Feature: Host Meta As defined in https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6415.html Scenario: Given A Fediverse server When Querying /.well-known/host-meta Then The page must resolve at port 80 or 443 And If both port 80 _and_ 443 work, then they SHOULD return same document And The document SHOULD be served with "application/xrd+xml" media type And The host-meta document root MUST be an "XRD" element And The document SHOULD NOT include a "Subject" element And The document SHOULD include "Link" element And The document's "Link" element should include either "template" or "href" attributes And The document should have at least on 'lrdd' document And Fediverse specific: The lrdd document must include template containing WebFinger well-known URI