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# Typescript migration
## Introduce `abstract` & `override`
- find all methods and getters that throw or are empty in base classes and turn into abstract method or if all methods are abstract, into an interface.
- change child impls to not call super.method and to add override
- don't allow implicit override in ts config
2021-11-30 19:45:25 +05:30
## Use `type` rather than `interface` for named parameters and POJO return values.
`type` and `interface` can be used somewhat interchangebly used, but let's use `type` to describe data and `interface` to describe (polymorphic) behaviour.
Good examples of data are option objects to have named parameters, and POJO (plain old javascript objects) without any methods, just fields.
Also see [this playground](https://www.typescriptlang.org/play?#code/C4TwDgpgBACghgJwgO2AeTMAlge2QZygF4oBvAKCiqmTgFsIAuKfYBLZAcwG5LqATCABs4IAPzNkAVzoAjCAl4BfcuVCQoAYQAWWIfwzY8hEvCSpDuAlABkZPlQDGOITgTNW7LstWOR+QjMUYHtqKGcCNilHYDcAChxMK3xmIIsk4wBKewcoFRVyPzgArV19KAgAD2AUfkDEYNDqCM9o2IQEjIJmHT0DLvxsijCw-ClIDsSjAkzeEebjEIYAuE5oEgADABJSKeSAOloGJSgsQh29433nVwQlDbnqfKA)