this->get_options_data();
$user_notices = $this->get_user_notices();
$notice_time = isset( $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ]['notice_will_show'][ $current_notice ] )
? $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ]['notice_will_show'][ $current_notice ] : $this->timestamp;
$next_notice_time = $next_notice ? $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ]['notice_will_show'][ $next_notice ] : $this->timestamp;
$current_notice_end = $this->makeTime( $notice_time, $this->cne_time );
if( ! $deserve_notice ) {
unset( $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ]['notice_will_show'][ $current_notice ] );
$this->update_options_data( $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ] );
if( $deserve_notice ) {
* TODO: automatic maybe later setup with time.
if( ( $this->timestamp >= $current_notice_end ) || ( $this->timestamp > $next_notice_time ) ) {
$this->maybe_later( $current_notice );
$notice_time = false;
if( isset( $this->finish_time[ $current_notice ] ) ) {
if( $this->timestamp >= strtotime( $this->finish_time[ $current_notice ] ) ) {
unset( $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ]['notice_will_show'][ $current_notice ] );
$this->update_options_data( $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ] );
$notice_time = false;
if( $notice_time != false ) {
if( $notice_time <= $this->timestamp ) {
if( $current_notice === 'upsale' ) {
$upsale_args = $this->get_upsale_args();
if( empty( $upsale_args ) ) {
unset( $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ]['notice_will_show'][ $current_notice ] );
$this->update_options_data( $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ] );
} else {
* For Upsale Remove
* if the plugin is activated.
if( isset( $upsale_args['condition'], $upsale_args['condition']['by'] ) ) {
switch( $upsale_args['condition']['by'] ) {
case 'class' :
if( isset( $upsale_args['condition']['class'] ) && class_exists( $upsale_args['condition']['class'] ) ) {
unset( $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ]['notice_will_show'][ $current_notice ] );
$this->update_options_data( $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ] );
case 'function' :
if( isset( $upsale_args['condition']['function'] ) && function_exists( $upsale_args['condition']['function'] ) ) {
unset( $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ]['notice_will_show'][ $current_notice ] );
$this->update_options_data( $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ] );
if ( ! function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) ) {
include ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';
$plugins = get_plugins();
$pkey = $upsale_args['slug'] . '/' . $upsale_args['file'];
if( isset( $plugins[ $pkey ] ) ) {
$this->update( $current_notice );
add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'upsale_notice' ) );
add_action( 'eael_admin_notices', array( $this, 'upsale_notice' ) );
} else {
if( $this->is_ok( 'message', $current_notice ) || $current_notice === 'opt_in' ) {
add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'admin_notices' ) );
add_action( 'eael_admin_notices', array( $this, 'admin_notices' ) );
// }
* Make time using timestamp and a string like 2 Hour, 2 Day, 30 Minutes, 1 Week, 1 year
* @param integer $current
* @param string $time
* @return integer
public function makeTime( $current, $time ) {
return intval( strtotime( date( 'Y-m-d h:i:s', intval( $current ) ) . " +$time" ) );
* Automatice Maybe Later.
* @param string $notice
* @return void
private function maybe_later( $notice ){
if( empty( $notice ) ) {
$options_data = $this->get_options_data();
$options_data[ $this->plugin_name ]['notice_will_show'][ $notice ] = $this->makeTime( $this->timestamp, $this->maybe_later_time );
$this->update_options_data( $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ] );
* When links are clicked, this function will invoked.
* @return void
public function clicked(){
if( isset( $_GET['plugin'] ) ) {
$plugin = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['plugin'] );
if( $plugin === $this->plugin_name ) {
$options_data = $this->get_options_data();
$clicked_from = current( $this->next_notice() );
if( isset( $_GET['plugin_action'] ) ) {
$plugin_action = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['plugin_action'] );
if( isset( $_GET['dismiss'] ) ) {
$dismiss = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['dismiss'] );
if( isset( $_GET['later'] ) ) {
$later = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['later'] );
$later_time = '';
switch( $clicked_from ) {
case 'opt_in' :
$dismiss = ( isset( $plugin_action ) ) ? $plugin_action : false ;
$later_time = $this->makeTime( $this->timestamp, $this->maybe_later_time );
case 'first_install' :
$later_time = $this->makeTime( $this->timestamp, $this->maybe_later_time );
case 'update' :
$dismiss = ( isset( $plugin_action ) ) ? $plugin_action : false ;
$later_time = $this->makeTime( $this->timestamp, $this->maybe_later_time );
// case 'update_400k' :
// $dismiss = ( isset( $plugin_action ) ) ? $plugin_action : false ;
// $later_time = $this->makeTime( $this->timestamp, $this->maybe_later_time );
// break;
case 'review' :
$later_time = $this->makeTime( $this->timestamp, $this->maybe_later_time );
case 'upsale' :
$later_time = $this->makeTime( $this->timestamp, $this->maybe_later_time );
if( isset( $later ) && $later == true ) {
$options_data[ $this->plugin_name ]['notice_will_show'][ $clicked_from ] = $later_time;
if( isset( $dismiss ) && $dismiss == true ) {
update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), $this->plugin_name . '_' . $clicked_from, true );
$this->update( $clicked_from );
$this->update_options_data( $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ] );
* For Redirecting Current Page without Arguments!
* @return void
private function redirect_to(){
$request_uri = parse_url( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH );
$query_string = parse_url( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_QUERY );
wp_parse_str( $query_string, $current_url );
$unset_array = array( 'dismiss', 'plugin', '_wpnonce', 'later', 'plugin_action', 'marketing_optin' );
foreach( $unset_array as $value ) {
if( isset( $current_url[ $value ] ) ) {
unset( $current_url[ $value ] );
$current_url = http_build_query($current_url);
$redirect_url = $request_uri . '?' . $current_url;
return $redirect_url;
* Before Notice
* @return void
public function before(){
$current_notice = current( $this->next_notice() );
$classes = 'notice notice-info put-dismiss-notice';
if( isset( $this->data['classes'] ) ) {
if( isset( $this->data['classes'][ $current_notice ] ) ) {
$classes = $this->data['classes'][ $current_notice ];
if( $this->has_thumbnail( $current_notice ) ) {
$classes .= 'notice-has-thumbnail';
echo '<div class="'. $classes .' wpdeveloper-'. $current_notice .'-notice" data-notice="'. $current_notice .'">';
* After Notice
* @return void
public function after(){
echo '</div>';
* Content generation & Hooks Funciton.
* @return void
public function content(){
$options_data = $this->get_options_data();
$notice = current( $this->next_notice() );
switch( $notice ) {
case 'opt_in' :
do_action('wpdeveloper_optin_notice_for_' . $this->plugin_name );
case 'first_install' :
if( $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ]['first_install'] !== 'deactivated' ) {
do_action( 'wpdeveloper_first_install_notice_for_' . $this->plugin_name );
$this->get_thumbnail( 'first_install' );
$this->get_message( 'first_install' );
case 'update' :
do_action( 'wpdeveloper_update_notice_for_' . $this->plugin_name );
$this->get_thumbnail( 'update' );
$this->get_message( 'update' );
// case 'update_400k' :
// do_action( 'wpdeveloper_update_notice_for_' . $this->plugin_name );
// $this->dismiss_button_scripts();
// $this->get_thumbnail( 'update_400k' );
// $this->get_message( 'update_400k' );
// break;
case 'review' :
do_action( 'wpdeveloper_review_notice_for_' . $this->plugin_name );
$this->get_thumbnail( 'review' );
$this->get_message( 'review' );
* Before Upsale Notice
* @return void
public function before_upsale(){
$classes = '';
if( $this->has_thumbnail('upsale') ) {
$classes = 'notice-has-thumbnail';
echo '<div class="error notice is-dismissible wpdeveloper-upsale-notice '. $classes .'">';
* Upsale Notice
public function upsale_notice(){
do_action( 'wpdeveloper_before_upsale_notice_for_' . $this->plugin_name );
do_action('wpdeveloper_upsale_notice_for_' . $this->plugin_name);
$this->get_thumbnail( 'upsale' );
$this->get_message( 'upsale' );
do_action( 'wpdeveloper_after_upsale_notice_for_' . $this->plugin_name );
* Get upsale arguments.
* @return void
private function get_upsale_args(){
return ( empty( $this->upsale_args ) ) ? array() : $this->upsale_args;
* This function is responsible for making the button visible to the upsale notice.
private function upsale_button(){
$upsale_args = $this->get_upsale_args();
$plugin_slug = ( isset( $upsale_args['slug'] )) ? $upsale_args['slug'] : '' ;
$btn_text = ( isset( $upsale_args['btn_text'] )) ? $upsale_args['btn_text'] : __( 'Install Now!', 'essential-addons-for-elementor-lite' ) ;
if( empty( $plugin_slug ) ) {
echo '<button data-slug="'. esc_attr( $plugin_slug ) .'" id="plugin-install-core-'. $this->plugin_name .'" class="button button-primary">'. Helper::eael_wp_kses( $btn_text ) .'</button>';
* This methods is responsible for get notice image.
* @param string $msg_for
* @return void
protected function get_thumbnail( $msg_for ){
$output = '';
if( isset( $this->data['thumbnail'] ) && isset( $this->data['thumbnail'][ $msg_for ] ) ) {
$output = '<div class="wpdeveloper-notice-thumbnail">';
$output .= '<img src="'. esc_url( $this->data['thumbnail'][ $msg_for ] ) .'" alt="">';
$output .= '</div>';
echo wp_kses_post( $output );
* Has Thumbnail Check
* @param string $msg_for
* @return boolean
protected function has_thumbnail( $msg_for = '' ){
if( empty( $msg_for ) ) {
return false;
if( isset( $this->data['thumbnail'] ) && isset( $this->data['thumbnail'][ $msg_for ] ) ) {
return true;
return false;
* This method is responsible for get messages.
* @param string $msg_for
* @return void
protected function get_message( $msg_for ){
if( isset( $this->data['message'] ) && isset( $this->data['message'][ $msg_for ] ) ) {
echo '<div class="wpdeveloper-notice-message">';
echo Helper::eael_wp_kses( $this->data['message'][ $msg_for ] );
if( $msg_for === 'upsale' ) {
$this->dismissible_notice( $msg_for );
echo '</div>';
* Detect which notice will show @ next.
* @return array
protected function next_notice() {
$options_data = $this->get_options_data();
if ( ! $options_data ) {
$args = $this->get_args();
$return_notice = $args['notice_will_show'];
} else {
$return_notice = $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ]['notice_will_show'];
if ( is_array( $return_notice ) ) {
$return_notice = array_flip( $return_notice );
ksort( $return_notice );
return (array) $return_notice;
* Which notice is deserve to show in next slot.
* @param string $notice
* @return boolean
private function deserve_notice( $notice ) {
$notices = $this->get_user_notices();
if( $notice === false ) {
return false;
if( empty( $notices ) ) {
return true;
} else {
if( isset( $notices[ $this->notice_id ] ) && isset( $notices[ $this->notice_id ][ $this->plugin_name ] ) ) {
if( in_array( $notice, $notices[ $this->notice_id ][ $this->plugin_name ] ) ) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
return true;
* This is the main methods for generate the notice.
* @return void
public function admin_notices(){
$current_notice = current( $this->next_notice() );
if( get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), $this->plugin_name . '_' . $current_notice, true ) ) {
if( $current_notice == 'opt_in' ) {
do_action( $this->do_notice_action );
do_action( 'wpdeveloper_before_notice_for_' . $this->plugin_name );
do_action( $this->do_notice_action );
do_action( 'wpdeveloper_after_notice_for_' . $this->plugin_name );
* This method is responsible for all dismissible links generation.
* @param string $links_for
* @return void
public function dismissible_notice( $links_for = '' ){
if( empty( $links_for ) ) {
$links = isset( $this->data['links'][ $links_for ] ) ? $this->data['links'][ $links_for ] : false;
if( $links ) :
$output = '<ul class="wpdeveloper-notice-link">';
foreach( $links as $key => $link_value ) {
if( ! empty( $link_value['label'] ) ) {
$output .= '<li>';
if( isset( $link_value['link'] ) ) {
$link = $link_value['link'];
$target = isset( $link_value['target'] ) ? 'target="'. esc_attr( $link_value['target'] ) .'"' : '';
if( isset( $link_value['data_args'] ) && is_array( $link_value['data_args'] ) ) {
$data_args = [];
foreach( $link_value['data_args'] as $key => $args_value ) {
$data_args[ $key ] = $args_value;
$data_args[ 'plugin' ] = $this->plugin_name;
$normal_link = add_query_arg( $data_args, $link );
$link = wp_nonce_url( $normal_link, 'wpdeveloper-nonce' );
$class = '';
if( isset( $link_value['link_class'] ) ) {
$class = 'class="' . sanitize_html_class( implode( ' ', $link_value['link_class'] ) ) . '"';
$output .= '<a '. $class .' href="'. esc_url( $link ) .'" '. $target .'>';
if( isset( $link_value['icon_class'] ) ) {
$output .= '<span class="'. esc_attr( $link_value['icon_class'] ) .'"></span>';
if( isset( $link_value['icon_img'] ) ) {
$output .= '<img src="'. esc_url( $link_value['icon_img'] ) .'" alt="" />';
$output .= $link_value['label'];
if( isset( $link_value['link'] ) ) {
$output .= '</a>';
$output .= '</li>';
$output .= '</ul>';
printf( '%1$s', $output );
* First Installation Track
* @return void
public function first_install_track( $args = array() ){
if( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
if( empty( $args ) ) {
$args = array(
'time' => $this->timestamp,
'version' => $this->version,
$options_data = $this->get_options_data();
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $this->get_args() );
if( ! isset( $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ] )
|| ( isset( $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ]['version'] ) && version_compare( $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ]['version'], $this->version, '!=' ) ) ) {
$this->update_options_data( $args );
* First Installation Deactive Track
* @return void
public function first_install_end(){
// $args = array(
// 'first_install' => 'deactivated'
// );
// $options_data = $this->get_options_data();
// if( isset( $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ] ) ) {
// $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ] );
// $this->update_options_data( $args );
// }
delete_option( 'wpdeveloper_plugins_data' );
* Get all options from database!
* @return void
protected function get_options_data( $key = '' ) {
$options_data = get_option( 'wpdeveloper_plugins_data', [] );
if ( empty( $key ) ) {
return $options_data;
if ( isset( $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ][ $key ] ) ) {
return $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ][ $key ];
return [];
* This will update the options table for plugins.
* @param mixed $new_data
* @param array $args
* @return void
protected function update_options_data( $args = array() ){
$options_data = $this->get_options_data();
$options_data[ $this->plugin_name ] = $args;
update_option( 'wpdeveloper_plugins_data', $options_data );
* Set properties data, for some selected properties.
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $value
public function __set( $name, $value ){
if( in_array( $name, $this->properties ) ) {
$this->data[ $name ] = $value;
* Invoked when some selected methods are called
* @param string $name
* @param array $values
* @return void
public function __call( $name, $values ){
if( in_array( $name, $this->methods ) ) {
$this->data[ $name ][ $values[0] ] = $values[1];
protected function is_ok( $name, $notice ){
if( isset( $this->data[ $name ], $this->data[ $name ][ $notice ] ) ) {
return true;
return false;
* Get all option arguments.
* @param string $key
* @return array
private function get_args( $key = '' ){
if( empty( $key ) ) {
return $this->options_args;
if( isset( $this->options_args[ $key ] ) ) {
return $this->options_args[ $key ];
return false;
* Resetting data on update.
* @return void
private function set_args_on_update(){
$args = $this->get_args();
$options_data = $this->get_options_data();
$set_data = $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ];
$args = wp_parse_args( $set_data, $args );
$this->update_options_data( $args );
* When upgrade is complete. it will fired.
* @param WP_Upgrader $upgrader_object
* @param array $options
* @return void
public function upgrade_completed( $upgrader_object, $options ) {
// If an update has taken place and the updated type is plugins and the plugins element exists
if( isset( $options['action'] ) && $options['action'] == 'update' && $options['type'] == 'plugin' ) {
if( ! isset( $options['plugin'] ) && isset( $options['plugins'] ) ) {
foreach( $options['plugins'] as $plugin ) {
if( $plugin == $this->plugin_name ) {
if( isset( $options['plugin'] ) && $options['plugin'] == $this->plugin_name ) {
* This function is responsible for get_user_notices
* @return void
private function get_user_notices() {
$notices = get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), self::ADMIN_UPDATE_NOTICE_KEY, true );
return ! $notices ? array() : $notices;
* This function is responsible for update meta information.
* @param string $notice
* @return void
private function update( $notice ){
if( empty( $notice ) ) {
$options_data = $this->get_options_data();
$user_notices = $this->get_user_notices();
$user_notices[ $this->notice_id ][ $this->plugin_name ][] = $notice;
// Remove the upsale from notice_will_show field in options DB.
unset( $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ]['notice_will_show'][ $notice ] );
$this->update_options_data( $options_data[ $this->plugin_name ] );
// Set users meta, not to show again current_version notice.
update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), self::ADMIN_UPDATE_NOTICE_KEY, $user_notices);
public function notice_dissmiss(){
if( ! isset( $_POST['_wpnonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( sanitize_key( wp_unslash( $_POST['_wpnonce'] ) ), 'wpdeveloper_notice_dissmiss' ) ) {
if( ! isset( $_POST['action'] ) || ( $_POST['action'] !== 'wpdeveloper_notice_dissmiss_for_' . $this->plugin_name ) ) {
$dismiss = isset( $_POST['dismiss'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['dismiss'] ) : false;
$notice = isset( $_POST['notice'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['notice'] ) : false;
if( $dismiss ) {
$this->update( $notice );
update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), $this->plugin_name . '_' . $notice, true );
echo 'success';
} else {
echo 'failed';
* This function is responsible for do action when
* the dismiss button clicked in upsale notice.
public function upsale_notice_dissmiss(){
if( ! isset( $_POST['_wpnonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( sanitize_key( wp_unslash( $_POST['_wpnonce'] ) ), 'wpdeveloper_upsale_notice_dissmiss' ) ) {
if( ! isset( $_POST['action'] ) || ( $_POST['action'] !== 'wpdeveloper_upsale_notice_dissmiss_for_' . $this->plugin_name ) ) {
$dismiss = isset( $_POST['dismiss'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['dismiss'] ) : false;
if( $dismiss ) {
$this->update( 'upsale' );
echo 'success';
} else {
echo 'failed';
public function dismiss_button_scripts(){
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready( function($) {
var wpdevNotice = $('');
if( wpdevNotice.length > 0 ) {
$('body').on('click', 'button.notice-dismiss', function (e) {
url: '<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) ); ?>',
type: 'post',
data: {
action: 'wpdeveloper_notice_dissmiss_for_<?php echo esc_html( $this->plugin_name ); ?>',
_wpnonce: '<?php echo wp_create_nonce('wpdeveloper_notice_dissmiss'); ?>',
dismiss: true,
success: function(response) {
console.log('Successfully saved!');
error: function(error) {
console.log('Something went wrong!');
complete: function() {
console.log('Its Complete.');
} );
* Upsale Button Script.
* When install button is clicked, it will do its own things.
* also for dismiss button JS.
* @return void
public function upsale_button_script(){
$upsale_args = $this->get_upsale_args();
$plugin_slug = ( isset( $upsale_args['slug'] ) ) ? $upsale_args['slug'] : '';
$plugin_file = ( isset( $upsale_args['file'] ) ) ? $upsale_args['file'] : '';
$page_slug = ( isset( $upsale_args['page_slug'] ) ) ? $upsale_args['page_slug'] : '';
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready( function($) {
<?php if( ! empty( $plugin_slug ) && ! empty( $plugin_file ) ) : ?>
$('#plugin-install-core-<?php echo esc_html( $this->plugin_name ); ?>').on('click', function (e) {
var self = $(this);
self.addClass('install-now updating-message');
self.text('<?php echo esc_js( 'Installing...' ); ?>');
url: '<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) ); ?>',
type: 'POST',
data: {
action: 'wpdeveloper_upsale_core_install_<?php echo esc_html( $this->plugin_name ); ?>',
_wpnonce: '<?php echo wp_create_nonce('wpdeveloper_upsale_core_install_' . esc_html( $this->plugin_name )); ?>',
slug : '<?php echo esc_html( $plugin_slug ); ?>',
file : '<?php echo esc_html( $plugin_file ); ?>'
success: function(response) {
self.text('<?php echo esc_js( 'Installed' ); ?>');
<?php if( ! empty( $page_slug ) ) : ?>
window.location.href = '<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( "admin.php?page={$page_slug}" ) ); ?>';
<?php endif; ?>
error: function(error) {
self.removeClass('install-now updating-message');
complete: function() {
self.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
self.removeClass('install-now updating-message');
<?php endif; ?>
$('.wpdeveloper-upsale-notice').on('click', 'button.notice-dismiss', function (e) {
url: '<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) ); ?>',
type: 'post',
data: {
action: 'wpdeveloper_upsale_notice_dissmiss_for_<?php echo esc_html( $this->plugin_name ); ?>',
_wpnonce: '<?php echo wp_create_nonce('wpdeveloper_upsale_notice_dissmiss'); ?>',
dismiss: true
success: function(response) {
console.log('Successfully saved!');
error: function(error) {
console.log('Something went wrong!');
complete: function() {
console.log('Its Complete.');
} );