2021-02-18 12:25:41 +01:00

128 lines
4.6 KiB

import {tag as t} from "./html.js";
import {openFile, readFileAsText} from "./file.js";
const main = document.querySelector("main");
let selectedItemNode;
let rootItem;
const logLevels = [undefined, "All", "Debug", "Detail", "Info", "Warn", "Error", "Fatal", "Off"];
main.addEventListener("click", event => {
if (selectedItemNode) {
selectedItemNode = null;
if (event.target.classList.contains("toggleExpanded")) {
const li = event.target.parentElement.parentElement;
} else {
const itemNode = event.target.closest(".item");
if (itemNode) {
selectedItemNode = itemNode;
const path = selectedItemNode.dataset.path;
let item = rootItem;
let parent;
if (path.length) {
const indices = path.split("/").map(i => parseInt(i, 10));
for(const i of indices) {
parent = item;
item = itemChildren(item)[i];
showItemDetails(item, parent);
function showItemDetails(item, parent) {
const parentOffset = itemStart(parent) ? `${itemStart(item) - itemStart(parent)}ms` : "none";
const aside = t.aside([
t.p([t.strong("Parent offset: "), parentOffset]),
t.p([t.strong("Log level: "), logLevels[itemLevel(item)]]),
t.p([t.strong("Error: "), itemError(item) ? `${itemError(item).name} ${itemError(item).stack}` : "none"]),
t.p([t.strong("Child count: "), itemChildren(item) ? `${itemChildren(item).length}` : "none"]),
t.ul({class: "values"}, Object.entries(itemValues(item)).map(([key, value]) => {
return t.li([
t.span({className: "key"}, normalizeValueKey(key)),
t.span({className: "value"}, value)
document.getElementById("openFile").addEventListener("click", loadFile);
async function loadFile() {
const file = await openFile();
const json = await readFileAsText(file);
const logs = JSON.parse(json);
rootItem = {c: logs.items};
const fragment = logs.items.reduce((fragment, item, i, items) => {
const prevItem = i === 0 ? null : items[i - 1];
t.h2(prevItem ? `+ ${itemStart(item) - itemEnd(prevItem)} ms` : new Date(itemStart(item)).toString()),
t.div({className: "timeline"}, t.ol(itemToNode(item, [i])))
return fragment;
}, document.createDocumentFragment());
function itemChildren(item) { return item.c; }
function itemStart(item) { return item.s; }
function itemEnd(item) { return item.s + item.d; }
function itemDuration(item) { return item.d; }
function itemValues(item) { return item.v; }
function itemLevel(item) { return item.l; }
function itemLabel(item) { return item.v?.l; }
function itemType(item) { return item.v?.t; }
function itemError(item) { return item.e; }
function itemCaption(item) {
if (itemType(item) === "network") {
return `${itemValues(item)?.method} ${itemValues(item)?.url}`;
} else if (itemLabel(item) && itemValues(item)?.id) {
return `${itemLabel(item)} ${itemValues(item).id}`;
} else {
return itemLabel(item) || itemType(item);
function normalizeValueKey(key) {
switch (key) {
case "t": return "type";
case "l": return "label";
default: return key;
// returns the node and the total range (recursively) occupied by the node
function itemToNode(item, path) {
const hasChildren = !!itemChildren(item)?.length;
const className = {
item: true,
"has-children": hasChildren,
error: itemError(item),
[`type-${itemType(item)}`]: !!itemType(item),
[`level-${itemLevel(item)}`]: true,
const li = t.li([
hasChildren ? t.button({className: "toggleExpanded"}) : "",
t.div({className, "data-path": path.join("/")}, [
t.span({class: "caption"}, itemCaption(item)),
t.span({class: "duration"}, `(${itemDuration(item)}ms)`),
if (itemChildren(item) && itemChildren(item).length) {
li.appendChild(t.ol(itemChildren(item).map((item, i) => {
return itemToNode(item, path.concat(i));
return li;