import { offColor } from 'off-color'; let aliasMap; let resolvedMap; const RE_VARIABLE_VALUE = /var\((--(.+)--(.+)-(.+))\)/; function getValueFromAlias(alias) { const derivedVariable = aliasMap.get(`--${alias}`); return resolvedMap.get(derivedVariable); // what if we haven't resolved this variable yet? } function resolveDerivedVariable(decl, variables) { const matches = decl.value.match(RE_VARIABLE_VALUE); if (matches) { const [, wholeVariable, baseVariable, operation, argument] = matches; if (!variables[baseVariable]) { // hmm.. baseVariable should be in config..., maybe this is an alias? if (!aliasMap.get(`--${baseVariable}`)) { throw new Error(`Cannot derive from ${baseVariable} because it is neither defined in config nor is it an alias!`); } } switch (operation) { case "darker": { const colorString = variables[baseVariable] ?? getValueFromAlias(baseVariable); const newColorString = new offColor(colorString).darken(argument / 100).hex(); resolvedMap.set(wholeVariable, newColorString); break; } case "lighter": { const colorString = variables[baseVariable] ?? getValueFromAlias(baseVariable); const newColorString = new offColor(colorString).lighten(argument / 100).hex(); resolvedMap.set(wholeVariable, newColorString); break; } } } } function extractAlias(decl) { const RE_VARIABLE_PROP = /--(.+)/; const wholeVariable = decl.value.match(RE_VARIABLE_VALUE)?.[1]; if (RE_VARIABLE_PROP.test(decl.prop) && wholeVariable) { aliasMap.set(decl.prop, wholeVariable); } } function addResolvedVariablesToRootSelector(root, variables, { Rule, Declaration }) { const newRule = new Rule({ selector: ":root", source: root.source }); // Add base css variables to :root for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(variables)) { const declaration = new Declaration({ prop: `--${key}`, value }); newRule.append(declaration); } // Add derived css variables to :root resolvedMap.forEach((value, key) => { const declaration = new Declaration({ prop: key, value }); newRule.append(declaration); }); root.append(newRule); } /* * * @type {import('postcss').PluginCreator} */ module.exports = (opts = {}) => { aliasMap = new Map(); resolvedMap = new Map(); const { variables } = opts; return { postcssPlugin: "postcss-compile-variables", Once(root, { Rule, Declaration }) { /* Go through the CSS file once to extract all aliases. We use the extracted alias when resolving derived variables later. */ root.walkDecls(decl => extractAlias(decl)); root.walkDecls(decl => resolveDerivedVariable(decl, variables)); addResolvedVariablesToRootSelector(root, variables, { Rule, Declaration }); }, }; }; module.exports.postcss = true;