function subtleCryptoResult(promiseOrOp) { if (promiseOrOp instanceof Promise) { return promiseOrOp; } else { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { promiseOrOp.oncomplete = e => resolve(; promiseOrOp.onerror = e => reject(e); }); } } class CryptoHMACDriver { constructor(subtleCrypto) { this._subtleCrypto = subtleCrypto; } /** * [hmac description] * @param {BufferSource} key * @param {BufferSource} mac * @param {BufferSource} data * @param {HashName} hash * @return {boolean} */ async verify(key, mac, data, hash) { const hmacKey = await subtleCryptoResult(this._subtleCrypto.importKey( 'raw', key, { name: 'HMAC', hash: {name: hashName(hash)}, }, false, ['verify'], )); const isVerified = await subtleCryptoResult(this._subtleCrypto.verify( {name: "HMAC"}, hmacKey, mac, data, )); return isVerified; } async compute(key, data, hash) { const hmacKey = await subtleCryptoResult(this._subtleCrypto.importKey( 'raw', key, { name: 'HMAC', hash: {name: hashName(hash)}, }, false, ['sign'], )); const buffer = await subtleCryptoResult(this._subtleCrypto.sign( {name: "HMAC"}, hmacKey, data, )); return new Uint8Array(buffer); } } const nwbo = (num, len) => { const arr = new Uint8Array(len); for(let i=0; i> ((len - i - 1)*8)); return arr; }; class CryptoLegacyDeriveDriver { constructor(cryptoDriver) { this._cryptoDriver = cryptoDriver; } async pbkdf2(password, iterations, salt, hash, length) { const dkLen = length / 8; if (iterations <= 0) { throw new Error('InvalidIterationCount'); } if (dkLen <= 0) { throw new Error('InvalidDerivedKeyLength'); } const hLen = this._cryptoDriver.digestSize(hash); if(dkLen > (Math.pow(2, 32) - 1) * hLen) throw new Error('DerivedKeyTooLong'); const l = Math.ceil(dkLen/hLen); const r = dkLen - (l-1)*hLen; const funcF = async (i) => { const seed = new Uint8Array(salt.length + 4); seed.set(salt); seed.set(nwbo(i+1, 4), salt.length); let u = await this._cryptoDriver.hmac.compute(password, seed, hash); let outputF = new Uint8Array(u); for(let j = 1; j < iterations; j++){ if ((j % 1000) === 0) { console.log(j, j/iterations); } u = await this._cryptoDriver.hmac.compute(password, u, hash); outputF = (elem, idx) => elem ^ outputF[idx]); } return {index: i, value: outputF}; }; const Tis = []; const DK = new Uint8Array(dkLen); for(let i = 0; i < l; i++) { Tis.push(funcF(i)); } const TisResolved = await Promise.all(Tis); TisResolved.forEach(elem => { if (elem.index !== l - 1) { DK.set(elem.value, elem.index*hLen); } else { DK.set(elem.value.slice(0, r), elem.index*hLen); } }); return DK; } // based on async hkdf(key, salt, info, hash, length) { length = length / 8; const len = this._cryptoDriver.digestSize(hash); // RFC5869 Step 1 (Extract) const prk = await this._cryptoDriver.hmac.compute(salt, key, hash); // RFC5869 Step 2 (Expand) let t = new Uint8Array([]); const okm = new Uint8Array(Math.ceil(length / len) * len); for(let i = 0; i < Math.ceil(length / len); i++){ const concat = new Uint8Array(t.length + info.length + 1); concat.set(t); concat.set(info, t.length); concat.set(new Uint8Array([i+1]), t.length + info.length); t = await this._cryptoDriver.hmac.compute(prk, concat, hash); okm.set(t, len * i); } return okm.slice(0, length); } } class CryptoDeriveDriver { constructor(subtleCrypto) { this._subtleCrypto = subtleCrypto; } /** * [pbkdf2 description] * @param {BufferSource} password * @param {Number} iterations * @param {BufferSource} salt * @param {HashName} hash * @param {Number} length the desired length of the generated key, in bits (not bytes!) * @return {BufferSource} */ async pbkdf2(password, iterations, salt, hash, length) { const key = await subtleCryptoResult(this._subtleCrypto.importKey( 'raw', password, {name: 'PBKDF2'}, false, ['deriveBits'], )); const keybits = await subtleCryptoResult(this._subtleCrypto.deriveBits( { name: 'PBKDF2', salt, iterations, hash: hashName(hash), }, key, length, )); return new Uint8Array(keybits); } /** * [hkdf description] * @param {BufferSource} key [description] * @param {BufferSource} salt [description] * @param {BufferSource} info [description] * @param {HashName} hash the hash to use * @param {Number} length desired length of the generated key in bits (not bytes!) * @return {[type]} [description] */ async hkdf(key, salt, info, hash, length) { const hkdfkey = await subtleCryptoResult(this._subtleCrypto.importKey( 'raw', key, {name: "HKDF"}, false, ["deriveBits"], )); const keybits = await subtleCryptoResult(this._subtleCrypto.deriveBits({ name: "HKDF", salt, info, hash: hashName(hash), }, hkdfkey, length, )); return new Uint8Array(keybits); } } class CryptoAESDriver { constructor(subtleCrypto) { this._subtleCrypto = subtleCrypto; } /** * [decrypt description] * @param {BufferSource} key [description] * @param {BufferSource} iv [description] * @param {BufferSource} ciphertext [description] * @return {BufferSource} [description] */ async decrypt(key, iv, ciphertext) { const aesKey = await subtleCryptoResult(this._subtleCrypto.importKey( 'raw', key, {name: 'AES-CTR'}, false, ['decrypt'], )); const plaintext = await subtleCryptoResult(this._subtleCrypto.decrypt( // see { name: "AES-CTR", counter: iv, length: 64, }, aesKey, ciphertext, )); return new Uint8Array(plaintext); } } function hashName(name) { if (name !== "SHA-256" && name !== "SHA-512") { throw new Error(`Invalid hash name: ${name}`); } return name; } export class CryptoDriver { constructor(subtleCrypto) { this.aes = new CryptoAESDriver(subtleCrypto); //this.derive = new CryptoDeriveDriver(subtleCrypto); this.derive = new CryptoLegacyDeriveDriver(this); // subtleCrypto.deriveBits ? // new CryptoDeriveDriver(subtleCrypto) : // new CryptoLegacyDeriveDriver(this); this.hmac = new CryptoHMACDriver(subtleCrypto); this._subtleCrypto = subtleCrypto; } /** * [digest description] * @param {HashName} hash * @param {BufferSource} data * @return {BufferSource} */ async digest(hash, data) { return await subtleCryptoResult(this._subtleCrypto.digest(hashName(hash), data)); } digestSize(hash) { switch (hashName(hash)) { case "SHA-512": return 64; case "SHA-256": return 32; default: throw new Error(`Not implemented for ${hashName(hash)}`); } } } function decodeBase64(base64) { const binStr = window.atob(base64); const len = binStr.length; const bytes = new Uint8Array(len); for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { bytes[i] = binStr.charCodeAt(i); } return bytes; } const DEFAULT_ITERATIONS = 500000; const DEFAULT_BITSIZE = 256; export async function deriveSSSSKey(cryptoDriver, passphrase, ssssKey) { const textEncoder = new TextEncoder(); return await cryptoDriver.derive.pbkdf2( textEncoder.encode(passphrase), ssssKey.content.passphrase.iterations || DEFAULT_ITERATIONS, textEncoder.encode(ssssKey.content.passphrase.salt), "SHA-512", ssssKey.content.passphrase.bits || DEFAULT_BITSIZE); } export async function decryptSecret(cryptoDriver, keyId, ssssKey, event) { const textEncoder = new TextEncoder(); const textDecoder = new TextDecoder(); // now derive the aes and mac key from the 4s key const hkdfKey = await cryptoDriver.derive.hkdf( ssssKey, new Uint8Array(8).buffer, //salt textEncoder.encode(event.type), // info "SHA-256", 512 // 512 bits or 64 bytes ); const aesKey = hkdfKey.slice(0, 32); const hmacKey = hkdfKey.slice(32); const data = event.content.encrypted[keyId]; const ciphertextBytes = decodeBase64(data.ciphertext); const isVerified = await cryptoDriver.hmac.verify( hmacKey, decodeBase64(data.mac), ciphertextBytes, "SHA-256"); if (!isVerified) { throw new Error("Bad MAC"); } const plaintext = await cryptoDriver.aes.decrypt(aesKey, decodeBase64(data.iv), ciphertextBytes); return textDecoder.decode(new Uint8Array(plaintext)); } export async function decryptSession(backupKeyBase64, backupInfo, sessionResponse) { const privKey = decodeBase64(backupKeyBase64); const decryption = new window.Olm.PkDecryption(); let backupPubKey; try { backupPubKey = decryption.init_with_private_key(privKey); } catch (e) {; throw e; } // If the pubkey computed from the private data we've been given // doesn't match the one in the auth_data, the user has enetered // a different recovery key / the wrong passphrase. if (backupPubKey !== backupInfo.auth_data.public_key) { console.log({backupPubKey}) throw new Error("bad backup key"); } const sessionInfo = decryption.decrypt( sessionResponse.session_data.ephemeral, sessionResponse.session_data.mac, sessionResponse.session_data.ciphertext, ); return JSON.parse(sessionInfo); }