Joe Bowers 85113748a8 server: unify password reset and email verification code and behavior
This patch proposes behavioral changes. In particular, referring
systems will need to provide client ids under all circumstances.
2015-10-16 14:47:58 -07:00

490 lines
12 KiB

package user
import (
const (
MaxEmailLength = 200
// ClaimPasswordResetPassword represents the hash of the password to be
// reset; in other words, the old password
ClaimPasswordResetPassword = ""
// ClaimEmailVerificationEmail represents the email to be verified. Note
// that we are intentionally not using the "email" claim for this purpose.
ClaimEmailVerificationEmail = ""
// ClaimPasswordResetCallback represents where a user should be sent after
// resetting their password.
ClaimPasswordResetCallback = ""
// Claim representing where a user should be sent after verifying their email address.
ClaimEmailVerificationCallback = ""
// Claim representing where a user should be sent after responding to an invitation
ClaimInvitationCallback = ""
type UserIDGenerator func() (string, error)
func DefaultUserIDGenerator() (string, error) {
return uuid.New(), nil
type User struct {
// ID is the machine-generated, stable, unique identifier for this User.
ID string
// DisplayName is human readable name meant for display purposes.
// DisplayName is not neccesarily unique with a UserRepo.
DisplayName string
Email string
EmailVerified bool
Admin bool
Disabled bool
CreatedAt time.Time
type UserFilter struct {
// TODO(bobbyrullo): actually put stuff in here.
// AddToClaims adds basic information about the user to the given Claims.
func (u *User) AddToClaims(claims jose.Claims) {
claims.Add("name", u.DisplayName)
if u.Email != "" {
claims.Add("email", u.Email)
if u.EmailVerified {
claims.Add("email_verified", true)
// UserRepo implementations maintain a persistent set of users.
// The following invariants must be maintained:
// * Users must have a unique Email and ID
// * No other Users may have the same RemoteIdentity as one of the
// users. (This constraint may be relaxed in the future)
type UserRepo interface {
Get(tx repo.Transaction, id string) (User, error)
// List returns a list of users meeting the given conditions.
// A nextPageToken is returned when there are further results to be had,
// with the expectation that it will be passed into a subsequent List
// call. When nextPageToken is non-empty filter and maxResults are ignored.
List(tx repo.Transaction, filter UserFilter, maxResults int, nextPageToken string) ([]User, string, error)
Create(repo.Transaction, User) error
GetByEmail(tx repo.Transaction, email string) (User, error)
Disable(tx repo.Transaction, id string, disabled bool) error
Update(repo.Transaction, User) error
GetByRemoteIdentity(repo.Transaction, RemoteIdentity) (User, error)
AddRemoteIdentity(tx repo.Transaction, userID string, remoteID RemoteIdentity) error
RemoveRemoteIdentity(tx repo.Transaction, userID string, remoteID RemoteIdentity) error
GetRemoteIdentities(tx repo.Transaction, userID string) ([]RemoteIdentity, error)
GetAdminCount(repo.Transaction) (int, error)
var (
ErrorDuplicateID = errors.New("ID not available")
ErrorDuplicateEmail = errors.New("email not available")
ErrorDuplicateRemoteIdentity = errors.New("remote identity already in use for another user")
ErrorInvalidEmail = errors.New("invalid Email")
ErrorInvalidID = errors.New("invalid ID")
ErrorNotFound = errors.New("user not found in repository")
// RemoteIdentity represents a User's identity at an IDP.
type RemoteIdentity struct {
// IDPCID is the identifier of the IDP which hosts this identity.
ConnectorID string
// ID is the identifier of this User at the IDP.
ID string
func ValidEmail(email string) bool {
address, err := mail.ParseAddress(email)
if err != nil {
return false
if address.Name != "" || address.Address == "" {
return false
return true
func ValidPassword(plaintext string) bool {
return len(plaintext) > 5
// NewUserRepo returns an in-memory UserRepo useful for development.
func NewUserRepo() UserRepo {
return &memUserRepo{
usersByID: make(map[string]User),
userIDsByEmail: make(map[string]string),
userIDsByRemoteID: make(map[RemoteIdentity]string),
remoteIDsByUserID: make(map[string]map[RemoteIdentity]struct{}),
type memUserRepo struct {
usersByID map[string]User
userIDsByEmail map[string]string
userIDsByRemoteID map[RemoteIdentity]string
remoteIDsByUserID map[string]map[RemoteIdentity]struct{}
func (r *memUserRepo) Get(_ repo.Transaction, id string) (User, error) {
user, ok := r.usersByID[id]
if !ok {
return User{}, ErrorNotFound
return user, nil
type usersByEmail []User
func (s usersByEmail) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s usersByEmail) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
func (s usersByEmail) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i].Email < s[j].Email }
func (r *memUserRepo) List(tx repo.Transaction, filter UserFilter, maxResults int, nextPageToken string) ([]User, string, error) {
var offset int
var err error
if nextPageToken != "" {
filter, maxResults, offset, err = DecodeNextPageToken(nextPageToken)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
users := []User{}
for _, usr := range r.usersByID {
users = append(users, usr)
high := offset + maxResults
var tok string
if high >= len(users) {
high = len(users)
} else {
tok, err = EncodeNextPageToken(filter, maxResults, high)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
if len(users[offset:high]) == 0 {
return nil, "", ErrorNotFound
return users[offset:high], tok, nil
func (r *memUserRepo) GetByEmail(tx repo.Transaction, email string) (User, error) {
userID, ok := r.userIDsByEmail[email]
if !ok {
return User{}, ErrorNotFound
return r.Get(tx, userID)
func (r *memUserRepo) Create(_ repo.Transaction, user User) error {
if user.ID == "" {
return ErrorInvalidID
if !ValidEmail(user.Email) {
return ErrorInvalidEmail
// make sure no one has the same ID; if using UUID the chances of this
// happening are astronomically small.
_, ok := r.usersByID[user.ID]
if ok {
return ErrorDuplicateID
// make sure there's no other user with the same Email
_, ok = r.userIDsByEmail[user.Email]
if ok {
return ErrorDuplicateEmail
return nil
func (r *memUserRepo) Update(_ repo.Transaction, user User) error {
if user.ID == "" {
return ErrorInvalidID
if !ValidEmail(user.Email) {
return ErrorInvalidEmail
// make sure this user exists already
_, ok := r.usersByID[user.ID]
if !ok {
return ErrorNotFound
// make sure there's no other user with the same Email
otherID, ok := r.userIDsByEmail[user.Email]
if ok && otherID != user.ID {
return ErrorDuplicateEmail
return nil
func (r *memUserRepo) Disable(_ repo.Transaction, id string, disable bool) error {
if id == "" {
return ErrorInvalidID
user, ok := r.usersByID[id]
if !ok {
return ErrorNotFound
user.Disabled = disable
return nil
func (r *memUserRepo) AddRemoteIdentity(_ repo.Transaction, userID string, ri RemoteIdentity) error {
_, ok := r.usersByID[userID]
if !ok {
return ErrorNotFound
_, ok = r.userIDsByRemoteID[ri]
if ok {
return ErrorDuplicateRemoteIdentity
r.userIDsByRemoteID[ri] = userID
rIDs, ok := r.remoteIDsByUserID[userID]
if !ok {
rIDs = make(map[RemoteIdentity]struct{})
r.remoteIDsByUserID[userID] = rIDs
rIDs[ri] = struct{}{}
return nil
func (r *memUserRepo) RemoveRemoteIdentity(_ repo.Transaction, userID string, ri RemoteIdentity) error {
otherID, ok := r.userIDsByRemoteID[ri]
if !ok {
return ErrorNotFound
if otherID != userID {
return ErrorNotFound
delete(r.userIDsByRemoteID, ri)
delete(r.remoteIDsByUserID[userID], ri)
return nil
func (r *memUserRepo) GetByRemoteIdentity(_ repo.Transaction, ri RemoteIdentity) (User, error) {
userID, ok := r.userIDsByRemoteID[ri]
if !ok {
return User{}, ErrorNotFound
user, ok := r.usersByID[userID]
if !ok {
return User{}, ErrorNotFound
return user, nil
func (r *memUserRepo) GetRemoteIdentities(_ repo.Transaction, userID string) ([]RemoteIdentity, error) {
ids := []RemoteIdentity{}
for id := range r.remoteIDsByUserID[userID] {
ids = append(ids, id)
return ids, nil
func (r *memUserRepo) GetAdminCount(_ repo.Transaction) (int, error) {
var i int
for _, usr := range r.usersByID {
if usr.Admin {
return i, nil
func (r *memUserRepo) set(user User) error {
r.usersByID[user.ID] = user
r.userIDsByEmail[user.Email] = user.ID
return nil
type UserWithRemoteIdentities struct {
User User `json:"user"`
RemoteIdentities []RemoteIdentity `json:"remoteIdentities"`
// NewUserRepoFromFile returns an in-memory UserRepo useful for development given a JSON serialized file of Users.
func NewUserRepoFromFile(loc string) (UserRepo, error) {
us, err := readUsersFromFile(loc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewUserRepoFromUsers(us), nil
func NewUserRepoFromUsers(us []UserWithRemoteIdentities) UserRepo {
memUserRepo := NewUserRepo().(*memUserRepo)
for _, u := range us {
for _, ri := range u.RemoteIdentities {
memUserRepo.AddRemoteIdentity(nil, u.User.ID, ri)
return memUserRepo
func newUsersFromReader(r io.Reader) ([]UserWithRemoteIdentities, error) {
var us []UserWithRemoteIdentities
err := json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&us)
return us, err
func readUsersFromFile(loc string) ([]UserWithRemoteIdentities, error) {
uf, err := os.Open(loc)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to read users from file %q: %v", loc, err)
defer uf.Close()
us, err := newUsersFromReader(uf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return us, err
func (u *User) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
var dec struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
DisplayName string `json:"displayName"`
Email string `json:"email"`
EmailVerified bool `json:"emailVerified"`
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &dec)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid User entry: %v", err)
u.ID = dec.ID
u.DisplayName = dec.DisplayName
u.Email = dec.Email
u.EmailVerified = dec.EmailVerified
return nil
func (u *RemoteIdentity) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
var dec struct {
ConnectorID string `json:"connectorID"`
ID string `json:"id"`
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &dec)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid RemoteIdentity entry: %v", err)
u.ID = dec.ID
u.ConnectorID = dec.ConnectorID
return nil
type TokenClaims struct {
Claims jose.Claims
func parseAndVerifyTokenClaims(token string, issuer url.URL, keys []key.PublicKey) (TokenClaims, error) {
jwt, err := jose.ParseJWT(token)
if err != nil {
return TokenClaims{}, err
claims, err := jwt.Claims()
if err != nil {
return TokenClaims{}, err
clientID, ok, err := claims.StringClaim("aud")
if err != nil {
return TokenClaims{}, err
if !ok || clientID == "" {
return TokenClaims{}, errors.New("no aud(client ID) claim")
sub, ok, err := claims.StringClaim("sub")
if err != nil {
return TokenClaims{}, err
if !ok || sub == "" {
return TokenClaims{}, errors.New("no sub claim")
noop := func() error { return nil }
keysFunc := func() []key.PublicKey {
return keys
verifier := oidc.NewJWTVerifier(issuer.String(), clientID, noop, keysFunc)
if err := verifier.Verify(jwt); err != nil {
return TokenClaims{}, err
return TokenClaims{claims}, nil