2016-04-08 11:56:29 -07:00

379 lines
11 KiB

// Package audit provides access to the Enterprise Audit API.
// See
// Usage example:
// import ""
// ...
// auditService, err := audit.New(oauthHttpClient)
package audit
import (
// Always reference these packages, just in case the auto-generated code
// below doesn't.
var _ = bytes.NewBuffer
var _ = strconv.Itoa
var _ = fmt.Sprintf
var _ = json.NewDecoder
var _ = io.Copy
var _ = url.Parse
var _ = googleapi.Version
var _ = errors.New
var _ = strings.Replace
const apiId = "audit:v1"
const apiName = "audit"
const apiVersion = "v1"
const basePath = ""
func New(client *http.Client) (*Service, error) {
if client == nil {
return nil, errors.New("client is nil")
s := &Service{client: client, BasePath: basePath}
s.Activities = NewActivitiesService(s)
return s, nil
type Service struct {
client *http.Client
BasePath string // API endpoint base URL
Activities *ActivitiesService
func NewActivitiesService(s *Service) *ActivitiesService {
rs := &ActivitiesService{s: s}
return rs
type ActivitiesService struct {
s *Service
type Activities struct {
// Items: Each record in read response.
Items []*Activity `json:"items,omitempty"`
// Kind: Kind of list response this is.
Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
// Next: Next page URL.
Next string `json:"next,omitempty"`
type Activity struct {
// Actor: User doing the action.
Actor *ActivityActor `json:"actor,omitempty"`
// Events: Activity events.
Events []*ActivityEvents `json:"events,omitempty"`
// Id: Unique identifier for each activity record.
Id *ActivityId `json:"id,omitempty"`
// IpAddress: IP Address of the user doing the action.
IpAddress string `json:"ipAddress,omitempty"`
// Kind: Kind of resource this is.
Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
// OwnerDomain: Domain of source customer.
OwnerDomain string `json:"ownerDomain,omitempty"`
type ActivityActor struct {
// ApplicationId: ID of application which interacted on behalf of the
// user.
ApplicationId int64 `json:"applicationId,omitempty,string"`
// CallerType: User or OAuth 2LO request.
CallerType string `json:"callerType,omitempty"`
// Email: Email address of the user.
Email string `json:"email,omitempty"`
// Key: For OAuth 2LO API requests, consumer_key of the requestor.
Key string `json:"key,omitempty"`
type ActivityEvents struct {
// EventType: Type of event.
EventType string `json:"eventType,omitempty"`
// Name: Name of event.
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// Parameters: Event parameters.
Parameters []*ActivityEventsParameters `json:"parameters,omitempty"`
type ActivityEventsParameters struct {
// Name: Name of the parameter.
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// Value: Value of the parameter.
Value string `json:"value,omitempty"`
type ActivityId struct {
// ApplicationId: Application ID of the source application.
ApplicationId int64 `json:"applicationId,omitempty,string"`
// CustomerId: Obfuscated customer ID of the source customer.
CustomerId string `json:"customerId,omitempty"`
// Time: Time of occurrence of the activity.
Time string `json:"time,omitempty"`
// UniqQualifier: Unique qualifier if multiple events have the same
// time.
UniqQualifier int64 `json:"uniqQualifier,omitempty,string"`
// method id "audit.activities.list":
type ActivitiesListCall struct {
s *Service
customerId string
applicationId int64
opt_ map[string]interface{}
// List: Retrieves a list of activities for a specific customer and
// application.
func (r *ActivitiesService) List(customerId string, applicationId int64) *ActivitiesListCall {
c := &ActivitiesListCall{s: r.s, opt_: make(map[string]interface{})}
c.customerId = customerId
c.applicationId = applicationId
return c
// ActorApplicationId sets the optional parameter "actorApplicationId":
// Application ID of the application which interacted on behalf of the
// user while performing the event.
func (c *ActivitiesListCall) ActorApplicationId(actorApplicationId int64) *ActivitiesListCall {
c.opt_["actorApplicationId"] = actorApplicationId
return c
// ActorEmail sets the optional parameter "actorEmail": Email address of
// the user who performed the action.
func (c *ActivitiesListCall) ActorEmail(actorEmail string) *ActivitiesListCall {
c.opt_["actorEmail"] = actorEmail
return c
// ActorIpAddress sets the optional parameter "actorIpAddress": IP
// Address of host where the event was performed. Supports both IPv4 and
// IPv6 addresses.
func (c *ActivitiesListCall) ActorIpAddress(actorIpAddress string) *ActivitiesListCall {
c.opt_["actorIpAddress"] = actorIpAddress
return c
// Caller sets the optional parameter "caller": Type of the caller.
func (c *ActivitiesListCall) Caller(caller string) *ActivitiesListCall {
c.opt_["caller"] = caller
return c
// ContinuationToken sets the optional parameter "continuationToken":
// Next page URL.
func (c *ActivitiesListCall) ContinuationToken(continuationToken string) *ActivitiesListCall {
c.opt_["continuationToken"] = continuationToken
return c
// EndTime sets the optional parameter "endTime": Return events which
// occured at or before this time.
func (c *ActivitiesListCall) EndTime(endTime string) *ActivitiesListCall {
c.opt_["endTime"] = endTime
return c
// EventName sets the optional parameter "eventName": Name of the event
// being queried.
func (c *ActivitiesListCall) EventName(eventName string) *ActivitiesListCall {
c.opt_["eventName"] = eventName
return c
// MaxResults sets the optional parameter "maxResults": Number of
// activity records to be shown in each page.
func (c *ActivitiesListCall) MaxResults(maxResults int64) *ActivitiesListCall {
c.opt_["maxResults"] = maxResults
return c
// StartTime sets the optional parameter "startTime": Return events
// which occured at or after this time.
func (c *ActivitiesListCall) StartTime(startTime string) *ActivitiesListCall {
c.opt_["startTime"] = startTime
return c
// Fields allows partial responses to be retrieved.
// See
// for more information.
func (c *ActivitiesListCall) Fields(s ...googleapi.Field) *ActivitiesListCall {
c.opt_["fields"] = googleapi.CombineFields(s)
return c
func (c *ActivitiesListCall) Do() (*Activities, error) {
var body io.Reader = nil
params := make(url.Values)
params.Set("alt", "json")
if v, ok := c.opt_["actorApplicationId"]; ok {
params.Set("actorApplicationId", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["actorEmail"]; ok {
params.Set("actorEmail", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["actorIpAddress"]; ok {
params.Set("actorIpAddress", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["caller"]; ok {
params.Set("caller", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["continuationToken"]; ok {
params.Set("continuationToken", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["endTime"]; ok {
params.Set("endTime", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["eventName"]; ok {
params.Set("eventName", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["maxResults"]; ok {
params.Set("maxResults", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["startTime"]; ok {
params.Set("startTime", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["fields"]; ok {
params.Set("fields", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative(c.s.BasePath, "{customerId}/{applicationId}")
urls += "?" + params.Encode()
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", urls, body)
googleapi.Expand(req.URL, map[string]string{
"customerId": c.customerId,
"applicationId": strconv.FormatInt(c.applicationId, 10),
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "google-api-go-client/0.5")
res, err := c.s.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer googleapi.CloseBody(res)
if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
return nil, err
var ret *Activities
if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&ret); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret, nil
// {
// "description": "Retrieves a list of activities for a specific customer and application.",
// "httpMethod": "GET",
// "id": "audit.activities.list",
// "parameterOrder": [
// "customerId",
// "applicationId"
// ],
// "parameters": {
// "actorApplicationId": {
// "description": "Application ID of the application which interacted on behalf of the user while performing the event.",
// "format": "int64",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "string"
// },
// "actorEmail": {
// "description": "Email address of the user who performed the action.",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "string"
// },
// "actorIpAddress": {
// "description": "IP Address of host where the event was performed. Supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "string"
// },
// "applicationId": {
// "description": "Application ID of the application on which the event was performed.",
// "format": "int64",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "caller": {
// "description": "Type of the caller.",
// "enum": [
// "application_owner",
// "customer"
// ],
// "enumDescriptions": [
// "Caller is an application owner.",
// "Caller is a customer."
// ],
// "location": "query",
// "type": "string"
// },
// "continuationToken": {
// "description": "Next page URL.",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "string"
// },
// "customerId": {
// "description": "Represents the customer who is the owner of target object on which action was performed.",
// "location": "path",
// "pattern": "C.+",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "endTime": {
// "description": "Return events which occured at or before this time.",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "string"
// },
// "eventName": {
// "description": "Name of the event being queried.",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "string"
// },
// "maxResults": {
// "description": "Number of activity records to be shown in each page.",
// "format": "int32",
// "location": "query",
// "maximum": "1000",
// "minimum": "1",
// "type": "integer"
// },
// "startTime": {
// "description": "Return events which occured at or after this time.",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "string"
// }
// },
// "path": "{customerId}/{applicationId}",
// "response": {
// "$ref": "Activities"
// }
// }