+++ title = "Interface" weight = 40 +++ # Interface Interface is a service that acts as a connecting end of the bridge, listening in for Notifications from a particular forge repository. These notifications, which may be in the form of a Comment, Issue, or Pull Request, are then further defined into [Events](@/getting-started/events.md) to create a workable unit set, that the interface can use to translate operations from one forge to another forge. The procedure of the Notification-Event Translation System, works as follows, 1. Upon creation of the Interface, and set up of a forge repository to look for, the interface subscribes to the forge's notifications. 2. Every notification received by the interface from the forges, is then identified and translated into it's respective `Event` model, be it an Issue or PR. 3. Upon conversion into the respective model, Interface processes these `Events`, and converts them into the model required for the destination forge.