const factory = { Clock: () => new DOMClock(), Request: () => fetchRequest, Online: () => new DOMOnline(), HomeServerApi: () } export const LoadState = createEnum( "Loading", "InitialSync", "Migrating", //not used atm, but would fit here "Error", "Ready", ); class SessionContainer extends ObservableValue { constructor({clock, random, isOnline, request, storageFactory, factory}) { this.disposables = new Disposables(); } dispose() { this.disposables.dispose(); } get state() { return this._state; } _setState(state) { if (state !== this._state) { const previousState = this._state; this._state = state; this.emit(previousState); } } get sync() { return this._sync; } get session() { return this._session; } _createReconnector() { const reconnector = new Reconnector( new ExponentialRetryDelay(2000, this._clock.createTimeout), this._clock.createMeasure ); // retry connection immediatly when online is detected this.disposables.track(isOnline.subscribe(online => { if(online) { reconnector.tryNow(); } })); return reconnector; } async start(sessionInfo) { try { this._setState(LoadState.Loading); this._reconnector = this._createReconnector(); const hsApi = this._createHsApi(sessionInfo.homeServer, sessionInfo.accessToken, this._reconnector); const storage = await this._storageFactory.create(; // no need to pass access token to session const filteredSessionInfo = { deviceId: sessionInfo.deviceId, userId: sessionInfo.userId, homeServer: sessionInfo.homeServer, }; this._session = new Session({storage, sessionInfo: filteredSessionInfo, hsApi}); await this._session.load(); this._sync = new Sync({hsApi, storage, this._session}); // notify sync and session when back online this.disposables.track(reconnector.subscribe(state => { this._sync.start(); session.notifyNetworkAvailable(reconnector.lastVersionsResponse); })); const needsInitialSync = !this._session.syncToken; if (!needsInitialSync) { this._setState(LoadState.Ready); } else { this._setState(LoadState.InitialSync); } await this._sync.start(); this._setState(LoadState.Ready); this._session.notifyNetworkAvailable(); } catch (err) { this._error = err; this._setState(LoadState.Error); } } }