Bruno Windels 001dbefbcf stop using default exports
because it becomes hard to remember where you used them and where not
2020-04-20 21:26:39 +02:00

157 lines
4.3 KiB

import {SortedArray} from "../observable/index.js";
import {EventEmitter} from "../EventEmitter.js";
import {createNewSessionId} from "./BrawlViewModel.js"
class SessionItemViewModel extends EventEmitter {
constructor(sessionInfo, pickerVM) {
this._pickerVM = pickerVM;
this._sessionInfo = sessionInfo;
this._isDeleting = false;
this._isClearing = false;
this._error = null;
this._exportDataUrl = null;
get error() {
return this._error && this._error.message;
async delete() {
this._isDeleting = true;
this.emit("change", "isDeleting");
try {
await this._pickerVM.delete(this.id);
} catch(err) {
this._error = err;
this.emit("change", "error");
} finally {
this._isDeleting = false;
this.emit("change", "isDeleting");
async clear() {
this._isClearing = true;
try {
await this._pickerVM.clear(this.id);
} catch(err) {
this._error = err;
this.emit("change", "error");
} finally {
this._isClearing = false;
this.emit("change", "isClearing");
get isDeleting() {
return this._isDeleting;
get isClearing() {
return this._isClearing;
get id() {
return this._sessionInfo.id;
get label() {
const {userId, comment} = this._sessionInfo;
if (comment) {
return `${userId} (${comment})`;
} else {
return userId;
get sessionInfo() {
return this._sessionInfo;
get exportDataUrl() {
return this._exportDataUrl;
async export() {
try {
const data = await this._pickerVM._exportData(this._sessionInfo.id);
const json = JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 2);
const blob = new Blob([json], {type: "application/json"});
this._exportDataUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
this.emit("change", "exportDataUrl");
} catch (err) {
clearExport() {
if (this._exportDataUrl) {
this._exportDataUrl = null;
this.emit("change", "exportDataUrl");
export class SessionPickerViewModel {
constructor({storageFactory, sessionInfoStorage, sessionCallback}) {
this._storageFactory = storageFactory;
this._sessionInfoStorage = sessionInfoStorage;
this._sessionCallback = sessionCallback;
this._sessions = new SortedArray((s1, s2) => s1.id.localeCompare(s2.id));
async load() {
const sessions = await this._sessionInfoStorage.getAll();
this._sessions.setManyUnsorted(sessions.map(s => new SessionItemViewModel(s, this)));
pick(id) {
const sessionVM = this._sessions.array.find(s => s.id === id);
if (sessionVM) {
async _exportData(id) {
const sessionInfo = await this._sessionInfoStorage.get(id);
const stores = await this._storageFactory.export(id);
const data = {sessionInfo, stores};
return data;
async import(json) {
const data = JSON.parse(json);
const {sessionInfo} = data;
sessionInfo.comment = `Imported on ${new Date().toLocaleString()} from id ${sessionInfo.id}.`;
sessionInfo.id = createNewSessionId();
await this._storageFactory.import(sessionInfo.id, data.stores);
await this._sessionInfoStorage.add(sessionInfo);
this._sessions.set(new SessionItemViewModel(sessionInfo, this));
async delete(id) {
const idx = this._sessions.array.findIndex(s => s.id === id);
await this._sessionInfoStorage.delete(id);
await this._storageFactory.delete(id);
async clear(id) {
await this._storageFactory.delete(id);
get sessions() {
return this._sessions;
cancel() {