import {LoadStatus, LoginFailure} from "../matrix/SessionContainer.js"; import {SyncStatus} from "../matrix/Sync.js"; import {ViewModel} from "./ViewModel.js"; export class SessionLoadViewModel extends ViewModel { constructor({createAndStartSessionContainer, sessionCallback, homeserver, deleteSessionOnCancel}) { super(); this._createAndStartSessionContainer = createAndStartSessionContainer; this._sessionCallback = sessionCallback; this._homeserver = homeserver; this._deleteSessionOnCancel = deleteSessionOnCancel; this._loading = false; this._error = null; } async start() { if (this._loading) { return; } try { this._loading = true; this.emitChange(); this._sessionContainer = this._createAndStartSessionContainer(); this._waitHandle = this._sessionContainer.loadStatus.waitFor(s => { this.emitChange(); // wait for initial sync, but not catchup sync const isCatchupSync = s === LoadStatus.FirstSync && this._sessionContainer.sync.status.get() === SyncStatus.CatchupSync; return isCatchupSync || s === LoadStatus.LoginFailed || s === LoadStatus.Error || s === LoadStatus.Ready; }); try { await this._waitHandle.promise; } catch (err) { return; // aborted by goBack } // TODO: should we deal with no connection during initial sync // and we're retrying as well here? // e.g. show in the label what is going on wrt connectionstatus // much like we will once you are in the app. Probably a good idea // did it finish or get stuck at LoginFailed or Error? const loadStatus = this._sessionContainer.loadStatus.get(); if (loadStatus === LoadStatus.FirstSync || loadStatus === LoadStatus.Ready) { this._sessionCallback(this._sessionContainer); } } catch (err) { this._error = err; } finally { this._loading = false; this.emitChange(); } } async cancel() { try { if (this._sessionContainer) { this._sessionContainer.stop(); if (this._deleteSessionOnCancel) { await this._sessionContainer.deletSession(); } this._sessionContainer = null; } if (this._waitHandle) { // rejects with AbortError this._waitHandle.dispose(); this._waitHandle = null; } this._sessionCallback(); } catch (err) { this._error = err; this.emitChange(); } } // to show a spinner or not get loading() { return this._loading; } get loadLabel() { const sc = this._sessionContainer; const error = this._error || (sc && sc.loadError); if (error || (sc && sc.loadStatus.get() === LoadStatus.Error)) { return `Something went wrong: ${error && error.message}.`; } if (sc) { switch (sc.loadStatus.get()) { case LoadStatus.NotLoading: return `Preparing…`; case LoadStatus.Login: return `Checking your login and password…`; case LoadStatus.LoginFailed: switch (sc.loginFailure) { case LoginFailure.LoginFailure: return `Your username and/or password don't seem to be correct.`; case LoginFailure.Connection: return `Can't connect to ${this._homeserver}.`; case LoginFailure.Unknown: return `Something went wrong while checking your login and password.`; } break; case LoadStatus.Loading: return `Loading your conversations…`; case LoadStatus.FirstSync: return `Getting your conversations from the server…`; default: return this._sessionContainer.loadStatus.get(); } } return `Preparing…`; } }