Bruno Windels f337940202 this migration shouldn't be needed anymore
and undoes the export of addRoomToIdentity, which is somewhat internal
2022-07-22 17:46:29 +02:00

272 lines
12 KiB

import {IDOMStorage} from "./types";
import {ITransaction} from "./QueryTarget";
import {iterateCursor, NOT_DONE, reqAsPromise} from "./utils";
import {RoomMember, EVENT_TYPE as MEMBER_EVENT_TYPE} from "../../room/members/RoomMember.js";
import {SESSION_E2EE_KEY_PREFIX} from "../../e2ee/common.js";
import {SummaryData} from "../../room/RoomSummary";
import {RoomMemberStore, MemberData} from "./stores/RoomMemberStore";
import {InboundGroupSessionStore, InboundGroupSessionEntry, BackupStatus, KeySource} from "./stores/InboundGroupSessionStore";
import {RoomStateEntry} from "./stores/RoomStateStore";
import {SessionStore} from "./stores/SessionStore";
import {Store} from "./Store";
import {encodeScopeTypeKey} from "./stores/OperationStore";
import {MAX_UNICODE} from "./stores/common";
import {ILogItem} from "../../../logging/types";
export type MigrationFunc = (db: IDBDatabase, txn: IDBTransaction, localStorage: IDOMStorage, log: ILogItem) => Promise<void> | void;
// the index in the array is the database version
export const schema: MigrationFunc[] = [
// TODO: how to deal with git merge conflicts of this array?
// TypeScript note: for now, do not bother introducing interfaces / alias
// for old schemas. Just take them as `any`.
function createDatabaseNameHelper(db: IDBDatabase): ITransaction {
// the Store object gets passed in several things through the Transaction class (a wrapper around IDBTransaction),
// the only thing we should need here is the databaseName though, so we mock it out.
// ideally we should have an easier way to go from the idb primitive layer to the specific store classes where
// we implement logic, but for now we need this.
const databaseNameHelper: ITransaction = {
databaseName: db.name,
get idbFactory(): IDBFactory { throw new Error("unused");},
get IDBKeyRange(): typeof IDBKeyRange { throw new Error("unused");},
addWriteError() {},
return databaseNameHelper;
// how do we deal with schema updates vs existing data migration in a way that
function createInitialStores(db: IDBDatabase): void {
db.createObjectStore("session", {keyPath: "key"});
// any way to make keys unique here? (just use put?)
db.createObjectStore("roomSummary", {keyPath: "roomId"});
// need index to find live fragment? prooobably ok without for now
//key = room_id | fragment_id
db.createObjectStore("timelineFragments", {keyPath: "key"});
//key = room_id | fragment_id | event_index
const timelineEvents = db.createObjectStore("timelineEvents", {keyPath: "key"});
//eventIdKey = room_id | event_id
timelineEvents.createIndex("byEventId", "eventIdKey", {unique: true});
//key = room_id | event.type | event.state_key,
db.createObjectStore("roomState", {keyPath: "key"});
db.createObjectStore("pendingEvents", {keyPath: "key"});
async function createMemberStore(db: IDBDatabase, txn: IDBTransaction): Promise<void> {
// Cast ok here because only "set" is used
const roomMembers = new RoomMemberStore(db.createObjectStore("roomMembers", {keyPath: "key"}) as any);
// migrate existing member state events over
const roomState = txn.objectStore("roomState");
await iterateCursor<RoomStateEntry>(roomState.openCursor(), entry => {
if (entry.event.type === MEMBER_EVENT_TYPE) {
const member = RoomMember.fromMemberEvent(entry.roomId, entry.event);
if (member) {
return NOT_DONE;
async function migrateSession(db: IDBDatabase, txn: IDBTransaction, localStorage: IDOMStorage): Promise<void> {
const session = txn.objectStore("session");
try {
const entry = await reqAsPromise(session.get(PRE_MIGRATION_KEY));
if (entry) {
const {syncToken, syncFilterId, serverVersions} = entry.value;
// Cast ok here because only "set" is used and we don't look into return
const store = new SessionStore(session as any, localStorage);
store.set("sync", {token: syncToken, filterId: syncFilterId});
store.set("serverVersions", serverVersions);
} catch (err) {
console.error("could not migrate session", err.stack);
function createE2EEStores(db: IDBDatabase): void {
db.createObjectStore("userIdentities", {keyPath: "userId"});
const deviceIdentities = db.createObjectStore("deviceIdentities", {keyPath: "key"});
deviceIdentities.createIndex("byCurve25519Key", "curve25519Key", {unique: true});
db.createObjectStore("olmSessions", {keyPath: "key"});
db.createObjectStore("inboundGroupSessions", {keyPath: "key"});
db.createObjectStore("outboundGroupSessions", {keyPath: "roomId"});
db.createObjectStore("groupSessionDecryptions", {keyPath: "key"});
const operations = db.createObjectStore("operations", {keyPath: "id"});
operations.createIndex("byTypeAndScope", "typeScopeKey", {unique: false});
// v5
async function migrateEncryptionFlag(db: IDBDatabase, txn: IDBTransaction): Promise<void> {
// migrate room summary isEncrypted -> encryption prop
const roomSummary = txn.objectStore("roomSummary");
const roomState = txn.objectStore("roomState");
const summaries: any[] = [];
await iterateCursor<any>(roomSummary.openCursor(), summary => {
return NOT_DONE;
for (const summary of summaries) {
const encryptionEntry = await reqAsPromise(roomState.get(`${summary.roomId}|m.room.encryption|`));
if (encryptionEntry) {
summary.encryption = encryptionEntry?.event?.content;
delete summary.isEncrypted;
// v6
function createAccountDataStore(db: IDBDatabase): void {
db.createObjectStore("accountData", {keyPath: "type"});
// v7
function createInviteStore(db: IDBDatabase): void {
db.createObjectStore("invites", {keyPath: "roomId"});
// v8
function createArchivedRoomSummaryStore(db: IDBDatabase): void {
db.createObjectStore("archivedRoomSummary", {keyPath: "summary.roomId"});
// v9
async function migrateOperationScopeIndex(db: IDBDatabase, txn: IDBTransaction): Promise<void> {
try {
const operations = txn.objectStore("operations");
await iterateCursor<any>(operations.openCursor(), (op, key, cur) => {
const {typeScopeKey} = op;
delete op.typeScopeKey;
const [type, scope] = typeScopeKey.split("|");
op.scopeTypeKey = encodeScopeTypeKey(scope, type);
return NOT_DONE;
operations.createIndex("byScopeAndType", "scopeTypeKey", {unique: false});
} catch (err) {
console.error("could not migrate operations", err.stack);
function createTimelineRelationsStore(db: IDBDatabase) : void {
db.createObjectStore("timelineRelations", {keyPath: "key"});
//v11 doesn't change the schema,
// but ensured all userIdentities have all the roomIds they should (see #470)
// 2022-07-20: The fix dated from August 2021, and have removed it now because of a
// refactoring needed in the device tracker, which made it inconvenient to expose addRoomToIdentity
function fixMissingRoomsInUserIdentities() {}
// v12 move ssssKey to e2ee:ssssKey so it will get backed up in the next step
async function changeSSSSKeyPrefix(db: IDBDatabase, txn: IDBTransaction) {
const session = txn.objectStore("session");
const ssssKey = await reqAsPromise(session.get("ssssKey"));
if (ssssKey) {
session.put({key: `${SESSION_E2EE_KEY_PREFIX}ssssKey`, value: ssssKey.value});
// v13
async function backupAndRestoreE2EEAccountToLocalStorage(db: IDBDatabase, txn: IDBTransaction, localStorage: IDOMStorage, log: ILogItem) {
const session = txn.objectStore("session");
const sessionStore = new SessionStore(new Store(session, createDatabaseNameHelper(db)), localStorage);
// if we already have an e2ee identity, write a backup to local storage.
// further updates to e2ee keys in the session store will also write to local storage from 0.2.15 on,
// but here we make sure a backup is immediately created after installing the update and we don't wait until
// the olm account needs to change
// and if we already have a backup, restore it now for any missing key in idb.
// this will restore the backup every time the idb database is dropped as it will
// run through all the migration steps when recreating it.
const restored = await sessionStore.tryRestoreE2EEIdentityFromLocalStorage(log);
log.set("restored", restored);
// v14 clear all stores apart from e2ee keys because of possible timeline corruption in #515, will trigger initial sync
async function clearAllStores(db: IDBDatabase, txn: IDBTransaction) {
for (const storeName of db.objectStoreNames) {
const store = txn.objectStore(storeName);
switch (storeName) {
case "inboundGroupSessions":
case "outboundGroupSessions":
case "olmSessions":
case "operations":
case "session": {
await iterateCursor(store.openCursor(), (value, key, cursor) => {
if (!(key as string).startsWith(SESSION_E2EE_KEY_PREFIX)) {
return NOT_DONE;
default: {
// v15 add backup index to inboundGroupSessions
async function addInboundSessionBackupIndex(db: IDBDatabase, txn: IDBTransaction, localStorage: IDOMStorage, log: ILogItem): Promise<void> {
const inboundGroupSessions = txn.objectStore("inboundGroupSessions");
inboundGroupSessions.createIndex("byBackup", "backup", {unique: false});
// v16 migrates the backup and source fields of inbound group sessions
async function migrateBackupStatus(db: IDBDatabase, txn: IDBTransaction, localStorage: IDOMStorage, log: ILogItem): Promise<void> {
const inboundGroupSessions = txn.objectStore("inboundGroupSessions");
let countWithSession = 0;
let countWithoutSession = 0;
await iterateCursor<InboundGroupSessionEntry>(inboundGroupSessions.openCursor(), (value, key, cursor) => {
if (value.session) {
value.backup = BackupStatus.NotBackedUp;
// we'll also have backup keys in here, we can't tell,
// but the worst thing that can happen is that we try
// to backup keys that were already in backup, which
// the server will ignore
value.source = KeySource.DeviceMessage;
countWithSession += 1;
} else {
countWithoutSession += 1;
return NOT_DONE;
log.set("countWithoutSession", countWithoutSession);
log.set("countWithSession", countWithSession);