const fs = require('fs/promises'); const path = require('path'); module.exports = function injectWebManifest(manifestFile) { let root; let manifestHref; return { name: "hydrogen:injectWebManifest", apply: "build", configResolved: config => { root = config.root; }, transformIndexHtml: { transform(html) { return [{ tag: "link", attrs: {rel: "manifest", href: manifestHref}, injectTo: "head" }]; }, }, generateBundle: async function() { const absoluteManifestFile = path.resolve(root, manifestFile); const manifestDir = path.dirname(absoluteManifestFile); const json = await fs.readFile(absoluteManifestFile, {encoding: "utf8"}); const manifest = JSON.parse(json); for (const icon of manifest.icons) { const iconFileName = path.resolve(manifestDir, icon.src); const imgData = await fs.readFile(iconFileName); const ref = this.emitFile({ type: "asset", name: path.basename(iconFileName), source: imgData }); // we take the basename as getFileName gives the filename // relative to the output dir, but the manifest is an asset // just like they icon, so we assume they end up in the same dir icon.src = path.basename(this.getFileName(ref)); } const outputName = path.basename(absoluteManifestFile); const manifestRef = this.emitFile({ type: "asset", name: outputName, source: JSON.stringify(manifest) }); manifestHref = this.getFileName(manifestRef); } }; }