initSidebarItems({"enum":[["OpenCloseState","states of issue, milestone, etc with only “open” and “closed” states and “closed” states and “closed” states and “closed” states"]],"mod":[["comment","Comments associated to an issue or a pull/merge request within the repository of a forge (Gitea, GitLab, etc.)"],["identities","Pairs of identities mapping one forge to another."],["issue","Issues associated to a repository within a forge (Gitea, GitLab, etc.)."],["label","Label associated to an issue or a comment"],["milestone","Milestone associated to a repository within a forge"],["project","A software project that resides on a forge (Gitea, GitLab, etc.)."],["pullrequest","Pull requests associated to a repository within a forge (Gitea, GitLab, etc.)"],["reaction","Reaction associated to an issue or a comment"],["repository","VCS repository relative to a project."],["topic","A list of categories associated with a project."],["user","A forge user"]]});