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2021-03-23 12:32:11 +01:00
Pseudo code of how SSO should work:
// 1. Starting SSO
const loginOptions = await sessionContainer.queryLogin("matrix.org");
// every login option (the return type of loginOptions.password and loginOptions.sso.createLogin)
// that can be passed in to startWithLogin will implement a common LoginMethod interface that has:
// - a `homeserver` property (so the hsApi can be created for it before passing it into `login`)
// - a method `async login(hsApi, deviceName)` that returns loginData (device_id, user_id, access_token)
// loginOptions goes to the LoginViewModel
// if password login, mapped to PasswordLoginViewModel
if (loginOptions.password) {
sessionContainer.startWithLogin(loginOptions.password(username, password));
// if sso login, mapped to SSOLoginViewModel
if (loginOptions.sso) {
const {sso} = loginOptions;
// params contains everything needed to create a callback url:
// the homeserver, and optionally the provider
let provider = null;
if (sso.providers) {
// show button for each provider
// pick the first one as an example
provider = providers[0];
// when sso button is clicked:
// store the homeserver for when we get redirected back after the sso flow
platform.settingsStorage.setString("sso_homeserver", loginOptions.homeserver);
// create the redirect url
const callbackUrl = urlCreator.createSSOCallbackURL(); // will just return the document url without any fragment
const redirectUrl = sso.createRedirectUrl(callbackUrl, provider);
// and open it
// 2. URLRouter, History & parseUrlPath will need to also take the query params into account, so hydrogen.element.io/?loginToken=abc can be converted into a navigation path of [{type: "sso", value: "abc"}]
// 3. when "sso" is on the navigation path, a CompleteSSOLoginView is shown.
// It will use the same SessionLoadView(Model) as for password login once login is called.
// Also see RootViewModel._applyNavigation.
// Its view model will do something like:
// need to retrieve ssoHomeserver url in localStorage
const ssoHomeserver = platform.settingsStorage.getString("sso_homeserver");
// need to retrieve loginToken from query parameters
const loginToken = "..."; // passed in to view model constructor
const loginOptions = await sessionContainer.queryLogin(ssoHomeserver);