import Storage from "./storage.js"; import { openDatabase } from "./utils.js"; export default async function createIdbStorage(databaseName) { const db = await openDatabase(databaseName, createStores, 1); return new Storage(db); } function createStores(db) { db.createObjectStore("sync"); //sync token // any way to make keys unique here? db.createObjectStore("roomSummary", {keyPath: "room_id"}); const timeline = db.createObjectStore("roomTimeline", {keyPath: ["room_id", "sort_key"]}); timeline.createIndex("by_event_id", ["room_id", "event.event_id"], {unique: true}); // how to get the first/last x events for a room? // we don't want to specify the sort key, but would need an index for the room_id? // take sort_key as primary key then and have index on event_id? // still, you also can't have a PK of [room_id, sort_key] and get the last or first events with just the room_id? the only thing that changes it that the PK will provide an inherent sorting that you inherit in an index that only has room_id as keyPath??? There must be a better way, need to write a prototype test for this. // SOLUTION: with numeric keys, you can just us a min/max value to get first/last // db.createObjectStore("members", ["room_id", "state_key"]); const state = db.createObjectStore("roomState", {keyPath: ["event.room_id", "event.type", "event.state_key"]}); }