+++ title = "Terminology" insert_anchor_links = "right" weight = 3 +++ ## Specimen The target of a ftest test job. These are the ActityPub or ForgeFlux implementations that must be tested for compliance. ## Job Manifest or `ftest.toml` Contains information on the test environment, initialization code and the test suites that has to be run on the [specimen](/ftest/terminology.md#specimen) ## Control Repository - Flagship instance: [git.batsense.net/ForgeFlux/ftest-control](https://forgeflux.org/ForgeFlux/ftest-control) A Repository that houses [job manifests](@/ftest/terminology.md#job-manifest), and Infrastructure-as-Code (docker-compose, currently) to spin up a test environment containing the [specimen](@/ftest/terminology.md#specimen). ### Directory structure Each specimen has it's own directory in the control repository: ```bash 23:50 atm@lab ftest-control ±|gotosocial ✗|→ tree └── targets ├── forgejo │   ├── conf │   │   └── app.ini │   ├── docker-compose.yml │   └── ftest.toml └── gotosocial ├── data │   └── config │   └── config.yaml ├── docker-compose.yaml └── Dockerfile ``` ### Specimen docker-compose.yml The control repository _MUST_ contain a `docker-compose.yml` to spin up the specimen. It may include configuration files in the same directory, which to docker-compose file can rely on using bind mounts within the container. ## Result Repository Result repository contains the results of all the targets' jobs in JSON format.