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2020-09-03 19:06:17 +05:30
Copyright 2020 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import {MEGOLM_ALGORITHM, DecryptionSource} from "./common.js";
2020-09-03 19:06:17 +05:30
import {groupBy} from "../../utils/groupBy.js";
import {mergeMap} from "../../utils/mergeMap.js";
2020-09-03 19:06:17 +05:30
import {makeTxnId} from "../common.js";
2020-09-03 21:20:28 +05:30
const ENCRYPTED_TYPE = "m.room.encrypted";
2020-09-03 19:06:17 +05:30
export class RoomEncryption {
constructor({room, deviceTracker, olmEncryption, megolmEncryption, megolmDecryption, encryptionParams, storage}) {
2020-09-03 19:06:17 +05:30
this._room = room;
this._deviceTracker = deviceTracker;
this._olmEncryption = olmEncryption;
2020-09-03 21:20:28 +05:30
this._megolmEncryption = megolmEncryption;
2020-09-04 19:57:14 +05:30
this._megolmDecryption = megolmDecryption;
2020-09-03 19:06:17 +05:30
// content of the m.room.encryption event
2020-09-03 21:20:28 +05:30
this._encryptionParams = encryptionParams;
this._megolmBackfillCache = this._megolmDecryption.createSessionCache();
this._megolmSyncCache = this._megolmDecryption.createSessionCache();
// not `event_id`, but an internal event id passed in to the decrypt methods
this._eventIdsByMissingSession = new Map();
this._senderDeviceCache = new Map();
this._storage = storage;
notifyTimelineClosed() {
// empty the backfill cache when closing the timeline
this._megolmBackfillCache = this._megolmDecryption.createSessionCache();
this._senderDeviceCache = new Map(); // purge the sender device cache
2020-09-03 19:06:17 +05:30
async writeMemberChanges(memberChanges, txn) {
2020-09-08 17:53:38 +05:30
for (const m of memberChanges.values()) {
if (m.hasLeft) {
this._megolmEncryption.discardOutboundSession(this._room.id, txn);
2020-09-03 19:06:17 +05:30
return await this._deviceTracker.writeMemberChanges(this._room, memberChanges, txn);
// this happens before entries exists, as they are created by the syncwriter
// but we want to be able to map it back to something in the timeline easily
// when retrying decryption.
async prepareDecryptAll(events, source, isTimelineOpen, txn) {
const errors = [];
const validEvents = [];
for (const event of events) {
if (event.redacted_because || event.unsigned?.redacted_because) {
if (event.content?.algorithm !== MEGOLM_ALGORITHM) {
errors.set(event.event_id, new Error("Unsupported algorithm: " + event.content?.algorithm));
let customCache;
let sessionCache;
if (source === DecryptionSource.Sync) {
sessionCache = this._megolmSyncCache;
} else if (source === DecryptionSource.Timeline) {
sessionCache = this._megolmBackfillCache;
} else if (source === DecryptionSource.Retry) {
// when retrying, we could have mixed events from at the bottom of the timeline (sync)
// and somewhere else, so create a custom cache we use just for this operation.
customCache = this._megolmEncryption.createSessionCache();
sessionCache = customCache;
} else {
throw new Error("Unknown source: " + source);
const preparation = await this._megolmDecryption.prepareDecryptAll(
this._room.id, validEvents, sessionCache, txn);
if (customCache) {
return new DecryptionPreparation(preparation, errors, {isTimelineOpen}, this);
async _processDecryptionResults(results, errors, flags, txn) {
for (const error of errors.values()) {
if (error.code === "MEGOLM_NO_SESSION") {
if (flags.isTimelineOpen) {
for (const result of results.values()) {
await this._verifyDecryptionResult(result, txn);
async _verifyDecryptionResult(result, txn) {
let device = this._senderDeviceCache.get(result.senderCurve25519Key);
if (!device) {
device = await this._deviceTracker.getDeviceByCurve25519Key(result.senderCurve25519Key, txn);
this._senderDeviceCache.set(result.senderCurve25519Key, device);
if (device) {
} else if (!this._room.isTrackingMembers) {
_addMissingSessionEvent(event) {
const senderKey = event.content?.["sender_key"];
const sessionId = event.content?.["session_id"];
const key = `${senderKey}|${sessionId}`;
let eventIds = this._eventIdsByMissingSession.get(key);
if (!eventIds) {
eventIds = new Set();
this._eventIdsByMissingSession.set(key, eventIds);
applyRoomKeys(roomKeys) {
// retry decryption with the new sessions
const retryEventIds = [];
for (const roomKey of roomKeys) {
const key = `${roomKey.senderKey}|${roomKey.sessionId}`;
const entriesForSession = this._eventIdsByMissingSession.get(key);
if (entriesForSession) {
return retryEventIds;
2020-09-03 19:06:17 +05:30
async encrypt(type, content, hsApi) {
2020-09-03 21:20:28 +05:30
const megolmResult = await this._megolmEncryption.encrypt(this._room.id, type, content, this._encryptionParams);
// share the new megolm session if needed
if (megolmResult.roomKeyMessage) {
await this._deviceTracker.trackRoom(this._room);
const devices = await this._deviceTracker.devicesForTrackedRoom(this._room.id, hsApi);
await this._sendRoomKey(megolmResult.roomKeyMessage, devices, hsApi);
// if we happen to rotate the session before we have sent newly joined members the room key
// then mark those members as not needing the key anymore
const userIds = Array.from(devices.reduce((set, device) => set.add(device.userId), new Set()));
await this._clearNeedsRoomKeyFlag(userIds);
2020-09-03 21:20:28 +05:30
return {
content: megolmResult.content
2020-09-03 19:06:17 +05:30
needsToShareKeys(memberChanges) {
for (const m of memberChanges.values()) {
if (m.member.needsRoomKey) {
return true;
return false;
async shareRoomKeyToPendingMembers(hsApi) {
// sucks to call this for all encrypted rooms on startup?
const txn = await this._storage.readTxn([this._storage.storeNames.roomMembers]);
const pendingUserIds = await txn.roomMembers.getUserIdsNeedingRoomKey(this._room.id);
return await this._shareRoomKey(pendingUserIds, hsApi);
async shareRoomKeyForMemberChanges(memberChanges, hsApi) {
const pendingUserIds = [];
for (const m of memberChanges.values()) {
if (m.member.needsRoomKey) {
return await this._shareRoomKey(pendingUserIds, hsApi);
async _shareRoomKey(userIds, hsApi) {
if (userIds.length === 0) {
const readRoomKeyTxn = await this._storage.readTxn([this._storage.storeNames.outboundGroupSessions]);
const roomKeyMessage = await this._megolmEncryption.createRoomKeyMessage(this._room.id, readRoomKeyTxn);
// no room key if we haven't created a session yet
// (or we removed it and will create a new one on the next send)
if (roomKeyMessage) {
const devices = await this._deviceTracker.devicesForRoomMembers(this._room.id, userIds, hsApi);
await this._sendRoomKey(roomKeyMessage, devices, hsApi);
const actuallySentUserIds = Array.from(devices.reduce((set, device) => set.add(device.userId), new Set()));
await this._clearNeedsRoomKeyFlag(actuallySentUserIds);
} else {
// we don't have a session yet, clear them all
await this._clearNeedsRoomKeyFlag(userIds);
async _clearNeedsRoomKeyFlag(userIds) {
const txn = await this._storage.readWriteTxn([this._storage.storeNames.roomMembers]);
try {
await Promise.all(userIds.map(async userId => {
const memberData = await txn.roomMembers.get(this._room.id, userId);
if (memberData.needsRoomKey) {
memberData.needsRoomKey = false;
} catch (err) {
throw err;
await txn.complete();
async _sendRoomKey(roomKeyMessage, devices, hsApi) {
const messages = await this._olmEncryption.encrypt(
"m.room_key", roomKeyMessage, devices, hsApi);
await this._sendMessagesToDevices(ENCRYPTED_TYPE, messages, hsApi);
2020-09-03 19:06:17 +05:30
async _sendMessagesToDevices(type, messages, hsApi) {
const messagesByUser = groupBy(messages, message => message.device.userId);
const payload = {
messages: Array.from(messagesByUser.entries()).reduce((userMap, [userId, messages]) => {
userMap[userId] = messages.reduce((deviceMap, message) => {
deviceMap[message.device.deviceId] = message.content;
return deviceMap;
}, {});
return userMap;
}, {})
const txnId = makeTxnId();
await hsApi.sendToDevice(type, payload, txnId).response();
* wrappers around megolm decryption classes to be able to post-process
* the decryption results before turning them
class DecryptionPreparation {
constructor(megolmDecryptionPreparation, extraErrors, flags, roomEncryption) {
this._megolmDecryptionPreparation = megolmDecryptionPreparation;
this._extraErrors = extraErrors;
this._flags = flags;
this._roomEncryption = roomEncryption;
async decrypt() {
return new DecryptionChanges(
await this._megolmDecryptionPreparation.decrypt(),
dispose() {
class DecryptionChanges {
constructor(megolmDecryptionChanges, extraErrors, flags, roomEncryption) {
this._megolmDecryptionChanges = megolmDecryptionChanges;
this._extraErrors = extraErrors;
this._flags = flags;
this._roomEncryption = roomEncryption;
async write(txn) {
const {results, errors} = await this._megolmDecryptionChanges.write(txn);
mergeMap(this._extraErrors, errors);
await this._roomEncryption._processDecryptionResults(results, errors, this._flags, txn);
return new BatchDecryptionResult(results, errors);
class BatchDecryptionResult {
constructor(results, errors) {
this.results = results;
this.errors = errors;
console.log("BatchDecryptionResult", this);
applyToEntries(entries) {
console.log("BatchDecryptionResult.applyToEntries", this);
for (const entry of entries) {
const result = this.results.get(entry.id);
if (result) {
} else {
const error = this.errors.get(entry.id);
if (error) {